▶ mistake

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"I'm begging you."

You were in edge of tears, your hands were holding a picture of your husband--- kissing another woman.

"Tell me the truth, Christopher."

He finally looked up at you, eyes red and puffy but not as mess as you. He knew when you called him with his full name, you were so upset and it upsets him too.

"I cheated on you."

His words were like knives stabbes into your heart. Tears streamed down your face like waterfall as your hearbeat quickens.

"But it was a mistake, Y/N. I didn't mean to---"


You screamed at him then broke into tears. You were shaking; for you were containing the sadness and rage which were bubbling inside of you. You didn't like fighting like this, yelling and screaming were not your things but this has been too much.

"Am I not enough, Chris?"

Your voice cracked as you looked him in the eyes. He felt bad that he made you sad, but he couldn't do anything to change it.

"What have I did wrong until you have to find another woman?"

In your eyes, he was always a good husband. He took care and loved you as much as he could, so you really blamed yourself when he did this to you. It was you who was wrong.

"I know I'm not a good wife. But why don't you tell me so I could leave and we don't have to be in this situation."

Your last sentence was more like a statement than a question. He looked at you with teary eyes, his heart ache in thought of hurting you which he has already done.

He reached out for you but you flinched and backed away from him. He was shocked and hurt, you have never pushed him away before.

"Darling, I'm so sorry."

"Don't call me that."

You glared him daggers and crossed your arms against your chest, trying to hide your pain as best as you could.
"I don't know how many women you've been calling that, not just me."

You reasoned, tears still rolled down your cheeks even if you wanted it to stop. He shook his head violently.

"No, no--- That's not true, Y/N. I only love you and only you. She was a mistake, I promised. I'm very sorry."

He sounded sincere and guilty, but you didn't care anymore. You didn't know whether you should trust him or not.

"Then why did you kiss her?"

He swallowed and pressed his lips into a thin line. The explanation wasn't easy, he knew.

"That day we fought, if you could remember. I was mad and I got drunk, I don't know what I was thinking but I'm sure it was a mistake. Y/N, please forgive me."

He pleaded, tears already fell down on his face, staining his honor but he was telling the truth.

"We fought then you kissed another woman. So it was my fault then?"

Were you a terrible wife? You wished someone could tell you that. He bit his lips nervosly and held you. You struggled to get out from his grip but failed because he was much stronger than you.

"I'm really sorry, darling. I didn't know what has gotten into me when I kissed her. But trust me, I love you!"

He begged and cupped your face with his hands. You stopped struggling and chuckled bitterly at him.

"How could--- How could I trust you, Chris? After what you've done, you want me to trust you?"

You scoffed and wiped your tears away. He lost his words for awhile and you let the silence wrapped around you both until he spoke again.
"People make mistakes, Y/N. I do, you do. Please forgive me."

"But it was not just a simple mistake, Chris. You cheated on me."

Your sentence came out more like a whimper. Your heart was torn into pieces and it can't be mend anymore. You were a broken heart.

You needed to make a choice. Whether you should stay or leave, both will determined your future with or without your husband. You took a deep breathe and looked into his eyes.

"I'm leaving."

-the end-

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