Hidden Danger

Hidden Danger

114 31 9

Can you imagine being taken from your family at age 10 and sent off to become a slave/servant to a wealthier family within that state's border? Can you imagine never seeing your family again? Or how about not smiling or having a reason to be happy because everything has been taken away, every single time? Amanda Sutton has been living like this for the past 10 years, switching between owners and dealing with hardships over and over again. Well, one thing's for sure, she's over it. And so are so many other people in similar predicaments. But while it may seem to be their destiny, she's determined to help make their country better. Even if it kills her, she's willing to sacrifice everything to make a difference in everyone's lives for the better. When her owner has a heart attack, it's time for Amanda's 8th move. She's then moved to one of the top families in New Orleans, and is a personal servant to the handsome head of the house. Gregory Hampton knows the pain and sorrow people are going through because of their new president. But he doesn't need to worry about that because he is one of the top families. He doesn't need to worry about his future kids being taken; he can live a contented life. And he is content until Amanda comes into the picture. He's enticed by her, but doesn't understand why. He falls for her, but knows that falling for her could kill them both. Because he's already a taken man and falling for a servant is illegal and punishable by death. When their world gets even messier, forcing Gregory to open his eyes to what was going on, they team up and look for ways to better things. But then a danger presents itself that could threaten everything.Their lives, the rest of the United States, and their budding romance are all hanging by a thread.…