The Scheme Before The Game

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'Wha..... where am I?', Burdine asked no one in particular as she was surrounded in the darkness. She urged to move but her body was being tied to the chair. She panicked.

'Mother Of Pink! Help Me! I'm being kidnapped! Baby! My Useless Interns! Royale!', she cried to no one once more.

'Hehehe.... it looks like it's just you and me...', a familiar sinister voice boomed on the darkness as it slowly walked towards Burdine. Burdine found herself in light again as she gasped over the familiar man she had encountered in her past.....

'Benjamin Thompson?!', He nodded at her sourly. He's AKA Dr Ben and looked like in similiar age of Toni's with short brunette hair, a chocolate lab coat and a pair of glasses perched on his nose.

'I haven't seen you for ages! What IS the meaning of THIS?!', Burdine snarled at him as he smirked at her, held her chin with his hand.

'Oh, my beautiful Sleeping Beauty! It's been 3 decades since we last saw each other. I adore your work. Your effort on trying to equalize the Bratz, I presume on your business?', he purred as Burdine growled.

'YOU LET ME OUT THIS INSTANT! And what do you mean my work? Everybody knows I'm the reigning Queen Of Fashion! Of course I've become successful!', Dr Ben chuckled at that remark as he went over to the familiar simulator.

'You see, my PHD Holder for Biochemist Physics comes from nothing if there's no effort and sacrifice. I left after I graduated to pursue my research on the world's richest and finest raw materials! I traveled everywhere and my researched ended in here, South Africa, the third world country, of all the places. I only escaped from the securities and reluctantly stepped in this hideous country..', he explained with a look of disgusted on his face. He slowly moved aside for Burdine to get a better look at the simulator.

'Behold! My extract simulator! By then, all of Africa's natural resource will crumble and I'll be a Zillionnare in a jiffy! And all of the galaxy will bow down to me!', Dr Ben laughed wickedly as he walked to Burdine with a sinister smile.

'And what? You want me to be the first to support you? Read my lips, mister! Puh.... leez! That was 3 decades ago and I reformed! I wasn't that annoying brat that the faculty used to know! Gosh, you're even worse than Toni Vern!', Burdine scowled at him.

'That football scientist and manager? I haven't heard about him as well. He and I used to be good friends back in our days. You two used to be a lovely couple', Dr Ben asked as they recalled to the back days.

'Yeah? So what? He was soo pathetic that I dumped him by the time he got accepted in Technicali FC. I mean, sports? Soo last season', Burdine lamented callously.

'Oh... you underestimate the power of science, my love. I don't mind you still have feelings for him. I am willing to share...', he purred as he walked back to the simulator.

'You belong to me now', the man smiled as he lightly traced the switch as he smirked 'I always want to have a queen by my side'


Skarra growled as he had to use his car to chase the vehicle that held his fiancee. He groaned as it took an hour to get there! Guess that's why they called a secret base! He growled as he punched on the door that was abandoned for decades and angrily stepped inside to be the superhero.

'MY BABY! DON'T WORRY! I'M HERE FOR YOU!!!!!', he shouted in the abandoned warehouse.


'SKARRA!!!! YOU BETTER NOT SLACKING OFF THIS TIME!', Vince voiced had been heard in the hallway as the Supa Strikas were warming up in their locker rooms.

'What do you expect?', Shakes shrugged. 'That guy likes to rile up a bit. Why do you think we're enemies since kids?'

'We can forget Skarra for now. We know the game plan, we know their strategy and now, let's get the results', Coach informed the team as they cheered for each other before they left the locker room. The Tweevils had been spotted following Klaus from outside the locker  the entire time to the hall.

'Good luck, Klaus. More like, kick their butts!!!!', Kirstee said as Kaycee supported him.

'Yeah, if Burdine were here, she will be like, 'Oh, Klaus Darling do your best!', they bumped at each other before they left. The other players looked at Klaus in dismay.

'I see you still got attached to them, Klaus?', Dancing Rasta asked him as Klaus turned to them with his eyes in hearts.

'I just found out my first love. BURDINE MAXWELL!!!!!!!!!', the others including Coach broke down before they got up to glare at him.

'Klaus brother, have you been in the sugar crazies again?!', Cool Joe glared at him. 'You don't even know her!'

'And even if you do, it's only for a matter of seconds..', Shakes nodded as he tapped his shoulders 'Are you feeling ok?'

'You don't even know how terrible she was in choosing a man', North Shaw agreed as well.

'And how scary her anger is...', Twisting Tiger said as Big Bo nodded.

'You guys don't even know love. Mainly because you been soo distracted with the fans to find those who genuinely love you', Klaus turned to El Matador who whistled like nothing happened.

'It was like a strong current. A Strangers Love! If we get married, I wonder who our children resemble more....', the others wide eyed over the thought as Coach quickly intervened.

'Klaus, I pretend you do NOT say that!', he fixed his glasses as he ordered his players to line up for the upcoming derby.


'ROAR!!!!', Dr Ben swung around to find a fist hit his face as he was being thrown to the floor with all the force.

'YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL!!!!!', Skarra roared as he lunged at the man for a messy brawl.

 Dr Ben somehow lost conscious as he fell to the ground.

 Burdine gasped as she smiled over her Romeo. Skarra quickly rushed to her aid and untie her.

'My darling has come to rescue me!', Burdine smiled as she embraced him. Skarra smirked as he lifted her in a bridal style. God, she looked more sexy in that torn dress that revealed her ....ahem,......ahem...! He froze as he caught a glimpse of his watch!

'DAMN!!! We're late!!!', he growled at the man as he left the building with Burdine in his arms.

However, as they left, unknown to Skarra, Dr Ben had quickly left a tracker on his suit as Dr Ben wickedly smirked from under his breathe.

'You won't be away, my love... I will find you and you will be mine!!!'

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