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30 Mall Dr W, Jersey City, NJ  07310
Meet me here :)

Spencer raises an eyebrow at the text she receives from Peter. It was 3 in the morning when her phone went off, so here she sat in the dark of her room, staring confused at her phone. She rubs her eyes and turns her bedside lamp on.

Peter, it's 3 am

It is?
It is
Well, meet me at that address at 4 pm today!

Spencer's left eye twitches a bit, then she shrugs. There's no way she's going to sleep now. Might as well make the most of it. Spencer huffs as she pulls herself out of bed and sleepily wanders the hallways until she finds the communal room. She gets a tub of ice cream and a spoon, then snuggles in front of the TV.

Tony groggily walks into the communal kitchen and just before he opens the fridge he sees the glow from the TV. He squints his eyes in the dark and sees that Grey's Anatomy is playing. And Spencer is sitting in front of the TV. He smiles a bit, then walks over to her. "You mind?" Spencer briefly looks at him and nods. Tony flops next to her and tosses a blanket over the both of them.

He glances at her. "What are you doing up?" Spencer purses her lips then pulls out her phone. Tony reads the message and raises an eyebrow. Spencer shrugs. She doesn't know either. She looks at Tony and gives him a look. Something everyone has learned lately is that even though Spencer can hear, she remains mute. How ironic.

Tony shrugs. "I was working in my lab." Spencer nods and turns her attention back to the TV. Tony looks at her for a moment, then does the same. His jaw drops as a woman kisses McDreamy. "Isn't he married?" He asks, shocked. Spencer nods and scoots closer to Tony. He smiles, now more interested in the show. "The scandal."


Around five am the other Avengers start waking up. Why? Spencer and Tony's sobbing was loud enough to reach their rooms. Natasha raises an eyebrow as they ball their eyes out. "He dies?! But what about Meredith and their kids?! NO!" Steve laughs at Tony and how invested he is. Tony points at the screen. "That is not okay! You don't just make them happy again only for them to die!" Spencer nods and wipes her eyes. "And he saved all those people too!"

The Avengers start watching the show while eating their breakfast. Spencer dozes off and falls asleep against Tony. He finally stops crying enough to notice. He squeals happily and smiles brightly. Natasha snorts at him. "Someones happy." She takes out her phone and snaps a picture.


Spencer purses her lips as she looks at her outfit in the mirror. She tilts her head and looks at her face. Weird. She's never really been one to be concerned about what they look like. And yet, here she was, doing just that. What was it with Peter and making her worried about what she looked like?

Spencer sighs and shakes her head. She grabs her phone and leaves her room. Tony had 'loaned' her one of his cars. Thankfully, he chose one that wasn't a sports car. Spencer slides into the driver's seat and starts the engine. She has 30 minutes to get to the address Peter gave her.


Peter waits outside the mall agitated. Spencer was late. Or was she not? Did she decide not to come? Peter starts to fuss with his hands, then he spots Spencer walking up to him. He practically melts to the pavement when he sees her. "Spencer!" He says in relief. Spencer smiles at him and waves awkwardly. She gives him a confused look and points at the mall.

Peter smiles, understanding her question. "I'm getting you dinner!" Spencer nods slowly and follows him into the building. Is this what she thinks it is? Peter leads her to the Cheesecake Factory and gets them a table. They order their drink and begin reading the menu. "Have you ever had cheesecake?" Peter asks out of the blue. Spencer thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. Peter gawks.

"You haven't? Oh my god, you need to try it. It's so good." The waiter comes over and Peter sits up, knowing Spencer won't be able to order for herself. "I'll get the Four Cheese Pasta, and can she have a slice of plain cheesecake?" The waiter nods and jots down their order. "Anything else I can get you?" Peter and Spencer share a look, then shake their heads. The waiter nods and takes their menus.

He smiles at them. "You two make a cute couple." Their eyes widen as he walks away. Spencer hides her red face in her hands, and Peter slides down in his seat, embarrassed. Spencer glances up at him and bites her lip. She slowly reaches across the table and puts her hand on top of Peter. He looks up at her in shock, then smiles brightly. Spencer offers him a small smile and stares at her drink.

As the two of them eat, Spencer ended up loving the cheesecake. It was probably the best thing she ever had. Peter started rambling about his school and how Spencer should meet MJ and Ned. She started zoning out after a bit, but her phone buzzing in her pocket brought her back down to Earth.

Opening it she sees a news report about a monster attack on the George Washington Bridge. Her eyes widen and she shows the headline to Peter. He stands on his seat, but before he runs off he gives Spencer a look. She nods at him, telling him to go. She takes the last bite of her cheesecake, then slaps down a 50 dollar bill then runs out of the restaurant.


Spencer drives as fast as she can to the bridge and finds just what the headlines foretold. A monster. A big, green, scaly beast trying to claw at Peter. It almost looked like a lizard. In the midst of the fight several cars are tossed off the bridge. Peter managed to catch a few, but a school bus was starting to tip over the edge. Spencer's eyes widen at the little kids in it.

She bites her lip, then pulls her hood up and just out of the car. She pushes through the crowd and ignore the officers yelling at her to get back. She runs right to the bus and stands on the back of it. The kids scream in fear and she sees that there is a hole in the glass where the steering wheel is. The driver must have fallen out.

Spencer grabs the handle to the door and yanks it open. The bus tips more, but she gestures for the kids to hurry. One by one they start jumping out of the bus. Spencer hears more screams from inside the bus and looks in to see a little girl with her foot stuck in a seat. Spencer realizes the bus is about to tip, seeing it is at a 45° angle.

Without a second thought Spencer descends down into the bus and helps the little girl free her foot. They start to climb back up and Spencer manages to push the little girl out right as the bus falls over the edge. Spencer hits her face as the bus jerks, but right before the bus hits the water something catches her hand. She looks up to see Spiderman holding onto her by a web. Spencer sighs in relief as he starts to pull her back up.

Peter hugs her once she is finally on the bridge. Spencer looks around, confused and Peter understands. "He got away." She nods and notices the press heading their way. Peter does too and holds Spencer tighter as he swings away.


Peter and Spencer walk into the compound and right to where the avengers are. Tony looks at them, then his eyes bulge. "Spencer!" He rushes over to her and touches her face. She sees the blood on his fingers, and touches her face. The pain finally hits her. How had she and Peter not noticed? "FRIDAY call Cho!"

In the med room Spencer finally gets a look at her face. A gash ran down through her eyebrow and over her eye. Spencer cringes as she realizes what it looks like. She looks like she's got Luke Castellan's scar. Yeah, that's right. She read the books. Don't even mention the movies to her. Ugh.

Helen walks into the room and rushes over to Spencer, checking over her wound. Spencer briefly registers Tony yelling at Peter, but when she winces in pain her father rushes over to her side. "What the hell were you thinking Spencer? Going into that bus?" Spencer shrugs at her father's lecture. Cho nods to herself, then starts to clean the wound. "It won't need stitches, but it will leave a scar." Spencer nods. A scar sounds badass.

Peter looks down in shame, but Spencer pushes Cho away from her. She grabs Peter's hand and looks him in the eyes. It wasn't his fault. Peter looks away from her and Spencer sighs. He always finds a way to blame himself.

Peter leaves the room leaving Spencer to look after where he once stood. Tony puts a hand on her shoulder and Spencer looks down. How is it that they keep running away from one another?







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