⚘ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝑶𝒏𝒆

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Trigger warning: harassment and assault.

"What do you mean he left?" Jaemin quirks a brow up as both him and his werewolf boyfriend stared at the witch boy in front of them.

Renjun scratches his nape awkwardly and sighs, "listen, I don't know why he left either. I just told him I'm focusing on my studies and can't really hangout with him."

"Well, from what you've told us, it sounded like more of a 'fuck off, you're tiresome' to me." Jeno sassed.

Jaemin and Renjun stares at him in shock, not really expecting for this side of the purebred omega to show or even existed in the first place.

But then again, him and Haechan are packmates, not to mention they're pretty close. So it would make sense for Jeno to react like that and get offended.

The young alpha werewolf has been there by his side through thick and thin. So, is it time for Jeno to repay him? Even against the alpha's own boyfriend?

Not only that, but a close friend too.

Renjun's not just Haechan's boyfriend, but Jeno's roommate and Jaemin's– who's his boyfriend– own childhood best friend.

Although, Jeno's too caught up with Renjun's words right now. He can't really think properly on what to say or do.

"Jen, I didn't mean to give off that vibe. It's just that I was already stressed with my exams." Renjun tries to explain.

Before the younger boy could reply, Jaemin steps in and says, "hold on, let's all calm down and not make it worse." He attempts to ease the tension.

"Injun, like you said, you're already stressed with the exams coming up soon. So let's try not to stress you out even more with this."

He turns to Jeno and embraces him, pull the younger boy in to his chest, "sweets, baby, I understand why you're reacting like this. Haechan's pretty close to you."

"But calm down for a moment, alright? We don't even know what's going on with Haechan that made him upset." He said towards the two boys.

He then hugs his werewolf boyfriend tighter and says, "how about this, you can check up on Haechan at work and ask him while Renjun just focuses on his studies?"

The witch boy already agreed with a thumbs up, pursing his lips when Jeno remains silent in Jaemin's arms. Until he mutters out, "fine."

He receives a soft kiss on his head before saying, "let's go to my room." Without further more words, Jaemin nods, satisfied, and picks him up.

Renjun understood Jeno's sudden announcement and watches his friends enter the purebred omega's bedroom silently.

Jeno probably wanted to be in his nest so he can calm down, like his vampire boyfriend had asked. And he might've thought Renjun needed to be alone too, whether to study or think about his past actions.

And since Jaemin's his mate now, he also wanted the older boy's presence anyway.

Jaemin spoiling him is just a bonus.

Jeno enters the bakery feeling worried yet also nervous at the same time.

He's not just confronting his packmate, friend or roommate's boyfriend.

But he's confronting an alpha who was previously upset.

He wants to get this over with and kept looking for the right moment to confront Haechan. But the bakery is busy today, so he can't really find the time to do so.

That is until closing time arrived. He was working with Haechan and one of their coworkers, Winwin, today.

It's not rare to work with other people besides his packmate, although some of them like to sneak out or something.

So, Winwin is thankfully not a stranger to Jeno and Haechan.

Thus, Jeno was comfortable confronting the tanned male despite Winwin being in the same room, just in case.

"Hey, Haechannie?" He calls out, immediately receiving a hum from the alpha male.

"Can I ask you something?" He grunts when Haechan came up to him and hugged him.

He doesn't think about it since this is pretty normal in their friendship, Haechan often does this to scent him anyway.

He hugs back in instinct and continues, "I heard you came by the other day when Jaeminie and I were out meeting my parents."

Haechan hums, listening quietly, "what about it?" He mumbles, not letting go and instead finding comfort in their hug.

"To put it shortly, Renjun told me everything." Jeno said, feeling Haechan stiffen. "Why'd you storm out?" He asks.

He expected for Haechan to immediately tell him his side of the story, but he instead got a groan.

He then suddenly feels hot and Haechan's arms tightening around him, "Haechannie?" He asks, voice whimpering.

When he takes a breath due to the tight hug, his eyes widen in panic. Haechan's pheromones are completely– taking over.

Normally, they could still smell the pastries around this time despite already cleaning up, but Jeno can only smell Haechan.

Sure some would think this is a form of scenting, but it's not right now.

Jeno would feel comfortable and accepting when Haechan scents him, even for a little bit because of Jaemin.

But he's not feeling anywhere near relaxed. He feels intimidated and worried.

Just then, he feels the tanned male sniffing the area where his scent glands are located, his nose rubbing on his skin that was starting to sweat.

When he hears a low growl and Winwin looking at them in concern from the corner of his eye, the beta was on a phone call, he tries to push the alpha off him.

But being a purebred omega isn't so helpful in this case, he's extremely weaker than Haechan, who's a regular alpha.

The said alpha male pulls his face away from Jeno's neck and before the purebred omega could react, he connects their lips into a forced kiss.

Jeno whimpers and starts thrashing around, wanting to pull away but unable to do so.

Seeing what just happened, Winwin ends his phonecall and immediately rushes to pull the tanned male away, "Haechan, stop!" He yells.

The regular alpha grunts, slightly pulling away to look at Jeno's teary eyes, "omega," he lowers his tone before connecting their lips again.

Winwin couldn't properly pull him away, the strength Haechan has on right now is no match. The alpha male clearly didn't want to let go and went full out.

Just in time the door slammed open and Haechan was abruptly pushed back, sending him down to the floor with a thud as Winwin was too flustered to catch him.

They both look up at Jaemin holding a crying Jeno in his arms whilst sending a scowl at Haechan.

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