You must be mad?

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A few hours ago.......

'What the hell am I supposed to wear?!', Skarra rummaged through his wardrobe comically in order to select a good looking suit. He ran a hand on his hair wearily over the options of attire in order to make a good impression to the editor.

'I must look my best to be in the magazine. People will read it. They'll start acknowledge me and neglect Shakes immediately. That'll give me a chance to break and take his place!', Skarra still managed to plot his scheme to take down Shakes through the interview. What a habit!

He looked at the clock on his left side and it was almost time to meet her. He panicked! He had never felt this nervous in his life! Damn it! How come Mr Goodie 2 Shoes managed to remain chill during his interview with Rob, Lena........

Finally, he spotted a nice grey suit on his left side. He smirked as he finally snatched the suit and started to change.....


Skarra sighed as he waited outside the hotel by his black Maserati C12. He hoped he didn't try to pull anything to offend her. He was used to offend people before. The waiter, the press, his rivals, Mr Goodie 2 Shoe....

'Hello', he looked up over the voice 'I hope I didn't keep you waiting', as his jaws dropped and gasped 'Wow....'

Burdine Maxwell stood in front of him with a seducing smile. She blinked her eyes several times before she said 'You look nice. Grey does suit you...'

Skarra gulped as he tried to form a casual smile 'Thank you, ma'am. You look lovely too..'

'Ohh...', Burdine flattered 'I bet you said that to all the girls...'

'Not in a bit', Skarra reassured as he adjusted his tie while Burdine walked to his side and clung his left arm 'Shall we?'

'You guys are wrong all zis time!', Klaus said as he sat beside Shakes 'Burdine is not zat bad. She is nice, sweet, polite..'

'Woah..woah..woah...', Cool Joe stopped him by waving his hand 'Why being defensive so sudden, Klaus?'

'She called me wise and smiled at me', Klaus continued as he sipped on his second mango smoothie.

'Wait...when did you see her?', Shakes asked in surprised.

'Just now...', El Matador almost spill on his coffee while Tiger was near of chocking on his sushi.

'Wa.....', the others leaned in as Dancing Rasta asked 'You got me confused, mon. Who do you exactly meet that time?'

'The twins, Kaycee and Kirstee. Zey wanted my help for their magazines and I shared my latest discovery. Aliens!', the others sighed and face palmed over the last word. His story will be a laughing stock for the magazine for sure!

'Is it the girls who wore same pink dress?', Klaus nodded at North Shaw's question.

'Who have Caucasian skins and tie their hair in a bow?', Klaus nodded again at Eagle Eye's question.

'The one who have nose bandage and different bow?', Klaus said yes to Cool Joe's question.

'They worked for Burdine ?', the others glared at El Matador for the stupid question.

'What exactly are your conversation?', Shakes leaned closer to his friend.

As Klaus shared his information, an unknown person sat by a small table with a newspaper covered its face. It placed a cigarette by its left and brought its coffee in its glass to sip on it for mere seconds. It growled as it muttered, which revealed to be a voice of a man 'I will not delayed it this time!', as he slammed the cup that almost in verge of breaking if it fall on the floor.


'Basically, my favourite part of being a soccer player is that I enjoy laughing at my opponents as they are useless jokes to me', Skarra explained proudly as Burdine jolted down a few of the points from his story to make a scoop.

'I also think, why do they need to come up with rules and regulations like that? Surely we can all handle ourselves in the field, show some guts', Skarra continued irritatingly as he frowned over the refereee and so on. How he wished to have those regulations out from the business

'But then again, who am I to determine everything that occur? I am just a regular footballer who can't voiced out my protest. I bet there are a lot of those losers who wanted the same thing', Burdine was awestruck with his story. Never had she thought he was a very mature and collected man who had to endure the ethics. Soo painful.....

'People always thought I am a jerk that loves to cheat and being a bad mouthed. I mean, I did say something, I didn't exactly let people override me and boss me around. The rivals took pleasure to bully me emotionally. If you ask me, I rather not interview with Shakes from Supa Strikas. He is a selfish jerk and a good charming manipulator that has the entire world wrapped around his little finger. Well, the choice is yours...', Skarra ended his story as the waiter had arrived and served their food. One plate of lamb chop and one plate of green salad. Once their meal is being served, Burdine excused herself.

'Please excuse me but I need to powder my nose'

As she left the washroom a few seconds latet, a good looking old man in his late 50's approached her as he smiled.

'Why hello there! It's rare to see a beautiful woman like you went to the washroom by yourself. How about we go to my table and have tea, getting to know each other', he grinned flirtatiously as he tried to grab her hand but she, in shock slapped his hand before saying.

'You must be mad? A beautiful woman like me don't stick around with a man I met in this 4 seconds. I have dignity if you must know, now ta ta.....', she pushed him aside as she walked to her table in relief. However, she did not see the man stared at her from afar as she did not turn back.

As she reached the table, she scowled 'An old man just came to me and try to flirt me. What a fiend'

'What an ass', Skarra scowled as well as he looked at her ' But are you ok now? Did he try to intimidate you because I am willing to breaking his......'

'It's alright, Skarra. I talked him back and he left me. So it's all settled', Skarra smiled over her win when she talked him back. Guess she is my kind of girl type.

' I never knew you cared for me', by then, the Supa Strikas were about to leave when they spotted Skarra and Burdine behind them.

'I care for you more than myself. You are my treasure.....', Shakes gawked at the scene as El Matador was in the verge of throwing up. Klaus was about to wave at them but Dancing Rasta quickly pulled him out with him to prevent him. The wingers froze as the defenders started to smile. What a day!

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