Attacked pt.2

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Drew's POV
I sat down on the cliff staring off into the water. Then, all of a sudden, the waves grew angry. Storm angry. I looked at them confused. Then hard, cold rain pounded down on me. My eyes opened in realization. I didn't even put my hood on. I completely Wolf out and start running. I run to her house. She wasn't here. My eyes open scared. No no no no! I start running into the forest as fast as I could. My wolf growling. My brothers and sisters followed me in wolf forms as well. I ran all the way to the lake. Then I went to my were form. I ran over to her. Her stomach was all torn up and she looked just like she did in my dream. I cried both glad and terrified, glad because she is alive, terrified because she looks like she lost a lot of blood. I looked at her neck. It was bite free. I sighed happily. Then I looked at her shoulder. There was a bite mark on her shoulder. After I gave the orders, I go full out wolf again. I ran to the fight. I saw the teacher as a wolf and a pack of other werewolves. Red clouded my vision. My body was in automatic. I transformed into my were form. I felt tears as I tore through everyone.
Cal's POV
I stared at my younger brother scared. We barely needed to block the other pack. He tore through the pack going for the alpha wolf. His eyes were completely red. I can't believe I'm saying this... but I am actually scared of Drew right now... I stared at him as he was covered in blood. His sharp teeth covered in blood. He lunged to the alpha who turned into his were form. My eyes widen as I saw Drew beat him. I was paralyzed as I saw him use his claws to shred his neck. He turns to the water nymph. Cass I believe. He grabbed her by her collar. He held her by her hair. She winced as he pulled it. "How do I fix her!" He demanded. She looked at him scared. He drew his other hand back. "I SAID TELL ME!" He yelled at her. "Y-You can't! Once she's bit by a werewolf, that's it! She becomes one!" The nymph yelled. "She wasn't supposed to get hurt." The nymph cried. McKenna and Cal ran and held him back while all I could do was just stare. He dropped the Nymph. She hurried and went into the ocean. I snapped out of it. I tackled him and pinned him down using my hands to make his hands useless. "Drew!" I yelled. His bloody face was wild. "Drew! Listen!" I yelled to him. "Drew she'll be alright!" I told him. Tears streamed down his bloody face as he struggled. He knew I was lying. If Aria's body rejects the wolf DNA.... she'll die... on top of that, even if her body does accept it, she'll be in extreme pain for a couple of weeks while her body morphs to match the wolf part of her and she has to keep fighting through this as well or she'll die. Then he stopped struggling and his ears perked up. "Mate!" He yelled. He pushed me off of him and he was off. "We can't let him go near Aria! He could hurt her in this state!" I tell Dane and McKenna. They nodded and we ran after him. We ran back to the house. Mom and dad were blocking the way to Aria's room along with Rachel. "Sorry Drew, but we can't let you in there." McKenna said. There was another scream of pain from inside the room. Drew's eyes turned even more red. Then he fought through them making it into the room.
*Meanwhile with the gods*
Poseidon's POV
"Brother if you are going to favor a child, you can at least watch over her." Zeus said. I rolled my eyes at him. Artemis ran in. She walked right up to me. "I'm afraid dear brothers, that it is up to Artemis, not me." I told them. "Poseidon! It would be in your best interests to not be difficult!" Athena said. I rolled my eyes. "Life's been hard on both of them, heal her already Poseidon! Your the one who took favor in her!" Hera yelled. "This has all been very difficult on a beauty like herself, just heal her already please, those marks are going to leave scars." Aphrodite said. I looked to Artemis. "I may have taken favor in her, but it is our dear moon goddess here who created the werewolves, so it is up to her." I told them watching Aria through a pool of water. "You see, wolves are created from the moon, and so it is up to her if the wolf's DNA accepts her body as well as Aria's body accepting the wolf's DNA." I told them. Everyone looked at Artemis. She stared through the pool of water at Aria screaming in pain, bloody and all alone. Then she looked at all of us.
Artemis's POV
I stared at the gods before me who stared back at me waiting for my answer. I was about to answer when I looked back at the old ocean god. He could always favor another child. But yet he looked at the girl with such gentleness and care that you would only see a Farther look at their newborn daughter. I looked at her. She was fighting the pain with everything she had. I sighed. She is to strong to die now.
*back to Aria and Drew*
Rachel's POV
I watched as everyone tried and failed to get Drew away from the door. Then he opened it and walked inside.
Drew's POV
I entered the room. My vision went back to normal. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a monster... like a demon....

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