Prince or Pauper: Selection Roleplay (OPEN)

Prince or Pauper: Selection Roleplay (OPEN)

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(3 SPOTS OPEN!)(A Selection roleplay remix with elements of the classic with original ideas, fantasy, sci-fi, and adventure. Nothing is as it seems. Get ready for a Selection roleplay unlike any you have ever seen before.)We've all seen it before, a few princes and thirty girls trying to win them over. Eight princes and thirty girls... But there's a catch...There are actually only four princes... The other four are normal people with normal jobs who look so much like them it's impossible to tell who is royal and who is not. Four princes. Four 'paupers'. Thirty-five girls.Who will stay, who will go? And of those who do get their man, who will get the royal and who will get the average?Add in a rebellion, people paid to make the selected snap, and superpowers and it's the adventure of a lifetime. Nothing is as it seems and nothing is set in stone. The castle is filled with secrets, and not just those of who is really a prince.…