♡Chapter 4♡

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Heya readers so I'm back with the next chap I think I'm early this time😜. SO anyways before we start I would like to tell you guys that our 𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊 𝒂𝒂𝒅𝒂𝒕 has completed 1.9k reads which means soon we will be 2k reads so thanks a lot for that.

But still, in the last chapter, it is only 15+ votes. Votes are very less though the reads are 100+. So please vote your votes keep me motivated Hope you understand.


After knowing that He is here with news about my Avu how can I stay back at my place I ran downstairs. Only to see him sitting there with a serious yet sad face I was confused still also I went towards him with hopeful eyes I saw Bhai was also looking confused due to his behavior as he is our cousin and can tell us anything freely but why is he being so sad. Shrugging off my thoughts I went and sat beside Dev(Commissioner).

What happened dev? What is the news?--I asked him

Voh... voh... Ri...Ris...Rishabh --He was stammering making all of us confused

say don't worry just say what is the matter-- Bhai said. When it comes to family we all are one! In these 2 years not only me my whole family was missing her she has a special place in everyone's heart.

Taking a deep breath he looked at me with sadness

Many thoughts started running in my mind. I started thinking about the worst possibility that had happened to my Avu. No, it can't happen Nothing will happen to her I started mentally praying for her.

I was the type of person who even hated to go to the temple I never believed n god but she made me believe in god. But now that God should protect her so that I will maintain my faith in him.

Shrugging off my thoughts I looked at him and gestured him to continue.

He took a deep breath as if calming himself.

Rishab don't panic and be calm okay it is just an Intuition and we are not all sure about it so to confirm we want your help-- He started saying

Leave the Intro and come to the main point--Raghav said a bit loud. I know how much he loves his Babhi.

we have found a body on the railway track -- he started

hmmm so?- Bhai hummed. but my mind started getting worried No it can't happen my heart kept saying. And this time I believed my heart.

It seems similar to.....to that of....of...A... Avni-- I felt like the floor under my feet has slipped. The atmosphere around me become thick and serious.

We want...We want your help to recognize her body -- he said.

See Rishab we are not saying that it is hers as we are not also sure but It seems similar to her as of the same age and same looking so please cooperate with us-- He completed.

I was not able to comprehend what now happened and what now I heard it felt as if I have lost my ability to think also my hear was screaming though without any external wounds his words have created a huge wound in my heart which can be cured only when I will be sure that she is safe and sound. After some time which felt like years, I composed myself.

let's go-- I said.

He nodded and left with him.....

In-car we were going towards the spot where the body was found I was in my car and Raghav was driving. I told them that I will manage alone but they told me that it is not safe for me to drive alone in such a situation. I felt like my hand shivering. I was never this nervous. I closed my eyes and the most beautiful memories of her probably with her flashed in front of my eyes.


It has been 1 month after our marriage and she has gelled well with everyone here. All love her a lot and she loves all too.......

Today I came late and Oh god I promised to take her out tonight and I am late you're gone Rishi!

I rushed to my room to see my beautiful wife lying on the floor her right hand on her jaw wearing her black top and shorts and talking to Kaiser our dog. Yes, we have a dog and she wanted a dog. and when I'm not with her or when she is alone she used to talk to him as if he is understanding her. She is so innocent.

Seeing her face I can understand that she is very much angry with me. I slowly went towards them and sat beside kaiser and caressed him she looked at me and pouted angrily and huffed and turned her face. I patted over Kaiser and he knows why I do it. He went outside. I looked at my angry wife who has a cute pout adorning her face.

Avu -- I started

But she stood up and went towards the balcony and stood there looking at the sky. I sighed as I know comforting her is tougher than cracking a deal.

I went near her and called her again she was not even looking at me. I hugged her from behind. She struggled to free herself halfheartedly...I paced my face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her intoxicating smell...

I'm sorry--I mumbled

What sorry? you always become late and asks sorry I'm fed up with this why can't you be on time? -- She started telling But I was least concentrated on her blabberings as I was fully concentrated on her neck. I started nibbling on her soft spot. She shuddered. And I know this is the best way to pacify her. I started placing open mouth kisses on her neck and reached her earlobe and started nibbling her earlobe and kissed there.

I'm sorry-- I whispered. She shivered.

I turned her and cupped her face with my hands. I kissed her forehead, her eyes, her nose tip, her cheeks her jaw, and finally her rose petals like lips I kissed her lips and pulled her closer towards me by her waist. I deepened the kiss She was also responding equally. We parted away and I laid my forehead over her.

I'm sorry love--I whispered

It's okay-- She said

We hugged each other tightly. She snuggled more to me. We parted

I'm sorry dear and don't worry about dinner we will go and after that, a night ride now get ready fast...-- I told her. she nodded and went inside changing room.

After some time she came outside. looking Dangerously gorgeous in a white sleeveless Top and dark blue jeans with a long chain on her neck and her hair opened with a side partition.

After seeing her like that my male possessive part became conscious.

Avu wear a coat over it there is cold outside you will catch cold-- I told her not making real that I'm possessive of her.

She nodded and wore a pink-peach gradient coat.

I also got ready in a pink and black striped shirt with dark blue jeans

(Sorry for the picture quality I can't find another pic pls adjust)

We both went in my car I drove towards our favorite Casanova hotel which is a seaside hotel and it opens only during the night. So it creates such a romantic feeling.

As we came out of the car We saw a very shocking thing in front of us.

My sister Riya and Her brother Aarav are having a dinner date. We looked at each other shocked though we know that they both liked each other but never thought that they are dating. We were so happy but planned to fool them as they are hiding this from both of us.

We went towards them and knocked on their table. Seeing us both their face turned shocked one. And we glared at them angrily

Arav was about to say something most probably justify themselves.

But Avni cut him

No need to explain anything Arav I thought that you shared everything with me! No, but I was wrong. I was stupid to believe that na! I forgot that you will have things to hide from me !-- She said with a hurt expression

It is not like that Di-- He said

Then what is it? you are dating my husband's sister and you never found it important to at least tell it to me!-- She said and turned away her face.

And you also didn't find it important to tell me Riya? -- I questioned my totally scared Sister she looked as if she will cry now.

Bhai voh -- She started but I showed my hand 🖐️indicating her to stop and nodded my head as if in anger.

Suddenly Riya's face turned into a sad one and guilt was purely visible on both's face their head was bowed down in guilt. I looked at Avu to see her nodding at me to stop this.

So when are you going to tell this to mom -- I asked them. They looked at us totally startled.

We both laughed and side hugged each other.

We both had a hard time controlling our laughter as it is a public place... We both loved that moment a lot...We enjoyed ourselves with our siblings and there we got to know about their love story. There was a music band's performance and we cheered for it. It was a truly awesome day of our life.

We were the happiest couple


I opened my eyes to only see the picture collage which was taken on that day hanging in the front mirror.

I kept staring at the photo hanger How happy we were! A lone tear escaped from my eyes

My trance was broken by the sudden jerk as I noticed that we have reached the place. my mind kept thinking about the worst possibility ever. But my heart kept saying that she is safe. As he always used to say " I will be always safe till you are safe". And this time I listened to my heart.

I looked at Raghav as he kept his hand over my shoulder.

It will be not her Bhai have faith in God-- He said giving me an assuring nod. I nodded at him and we came out of the car.

We with Dev and other police officers started moving towards the railway track where the body was lying.

As we were moving towards the body. It was lying her on her front.

The women constable wearing gloves turned the body. I was praying to God from my heart and soul closing my eyes that it should not be Avu. I will die if anything happened to her. I opened my eyes to look at it in the hope that it is not her.

I looked at the body but its face was destroyed maybe due to the hit and fall on the rough stones.

Pls, check clearly -- I heard dev saying to me. I nodded and looked at its hand. which made me froze in my position.

It was...........

Hema...... -- I whispered which was quite audible.

What Hema?-- Dev asked and Raghav looked at me shocked.

Yes, it is Hema-- I said with full confidence.

But how can you say that? -- He asked me a bit confused. I took a deep breath in relaxation that it was not my Avu.

See look at her hand this is the same tattoo she had and the amulet is also hers-- I said I remember she had a tattoo written HR which I later discovered resembled both of us and the snake amulet she always had which she said her brother gave her.

I looked at Dev he nodded.

So you can go now Rishab we will take care of it.....Uhh, Rishab you know any people who wanted to kill her, or did she have any suicide tendency... Uh just asking--He said

Uhm...No I don't remember her saying she had been threatened by anyone and about suicide tendency I don't know-- I said He nodded at my statement.

As we got inside the car I took a breath of relaxation as My Avu will be safe but where I don't know.

She will be fine Bhai-- Raghav said as if he was reading my mind.

Hope so!-- I sighed

I closed my eyes as Raghav started the car and started driving towards our home. But one question revolved in my mind what happened to Hema? But I let it go as for me she is a cheater she cheated my friendship...

Where are you Avu? come back pls? Pls? my mind kept saying and I slowly drifted to sleep in her memories.


Oh god! A long chap before hiatus!Word count -- 2560

And guys we have got a couplename for them #avishi by my dear Sissy Shapoover24

Don't worry your Avni is safe!

What happened to Hema?

Why she suicided?

Or was she murdered?

And the Important question!

Where is Avni?

How is she?

What will happen now?

Any guesses?

So that's for today Hope you all liked it!

So guys there is a note!

Since my 11th class will start on Tuesday after that I'll be busy in studies as I want to concentrate more on my studies so I will be not that much active on Wattpad or any other Online sites. So hope you understand from Tuesday onward I will be on a hiatus which I don't know how long it will be! But I will try to update during my free time but I can't promise a regular one so hope you will understand and forgive me!

So till then BYE.....


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