▶ fate

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This chapter is really long.
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She woke up from her sleep, eyes wide and a cheeky grin appeared on her face. She quickly went into the bathroom and did what she has to do before starting her day.

She was different.

She was a person, but not as normal as you see she was. She was born with a responsibility that she had to carry until her last breathe.

She made people happy.

Each day she will meet with a person who needs her comfort. She will become their friends and keep them happy but not for too long. After 12 o'clock in the midnight, she will be erased from their mind. The person that she helped will forget her on the next day.

That was how she lived all of this time, spreading happiness to people who will forget her but she didn't mind. She never really found her own happiness, but she was glad she got to help others.

It was her job, it was her fate.

That morning, she walked down the street with a broad smile plastered on her face. Yesterday, she met an elder woman who hated her life, and luckily she got to help the woman to forget about her problems.

She wondered who was the one she was going to meet today. That was until she saw a man who was sitting in the coffee shop, he was looking outside and she knew he was the one when something inside of her stirred.

She always got the feeling, to let her know which person needed her help the most.

So she walked into the coffee shop and acted like a customer, she bought a cup of espresso and noticed the coffee shop was fulled except empty chairs at the man's table.

"I'm sorry but can I sit here, please?"

She offered him a comforting smile and he nodded, knowing the coffee shop was fulled.

"Thank you. I'm Y/N."

She sat down and extended her hand. He was hesitated, but took it gladly and cracked a warm smile for her.

"I'm Luke."

Luke, now she knew his name and it made it easier for her to take his pain away.

"So, do you always come here?"

She started the conversation and it turned out to be a really great one. She finally knew the reason why he was upset, Luke's mother has died few weeks ago and he still in sorrow.

They ended up walking together down the street, talking and laughing about random things like they were friends since forever.

She took the chance to do something that will make him feel better. She stopped walking and he did the same.
"What's wrong, Y/N?"

"Nothing. I want to know what time is now."

She took his hand and pretended to look at his watch. But she noticed the time, 3.55 p.m. In another eight hours or so he will forget her.

But other than looking at the time, she was touching his skin and looking deep into his soul. That was she had to do to decrease the pain inside of the person. Touch and feel; it will lighten their burden. When she has done, she let go of his hand and smiled.

"Do you have anything to do until tonight, Y/N?"

She looked him in the eyes and noticed the emotional pain was slowly decreasing.

"Nope. Wanna hang out with me until that?"

She was starting to get fond with Luke. He was a good man, and she was comfortable with him.

"Of course. I feel like I've known you in forever!"

He stated, a grin appeared on his handsome feature. She chuckled and nodded.

"But sadly, you'll forget me soon."

She muttered under her breathe and he didn't hear her. He noticed she was muttering something under her breathe, making he cupped her face to force her eyes to meet his.

"What is it, Y/N?"

Their faces were really close that she could felt his warm breathe on her skin. She knew that she shouldn't, but she was blushing crimson while looking at him.

"You're blushing."

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are."

"Shut up!"

He laughed and it was music to her ears. All of this time, she made people happy but now she felt the happiness by herself. She was happy with him.

That night, he sent her home. They were standing in front of her doorstep, eyes on each other. Luke finally broke the ice.

"I had so much fun today, Y/N. Thank you so much."

She can't help but blushed as his gaze fell on her again. He chuckled under his breathe when he saw her adorable reaction.

"I hope to see you again. Can we?"

He asked hopefully. She stunned for seconds, thinking about his question. It hit her hard when she remembered that he will forget her in another few hours.

"Yes--- Um, of course.. We can meet again"

She wasn't sure, but she wanted to meet him again. She felt so happy to be by his side and she didn't want to leave.

Silence wrapped them and they were lost in the moment. He leaned in, and she didn't move a bit. He closed the gap between them with crushing his lips softly against her, tasting and savouring the heat of their bodies pressed together. He caressed her face while she wrapped her arms arouns his neck.

The feeling was impossible for a person like her to feel, but she was feeling it. The excitement and the eagerness for love, she loved it.

They pulled away at the same time, breatheless and they were grinning like idiots.

"I know we only met for a day, Y/N. But I'm feeling something towards you."

"Me too."

He rested his forehead against her and smiled. She was ready to say it, and he was feeling the same.

"I love you."

The confessed at the same time. They laughed and she couldn't help but blushed when he stared right into her eyes.

Forgetting that she will be erased from his memories soon, she let him leave and promised that they will meet again.

She thought the feeling wasn't permanent, but it was.

She knew it when she woke up in the morning, she remembered about Luke. Out of sudden, tears streamed down her face and she was terrified. She was really scared to know that he already forgot her.

So she went to the coffee shop to find him. But as she was going into, something inside of her stirred and her eyes automatically landed on a woman who was walking pass the shops. The woman must be the one who needed her help that day.

She bit her lips, knowing if she goes in, she can't help the woman. And if she run after the woman, she can't meet Luke.

She shrugged it off and walked into the coffee shop. Maybe what she did was selfish, but she loved him too much to let him go.

Her eyes landed on a man who created a smile on her face. She quickly walked to him and touched his shoulder.


She called out, making him turned around and frowned. He looked at her with confusion when she smiled from ear to ear at him.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?"

She froze, tears welled in her eyes as he didn't know her. She knew that this would happen, but she didn't know how bad it will affect her.

"I'm Y/N. We met yesterday, don't you remember?"

Of course he wouldn't. But she won't give up just like that. She needed to make him remember her. Remember their love.

"Yesterday? No, I didn't meet anyone yesterday."

He stated as she was being erased from his mind.

"Please, remember. We met yesterday and we bonded like we've known for years!"

She sounded so eager, but he didn't trust her a bit. He really thought that he never knew this woman named Y/N. When he shook his head, she has nothing to do anymore.

"You loved me, Luke. Please remember."

A tear rolled down her cheek but he still couldn't remember her.

"What are you talking about? I loved you? I don't understand."

He will never understand, because he couldn't. She sighed in disappoinment and nodded defeatedly.

"You forgot about me. But I won't forget that I love you."

She said before leaving him with questions in his head. He didn't even know this woman who suddenly confessed her love, but he did the feel something. But he didn't know what it was, he just watched as she walked away with tears streamed down her face like waterfall.

"This is my fate. I can't be happy for myself."

She took a last glance at the love of her life before she walked away from there. And the days after that, she continued her responsibility and ignoring her own desire of happiness.
Because her fate was sealed and she couldn't change it.

-the end-

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