iv. high infidelity.

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chapter four . . . high infidelity.


THE paris berelc 😱

hi gf

hey gf
what time r we going out later

i was just ab to ask u that
i was thinking maybe 1
so we can get pictures and go shopping

okay okay that's works
idk what to wear

me either

figure it out so i can copy u

yes ma'am yes ma'am 🫡
THE avalon jett ❤️ this message.

. . .


📍atlanta, georgia

♡ 307, 545 - ✎ 652
avalonjett date day 💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
tagged : theparisberelc

📌 theparisberelc my girl, my girl, my girlll, talkin' 'bout myy girlll
avalonjett anthem for today

userone oh my god

usertwo are they 🥭🍑🍒🍇🥝🥥🍌?

userthree wb parker?

parkerjholts text me now

userfour y'all leave them alone, they're just friends

madisonbaileybabe group hangout?
avalonjett yes ma'am
theparisberelc 100%

kidcudi ...

. . .


parker ml ❤️

u told me to text u
so i am

who the fuck were you on
a date with today

it wasn't a date
i was hanging out w my friend paris
i told u this yesterday

no u didn't

i did
scroll back in the messages
u just never responded

well why are u telling everyone
it was a date

we were joking
all the emojis??? sarcasm

why was she calling u 'my girl'

it's a song
by the temptations
have u never heard it before?


jesus h christ

listen to that


. . .

real life!

THE FOLLOWING DAY, Avalon drove four hours and forty five minutes back to Charleston on a fad whim. She established it would be best to surprise Parker with a visit, take him out on a dinner date, and talk through some of the issues with their relationship. Plus she wanted to see her cat again.

But when she arrived, everything came crashing down in an mere instant.

The first noticeable sign was the unfamiliar car parked in the driveway just behind her actual car. She parallel parked just by the mailbox and walked into her condo which she shared with Parker.

Then, there was a Gucci purse that she didn't own set on the vanity in the foyer and a pair of Birkenstocks which she knew damn well weren't hers.

She began to realize what was occurring in this moment. All the things she hoped would never happen, happened. Everything she was working for to make sure this never ensued was all trivially flushed down the drain instantaneously.

She found herself ceased outside the closed bedroom door with a shaky hand raised, preparing to knock. This was it, she thought. You're on your own with this.

She hit the door with her knuckles twice, loud pangs emitting from the clashes. She winced as she heard frantic scrambling from the room, her hand reached for the handle and she shoved the door open.

Low and behold, Parker was in bed with another woman. She hadn't recognized the girl, but she seemed around her own age, maybe a year or two younger. She had a soft jawline, but a boxy face that held an astonished expression, framed by disheveled, silver-highlighted hair. Her eyes were wide and almond shaped, blue surrounding the pupil but they seemed to be glossed over with meek tears and atop sat bushy eyebrows of a light blonde color. But the thing that drew Avalon's eye was the intrepid crimson lipstick smeared around her lips, like it had been sloppy kissed off. Kissed off by her boyfriend.

"Avalon..." Parker spoke out of breathe, he rolled off of the girl, making sure to shield her body with the comforter as he did so.

"Don't start." She mumbled, backing out of the room.

"Listen!" Parker trailed at her heels after he rushed to put on a pair of sweatpants. "I can explain, I swear."

"No you can't." Avalon shook her head with blunt amusement, gathering belongings she had laying around the house. "I'll come back and get the last of my things after filming."

She made sure to grab her cat, Papaya, on the way out.

"No, Avalon, please. Let me explain." Parker pleaded, following her out the door, all the way to her car while he exclaimed importunes and begs for forgiveness.

"There's nothing to explain, Parker. You cheated on me. You no longer love me. That's all it is and ever will be." She mumbled exasperatedly, hopping quickly into the car and slamming the door shut.

"It's not like that, I swear, I-" He fumbled along his sentence, racking his brain for excuses for his disloyalty, unfaithfulness and infidelity.

"How long?" Avalon asked sharply, starting the car up. Parker remained silent, eyes focused on the ground below his feet, "How long?" She repeated.

"Almost five months." He muttered.

A airy scoff escaped her pink lips as she began backing away from him, "You're un-fucking-believable. We're done."

"Avalon, please!" Parker called as she drove off.

"Go fuck yourself." She shouted back just before she left his earshot.

She anticipated being somber and dismal, but she wasn't. Sure, a few tears slipped from her eyes and trailed steadily down her cheeks as she drove. Sure, she played entirely sad music (Phoebe Bridgers obviously) on the drive back to Atlanta. Sure, enjoyed the pity she was receiving from all her friends. But she wasn't sad. Why wasn't she sad?

. . .


@avalonjett posted a story!

. . .

AUTHOR'S NOTE ## finally got rid of that hoe.

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