1: Origins.

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(A/N: Story will be narrated on Third Person POV)



"My Hero Academia: Symbol Of Justice."

Chapter 1: Origins.

In a world where 80% of Population holds quirks, and the remaining 20% are quirkless.

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.
March 19th, 2021.

We open in Hamamatsu, the largest city in Shizuoka Prefecture and the 2nd largest in Japan's Tokai Region.

There's a green-haired boy in his teens who is sleeping in his own dorm room of his home apartment, or well, that is until his clock alarm starts ringing.

That's our protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, who holds a quirk called Green Flame.

Izuku: Today is the last day of Middle School.

Izuku stands out of his bed and walks to the kitchen, where his mother, Inko Midoriya is cooking breakfast for him and Izuku.

Inko: Morning, Sweet Pea!

Izuku: Morning, Mom!

As Inko serves the breakfast on a plate and into the table, they both sit together and eat breakfast.

Inko: Did you sleep well?

Izuku: Yeah, i did sleep well, what about you?

Inko: I slept well too.

As they finish eating breakfast.

Inko: I'll wash the dishes, Sweet Pea.

Inko washes the dishes, while Izuku does his daily routine, such as cleaning his teeth, changing from his pajamas to his casual civilian clothes.

Once Izuku is done, he checks his backpack to see if everything's in.

Once seeing everything's in, he grabs his backpack and walks to his house door, Inko waves him.

Inko: See you later, Sweet Pea!

Izuku: See you later, Mom!

Izuku leaves and puts on his headphones, walking his way to Aldera Junior High, which is his Elementary and Middle School.


As he arrives there, he is met by his childhood best friend, Katsuki Bakugo, who holds an Explosion Quirk.

Bakugo: Hey, Izuku!

Izuku: Hey, Kacchan!

They both walk inside together into their Middle School Classroom.

Screen Transition --- Bakugo

As the bell rings, signaling the end of class, Izuku and Bakugo walk together back home.


Bakugo: So, you're planning on aiming on UA High, correct?

Izuku: Yeah, i know i can make it.

Bakugo: I'm aiming there as well, we will get in for sure, especially with the tricks we've both got under our sleeve!

Izuku and Bakugo chuckle together.

However, as they walk under an underpass and into a park, a loud rumbling is heard from the sewers below.

Bakugo/Izuku: AYO, WHAT THE F**K?!

The Sludge Villain appears laughing mischievously.

Sludge Villain: Well, today is my lucky day... I've just robbed a bank and now i've got not only one but two people to disguise as.

Just before the Sludge Villain can do anything, All Might appears.

All Might: It's fine now! Do you know why? Because I AM here!!!


All Might stands with Izuku and Bakugo, their quirks ready against Sludge.

All Might: You won't get away with these two, Sludge! Let's do this!

All Might gets closer to Sludge Villain.

All Might: Star Platinum!

All Might unleashes his Star Platinum superstrength quirk and unleashes a massive punching barrage to the Sludge Villain.


The Sludge Villain is completely defeated with a single barrage and is arrested by All Might.

All Might: There we go.

Screen Transition --- Izuku

As the Sludge Villain is taken away by the police, All Might approaches Izuku and Bakugo.


All Might: You both okay?

Izuku and Bakugo nod.

Izuku: You must be All Might...

All Might: I see you know me well... That's good to know.

Bakugo: Do you need anything at all, sir?

All Might: Honestly, i consider you both worthy of being my successor.

Bakugo nods and looks at Izuku.

Bakugo: What do you say, Izuku? Me or you?

Izuku: I'm accepting it!

Bakugo smiles at Izuku.

Bakugo: That's my Izuku!

All Might passes down One For All to Izuku.

Izuku: I've got an original quirk as well so i guess it works just like with you, All Might.

All Might nods and smiles.

All Might: You're right. I'll train you both prior to the UA Entrance Exam.

Izuku and Bakugo nod.

Screen Transition --- All Might.

All Might: Have a nice day, Izuku and Bakugo!

All Might walks his way back, while Bakugo arrives at his house.

Bakugo: Until next time, Izuku!

Izuku: Until next time, Kacchan!

Bakugo winks at Izuku before walking inside his house.

Shortly after, Izuku arrives at his apartment.

Izuku: I'm home!

Inko hugs Izuku.

Inko: Sweet Pea!

To Be Continued...

And this is Chapter 1: "Origins".

I want to honor this Chapter in memory of my late paternal grandmother, Pili.

She died February 6th, 2023 (Yesterday as of Writting This) Due to a heart attack, she was aged 81.

May you Rest In Peace, Grandma.

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