Episode 2.75

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Special Chapter in Kirito's Point of view!


"Switch!", I scream after blocking the enemy's attack. With a jump, (u/n) attacks the monster. Jumping and dodging elegantly almost as if she was dancing. Quick attacks with a dagger and high-leveled dodging. Quickly she deals her hits and the monster perishes into nothing more than EXP and Gold. I first was unsure. Was forming a group really a good idea? But it really is easier. The leveling but also the defeating.

But I wonder about stuff too. How can it be that I have yet not seen anyone using the same way of attacking that (u/n) does? Anyway. I should concentrate. "Switch", (u/n) says. Immediately, I charge in. While being in a group with her I found many things out.

(U/n) always speaks rather quiet and slowly. She also often prefers to not speak. Especially to strangers. If she is too loud she begins to cough pretty much. She is often tired and with so, often takes naps. She seems to dislike bugs because she almost fainted when she saw the new bug types around here. It was quite hilarious by the way. Sometimes she starts to go into another world. At times like these she just stares at nothingness silently. I can't help but wonder what she could be thinking about. I admire (u/n) but I am not exactly sure why. (U/n) is pretty smart and good fighting but she has not much basic knowledge. She also is rather forgetful. (U/n) also doesn't smile often but every other emotion is easily seen once she gets flustered. If not she shows a rather emotionless face. It is hard to guess what she is thinking about then.

I look at (u/n). She looks tired. I also found out that (u/n) doesn't has much stamina. I stop and look infront of us. We were fighting near a safe zone because the monsters are either at or above our level. (U/n) proposed this. Just to make sure, she said. She thinks about many things. Well, then. "Want to take a break?", I ask with a smile. This too is a thing I found out. When I speak to (u/n) I can't help but smile. (U/n) looks at me surprised. Then she looks away, seemingly nervous. "...A-Alright", she stutters. I frown. Another thing with (u/n) is that she can't look others in the eyes. Then she sees a child her face looks sad. And then she sees a group of friends she quickly looks away her face looking troubled as ever. I wonder why?

We walk towards the safe zone. It is a huge tree with no other trees around. The light of the sun is shown clearly, not like here in the forest where the monsters are. We both sit down, leaning against the huge tree. I gaze at (u/n). She stares at the sky. I follow her gaze. Having her by my side calms me down for some reason. I don't even really know why. I take my eyes off the sky and open my menu. We have reached level 32. Well we are leveling since we grouped up which was one week after the boss fight. After that we fought non-stop. Even on Christmas. We currently have...March? Time sure flies fast.

I look at her again, now slightly nervous. Should I ask her about the things which are bothering me? I decide against it. "Are you scared?", I ask her. We are in a death game. We could die any second. At my question (u/n) closes her eyes. "Are you?", she asks. I get that she doesn't want to answer nor am I supposed to answer her question. It is silent for a minute. This happens often. This, where we only sit next to each other in complete silence. But, I don't hate these times. In fact I really enjoy them. It feels like we are not in a death game. It just feels like we are alive. (U/n) often stops at out trips. She looks at the view with a relaxing gaze. She stops to appreciate the view, the sky and the life. Another thing I admire about her. I decide to ask her.

"Why do you act like this?", I ask cutting of the silence we created. This makes her look at me. She tiles her head showing me that she doesn't understand. "Why can't you look at people's eyes?", I ask her one of the questions I am so curious about. (U/n) eyes widen shocked. She looks...terrified? This is the first time she showed me that kind of look. I realise that I shouldn't have asked. (U/n) shakes her head tearing her gaze away from me towards the ground. I look at her concerned but also shocked. Did I ruin it? I look at the ground with guilt. I see (u/n) standing up. I look at her. Her face is full of sorrow. In this moment I realise...even though (u/n) acts tough she is weak and breakable. I realise for the first time that she is not super strong or smart but a girl. Somehow deep in me it feels like this started to boost my admiration towards her. Or is it even admiration? Somehow that word sounds wrong.

Looking at her makes it clear that her trust towards me is not strong enough. But when she towers above me. Practically, hovering over me. "...Later", she manages to say. Even though she is weak she tries her best to grow strong. I know. This matter is something she wouldn't say to any other person. She looks straight at me. And this is the first time I realise too, that (u/n) has beautiful eyes. They look like the sky, calming and free.

I know, I know. A bit short, but I hope you liked it even so!

Cats or dogs?

I am a cat person btw! '^'
They are way to adorable.

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