Runaway Bad Boy (Boyxboy)

Runaway Bad Boy (Boyxboy)

91,285 4,350 11

Two boys; both on the run. One running from society. One running from reality. Their one shared enemy and antagonist; Life, fast on their trail. ~~~"Oh c'mon Cupcake, just say yes."His breath dusted over my lips, sending shivers up my spine and chills throughout the entirety of my body. His muscled arms encircled my waist, pulling me closer to his chiseled body and as I defensively raised my hands to his chest in a feeble attempt at pushing him away, he entwined them with his own before placing them on either side of my head on the wall behind us. He smirked devilishly, pushing me further against the wall, and inserted a leg between my thighs, slowly lowering his head to my neck. His nose teasingly rubbed against the crook of my neck, causing my breath to run ragged. I bit my lower lip harshly to keep my moans of pleasure silent as he placed a single kiss between my ear and neck. "You know you want to." And the worst part was, just how much I really did want to. ~~~Disclaimer- Trigger Warning! Does contain slight Mental Instability! Also, the views of the characters aren't necessarily the views of the author! There is mild to severe language and humor!~Updates Regularly~…

Sinful Temptations (Boyxboy) (Completed ✔️)

Sinful Temptations (Boyxboy) (Completed ✔️)

965,121 42,337 29

~Complete!~Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Pride, and Lust, the Seven Deadly sins that a Christian must resist falling into temptation of. But, anything can be bent with a little pressure and heat. When Chesney goes to California in search for an opportunity to become a published author, he goes through a series of unconventional circumstances and he ends up at "The Apartment." At first, it doesn't seem too bad, it's just an apartment. But when it's revealed that it's shared with seven other men, that's when things get start to get a little shaky. When it's revealed that all the other men are gay, well that's when things reach a magnitude 10 earthquake. When temptation is literally around every corner for Chesney, he'll need a lot more than his scripture a day calendar.~I WROTE THIS WHILE VERY INEXPERIENCED IN WRITING! THERE WILL BE MISTAKES! PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF THIS AS YOU READ; READ AT YOUR OWN CAUTION FOR YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! NEEDS EXTREME EDITING~*Disclaimer: There will be offensive language and thoughts in this story! These thoughts are not necessarily the thoughts of the author and in no way should they be taken offensively. There are also very mature themes in this book, such as: Drug abuse, Prostitution, Abuse, Gang Activity, Alcohol, Sex, and, of course, Gay relationships. If this is not your cup of tea, kindly leave this story.*…