5: Battle Trials

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In The Previous Chapter...

Izuku had his first date with Uraraka.

Now, about 1 month has passed since he started assisting UA and today is the day for the Battle Trials.

How will it go for Izuku? We're about to see it.

Chapter 5: Battle Trials.

Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.
May 13th 2021.


The Chapter opens in the boys dressing room of the training battlegrounds from UA High, where Izuku is putting on his hero suit.

Once he finishes putting his hero suit, he walks out to the Training Battlegrounds, All Might and Vlad King start to explain.

All Might: Okay, listen up! We're going to do some Battle Trials.

Vlad King: Each of you will be paired with someone else and you will have a Battleground Arena assigned.

Everyone nods, then All Might and Vlad King started to pair everyone up.

Izuku got paired with Bakugo and so headed to their arena, which was the Arena C.

Bakugo: Well, guess we're against each other.

Izuku: I know.

Bakugo: This is going to be fun, i guess... Remember, i won't go easy on you... Give me your best, Izuku.

Izuku and Bakugo exchange a determined glance.


The battle trial between them began.

Bakugo started using his Explosion quirk towards Izuku, who dodged and blocked them by moving to the sides as well as using his Smokescreen, Gearshift and Float.

Once he was near to Bakugo.

Izuku: Green Flame.

Izuku tried punching Bakugo with his Green Flame quirk but Bakugo dodged with an Explosion.

Bakugo: Nice trying thought!

Bakugo tried hitting Izuku, but Izuku dodged with the same tactic.

And once he was close to Bakugo, who was about to hit Izuku with an Explosion.

Izuku: Time Zero.

Izuku stopped time with Star Platinum, and threw several Green Flames around Bakugo.

Time came back and Bakugo was defeated.


Bakugo: Nice one, Izuku! You did well!

Izuku: Hey, you also pulled a good fight, Kacchan!

Izuku and Bakugo handshaked together as they finished the Battle Trial.

On the ratings, Bakugo scored a 79 of 100, while Izuku scored a 97 of 100, the highest score for a Class 1-A Student.


Bakugo: That's our Izuku!

Bakugo and the rest of Class 1-A laughed and cheered for Izuku, who had just screamed Cristiano Ronaldo style.

To Be Continued...

So far, the shortest Chapter.

Also, sorry for not updating, but i've been busy with some Exams.

Plus, since Easter Holidays are coming this weekend, i may or may update, but i won't promise anything.

XaviMD3, Signing Off.

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