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The next day, Joel arrived at the Gilbert house half an hour before the agreed time.

A woman walked out of the house, greeting him. "I'm Rose. Elena said that you should wait for her inside. She isn't ready yet. There's an emergency conference call she's got to take."

Joel nodded a little and followed the woman into the house.

Coming out of the study, Aiden greeted Joel.

Rose now left the two, as Isobel had already demanded she come to her aid.

"So, sorry about this," Aiden said to Joel,"but, can't let her go, before she talks to the Belgians. Have a cup of coffee or some refreshments. Oh, and- whenever she let's you go today, please call me so we can talk her schedule for the next week. It is completely changed."

"Ok, I will." Joel said.

Elena appeared at the door of the study, looking for Aiden.

"Hello. Sorry, we are running late. But, I will be ready as soon as we wrap this up."

"Hello." Joel said back."It's all right. I'll be - in the kitchen."

"Thank you." Elena said and now swaying her look at Aiden that said please hurry, went back to the study.

"Kitchen?" Joel asked Aiden to show him the direction.

"Down the corridor to the end. On the left. Mary makes the most divine mini cinammon rolls."

Joel was like- Mary,who? Aiden told him that he will find out. And so, Joel ventured to the kitchen.

Mary Kenner was the family's cook. The 65 year-old greeted Joel like she knew him forever.

"Have a seat. Coffee? Black with milk."

"How did you know that?" Joel asked.

"Never mind how I know things. Hungry?" Mary said.

"No, not really." Joel replied.

"Egg and bacon sandwich won't hurt. It is going to be a long day." Mary offered.

"Thank you, but I was told that we will be leaving soon to wherever Ms Gilbert is going." Joel replied.

"It will take a while till Elena is ready." Mary said and served him coffee.

"I thought that she is always on schedule." Joel was confused.

"Yes. That is when life doesn't throw you a kick in the gut." Mary said.

"I don't quite understand."

"Ms Gilbert as you called her, is juggling many things at once. Her needy and moody mother, then the press  because the news of her engagement slipped out, plus, she's got to make sure the factory runs smoothly as well. They are not even letting her grieve." the cook explained.

"She had a special connection with - the butler - Ansel?"

"Yes. He came when Elena was born. Yes, they had a special connection. You see, her father worked day and night to get the business going, and whenever she really needed a parent to talk to, Ansel has always been there." Mary explained.

"I understand." Joel said and took a sip of the coffee.

Mary couldn't help but size Joel up.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. Everything is just right," Mary said,"she will be fine." Mary replied.

"Excuse me?" Joel was baffled a bit.

"Nevermind me. How about a late lunch?"

Joel sighed a little and agreed to it.



Klaus' garage, Whitmore

Caroline, who has always been a person living the life to the max, didn't waste her time or waited for the life to come to her. She would always grab it. She now parked her grandfather's oldtimer right in front of the garage. Marcel, one of Klaus' men, now greeted her as she got in, looking for Klaus.

Klaus now got from the little office and greeted the blonde.

"How can I help you?" Klaus said in his charming smirky way.

"I was wondering if you could service it?" Caroline said pointed to the car."I heard that you are the best."

"Am I?" Klaus said.

"Well, the guys from the bar think so. If it is not so I can always take it somewhere else."

"I will look at it."

Klaus went to the car, admiring it. "Classic Pontiac GTO. 1968. A beauty."

"So, you can look at it? It makes a strange sound when I change gears."

"Let's test drive it and see what is wrong with it?" Klaus gestured to Caroline to come along.

"Let's." Caroline accepted with a cute pouty smile.

"Marcel. Hold the fort. I won't be long."- Klaus said as he got in the car, accompanied with Caroline.


At the Gilbert' house

An hour or so after Joel had arrived, Elena finally got out of the study with Aiden. And before she could escape to the kitchen, her mother got her in the corridor now asking her about Gavin and the engagment as it was all over social media.

"I really don't want to talk about it now. Aiden will deal with that."

"Ok. Have you decided who will take over running the house?" Isobel asked.

"No. But Rose is willing to do the job for now, until we find someone. I have to go now, mom."

"Yes. You always have somewhere to go to," Isobel huffed,"how will I manage everything?"

Elena wanted to scream that she never had managed anything, but she kept quiet and apologized. She turned on her heel and went to the kitchen.

Joel got up from the chair in a flash as Elena walked in.

"I am so sorry that you had to wait for such a long time. We can go now." Elena said.

"Right." Joel muttered.

"Ok. We can get out here." Elena said and indicated they exit through the kitchen back door. She went out first, and Joel followed her.

Mary, who was at the stove preparing the dinner, noticed the very interesting dynamic between the two and smiled a little. Aiden, who now got into the kitchen, for the famous mini rolls, having noticed the cooks smile. "I think that you are thinking what I am thinking."

Mary now turned to Aiden. "I have never heard her apologize to any other driver for waiting for her."

"Exactly. Caroline told me that- but you have to keep this to yourself- they met under very unusual circumstances in Whitmore."

"No gossip, please. Elena is not like Caroline. No matter, how much I like Caroline, she is way too much of a free spirit," Mary said,"but what of this engagement?"

"Let's not even go there. I have a feeling that the Doctor Disaster felt that she was slipping away. I hope she falls for our Mr Gorgeous." Aiden winked wishfully at the cook.

"Let's hope." Mary crossed her fingers. "He is such a sweet young man."

"He is a dish." Aiden said."All right I got to go and work."

The assistant took his coffee and left the kitchen.


An hour later, Elena and Joel arrived at the place outside of the city. It was an old people's home. Elena spent a little while inside, and as she got out, she turned to Joel. "Can we go somewhere- anywhere. I just don't want to go home just yet. And I got my phone if Aiden."

"Yes, we can. What did you have in mind? Do you want to eat something or-?"

"Yes. I am hungry a bit." Elena replied.

"Ok. I know a place."- Joel said and remembered a small fish place on the beach a couple miles away.

It was a nice Seafood Schack and Grill that his father used to take them when they were kids.

"This is great." Elena looked at the place elated.

"They have fresh produce and it's- family friendly. I loved coming here. Every summer he would take us here. We would spend a day on the beach. "

The way Joel spoke about it, said what a great time he must have had there.

"Do you mind if I take the suit jacket off?"

"No - uhm, this is not right. I should not be - taking your time," Elena  suddenly realized that they stepped over employer-employee line,
"maybe we should go back."

"Why? I thought you were hungry?" Joel said.

"Yes, but - it's not right that you spend time with me - I mean- this is not work. This is - me- usurping -"

"Elena- can I call you, Elena?" Joel said.

"Yes." Elena nodded a little.

"The last couple of days were not exactly easy for you and- I completely understand if you want to escape for an afternoon- and I don't mind- " He stopped there for a second trying to gather his thoughts. "You are not usurping my time. On the contrary- we- if you want- this can be like- two friends went out of the town- for an afternoon."

"Ok. So- friend- what do you recommend?" Elena tilted her head at the man.

"Grilled fish. Sea bass. Salad. A glass of white wine. Simple." Joel said.

"Excellent." Elena chimed happily.

They got in the Grill, and they had exactly what Joel suggested. And all during the meal they shared stories about their childhood as if they were friends that were going down the memory lane.

A bit later, as they finished with the food they went down the beach for a little walk. It was an afternoon of real escape, for both of them. They were not a rich girl from the Falls, and he was not the ordinary boy from Whitmore. Just Joel and Elena.

Come and take a trip on my rocket ship
We'll have a lovely afternoon
Kiss the world goodbye and away we'll fly
Destination moon

Travel fast as light 'til we're lost from sight
The earth is like a toy balloon
What a thrill you get riding on a jet
Destination moon

We'll go up, up, up, up
Straight to the moon we two
High in the starry blue
I'll be out of this world with you

And away we steal in a space mobile
A supersonic honeymoon
Leave your cares below, pull the switch, let's go
Destination moon

It was like they were both on the moon. Elena did pull the switch. She didn't know when it was the last she left all her cares behind.

"And this is how you became a race driver?" Elena asked.

"Yes. Just like that. They thought that I was born to do it. I signed the contract and- there I was." Joel said as he finished telling Elena the story how he became an Indy car race driver.

"It's great to do what you dream of doing?"

"Don't you? I thought that the factory is your passion?" Joel wondered.

"Well, it- the new recipes and the whole process of getting a new product, but- everything else- making deals and always trying to be on top of everything. It- it sometimes- too much. But I am not complaining. It's just- Caroline is right - sometimes I just need to take time for myself. So, I want to thank you for this- for today- it was - "

"I am glad that you had a great time- Elena-"

And there they were-Joel's eyes delightfully probed right into Elena's.

Again, there it was that  something in those brown eyes that was so beautiful, so safe and warm. It was home.


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