Spencer Stark

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Name: Spencer Stark/Jackson
Nickname(s): Spence (Most), Little Weasel, Weasel (Tony)
Alias: The Mute
Age: 17
D.O.B: August 9th
Disabilities: Anacusis (Deafness)
Disorders: GAD, SAD, PTSD, Panic Disorder
Face Claim: Alexandra Daddario

Tony Stark (Father)

Phoebe Jackson (Mother)

(Several unnamed foster parents)

- Elite Hacker

Spencer was a very spunky and fun child, but the accident changed her. She shut in on herself. Her many years in foster care led to criticism and hatred. She became insecure and a walking ball of pure anxiety. After escaping the system she developed more social anxiety and fear of being judged for her... abilities with computers. She hates confrontation and prefers to be on the opposite side of a screen.
Keeping her identity hidden from the outside world makes her feel safe and untouchable, but when she is hacking her personality changes.
She becomes cocky and sarcastic. Phoebe would tell Spencer she reminded her of her father. As a child this statement would swell Spencer with pride, but now it fills her with pure rage.
Spencer is extremely caring, but you'll never catch her admitting it. All she's ever done is fight for what she believes in.

Phoebe Jackson met Tony at one of his many parties. To him it was just another one night stand, but to Phoebe it became much more. She became pregnant, and nine months later she gave birth to Spencer. Phoebe raised Spencer alone, gaining no support from her family. She loved her daughter with every fiber of her being. Spencer never knew who her father was.
One rainy night when Spencer was five Phoebe was driving around a dark-winding pass. A truck had swerved into her lane and Phoebe lost control of the car and was sent tumbling down the mountainside. Spencer being her little resourceful self, managed to unbuckle her car seat and crawl to her mother's side. Phoebe was suspended upside down, and her head was bleeding. Spencer tried to help free her mother, but her legs were trapped under the dashboard and was losing consciousness fast.
The car doors were crushed shut so they were trapped with no hope of rescue. But Spencer wouldn't let that stand. She always loved computers and knew her way around a motherboard, so she took apart the car radio and reprogrammed it to act as a beacon. Days passed until a rescue team finally found them, having followed Spencer's signal.
Spencer was relatively unharmed, minus a few cuts and scrapes, but her mother was at the doors of death. "You have to keep fighting Spence. Fight, and don't let anyone stop you. I love you my darling girl." Phoebe's last words, signed to Spencer.
Spencer was terrified, but determined to live by her mother's words. Even through the years of foster care. The system was corrupt and Spencer had an even harder time being deaf. Spencer's case workers never checked on her, giving her foster parents more opportunity to abuse her. Spencer would have gone through 36 foster homes by the time she was 10. Each one didn't seem to grasp the reality that she was deaf, so when she wouldn't respond, they'd beat her.
During school she would take her time in tech class to perfect her technique. Even entering the robotics teams at whatever school she was at. Every competition had Spencer as it's champion.
One day Spencer discovered who her father was. She'd been having an extra hard day and had hacked into her mother's records. Credit receipts brought her to fun times at Carnivals, or their special day: Ice Cream Saturday. But she eventually found her birth certificate and discovered it was falsified. Spencer spent some digging and found the real one, and under her mother's name was Tony Stark.
Spencer couldn't believe her eyes. Her father was Iron Man. A hero.
This angered Spencer. If he was a hero, then why wasn't he here to save her?
By the time Spencer was 12, she'd had enough of foster care. She ran away from her foster home and never looked back. She'd hold up in abandoned buildings, using credit card scams to pay for food and decided to make a name for herself.
If her father wouldn't fight for her, then she'd fight for herself and others like her. Spencer's first point of action was fixing the foster care system. Bringing ignored files, like abuse claims, to the surface and exposing them to the public. She'd send evidence of case workers not doing their jobs, and audio recordings of foster parents abusing children to the police.
Spencer didn't stop there. She would go onto being known as 'The Mute' to many agencies, both good and bad. Helping investigators find incriminating evidence, and even taking down corrupt organizations.
HYDRA was one of her favorites to screw with. All the bad things they had done- Well the list was much longer than the amount of schools Spencer had been through. Which was a lot.
This would put her in the eyes of SHIELD. They'd sent their best people to try and figure out her identity, even coming as close to raiding one of her hide outs, but they'd always come up empty.

She was just too good.

Fighter Necklace (This belonged to Spencer's mother. It is the only thing she has left of her)

Several inventions all made by Spencer:

- Audio to Text strap on receiver (ATR for short) -This takes audio in and converts to to text so Spencer can read what is being said. This is still under development

- Heart Rate Observing Enhancer (HOE for short) - Spencer thought her name for the devise was quite hilarious. This is a device similar to a watch. It alerts the wearer of their heart rate and if it gets too high. Spencer uses it to help her better get a handle on her Panic attacks.

- Prototype Hearing Aids (None of these have worked for Spencer)

- Electric Implement Interceptor (EII for short -Spencer likes to pronounce it as Ell) - These small devices will serve the purpose of taking the power of whatever is electrical within 5 feet of it being activated for a short period of time. Spencer's first trial run resulted in a city wide black out.

Pairing: Peter Parker

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