Den Brustna Pojken

Den Brustna Pojken

7 1 1

Hela sitt liv har Nicolau blivit behandlad som ett missfoster. Han har fått skulden för alla hemska saker som händer i Canai, och det bara för att han har en förmåga som ingen har hört talas om ännu. Och att ha en ny, skrämmande förmåga som kan hjälpa honom att utplåna en hel armé och fortfarande ha övertaget har inte varit lätt; absolut inte eftersom han är Kronprins. För att ens kunna vara Kung måste han ta kontroll över sin förmåga snabbare än den kan ta kontroll över honom.Se upp: Trilogin innehåller våld, självskadebeteende och psykisk ohälsa. Om detta är något du har svårt med, råder jag dig att inte läsa den här boken.Del 1 av 3…

The Broken Boy

The Broken Boy

8 1 1

All his life, Nicolau has been treated like a freak. He's been blamed for all terrible things that happens in Canai, and that just because he has an ability that no one has heard of yet. And having a new, frightening ability that can help him wipe out an entire army and still have the upperhand hasn't been easy; certainly not since he's the Crown-Prince. To be able to even be King he needs to take control over his ability faster than it can take control over him.Beware: The trilogy contains violence, self-injurious behavior and mental illness. If this is something you have a hard time with, I advise you to not read this book.Part 1 of 3…

Mystic Academy: The Lie

Mystic Academy: The Lie

331 72 25

Sometimes the best way of telling the truth is to lie.Aline Blake has now survived her first year at Mystic. A year of trials so hard that it's still unimaginable. She has both lost and found friends, while also struggling with the personal problems that come with being a teenager.But in some miraculous way that she doesn't quite understand, she has made it and is now entering the next phase of Mystic Academy's difficult challenges.Even if she doesn't want to, Aline has to get through them without letting her emotions take over and get her into big trouble.The challenges are far from over. Because what do you do when you find out that your whole life has been a lie?This book contains slightly heavier topics such as thoughts about not being enough in the world, and just being a burden. As far as I know, it's not that hard to read, but it depends on what kind of person you are. Keep this in mind as you read.Book 2 of 5Amazing Cover av @AnnamitaMuscaria…

Mystic Academy: Lögnen

Mystic Academy: Lögnen

289 76 25

Ibland är det bästa sättet att berätta sanningen att ljuga.Aline Blake har nu överlevt sitt första år på Mystic. Ett år med prövningar så svåra att det fortfarande är ofattbart. Hon har både förlorat och funnit vänner, samtidigt som hon har kämpat med de personliga problemen man har när man är tonåring.Men på något mirakulöst sätt som hon inte riktigt förstår, har hon klarat sig och är nu på väg in i nästa fas av Mystic Academys svåra utmaningar. Även om hon inte vill, måste Aline ta sig igenom dem utan att låta känslorna ta över styr och få henne i stora problem.Utmaningarna är långt ifrån över. För vad gör man när man får reda på att hela ens liv har varit en lögn?Den här boken innehåller lite tyngre ämnen såsom tankar om att inte räcka till i världen, och bara vara en börda. Vad jag vet är det inte så jobbigt att läsa, men det beror ju på vilken person man är. Håll detta i baktanke medan du läser.Bok 2 av 5Fantastik Cover av @AnnamitaMuscaria…

Mystic Academy: Accepted

Mystic Academy: Accepted

1,258 418 48

Normal can be the most beautiful thing there is...No one knows that more than Aline and her brother.Aline Blake never knew what was going to happen. Only thirteen years old, she had no clue about life's dark secrets. But that would soon change...Book 1 of 5Amazing Cover by @AnnamitaMuscariaFinished: 8/7 2023…

Mystic Academy: Antagen

Mystic Academy: Antagen

1,490 374 48

Normalt kan vara det vackraste som finns...Ingen vet det mer än Aline och hennes bror.Aline Blake visste aldrig vad som skulle hända. Blott tretton år gammal hade hon ingen aning om livets mörka hemligheter. Men det skulle snart ändras på...Bok 1 av 5Fantastik Cover av @AnnamitaMuscariaAvslutad: 7/2 2023…

My Famous Brother

My Famous Brother

318 68 8

ON HOLD DUE TO REWRITINGJoline and her mother move, in drastic circumstances, out of the apartment they live in. This is because Joline's big brother Theo has become a celebrity.Seven years later, when Joline is nineteen, her mother dies, so she is forced to move back to her old home, and her brother. When they meet, she is mostly angry at him because he doesn't listen, but when they get closer to each other again, their previous ties to each other start to come back.Cover Art by @FANGIRL5201314DISCLAIMER: ~ I'm not a native English speaker so my spelling might be wrong. This is also my first story in English, so be aware. I'm using songs in this book; songs that I absolutely do not own. I'll list them down here.I'm Doing Fine - Mike WatersBreak My Heart - JC StewartLying That You Love Me - JC StewartBacking Down - Isak Danielson ~…

The Wolf In Me

The Wolf In Me

174 39 7

• • • ON HOLD • • •Ayesha Hayes is the youngest of eight siblings living in the little town of Mount Pleasouchurch. The former mining town certainly lived up to its standards as it still produced silver that was found in the big caves.What many of the villagers didn't know was that the caves were occupied by a group of people called werewolves. Ayesha was one of them. Well, she wasn't really a werewolf, but her whole family was.Ayesha is a normal teenage girl. A human. One day Ayesha's brother Jack comes to the school. He needs to tell Ayesha something. He has bit a student in her class.And to Ayesha's disappointment it is the most popular guy in school-Dylan Ameron. The guy she doesn't dare to talk to because of her crush on him.But now Ayesha, as the expert she is, is forced to help her high school crush through his transformation.AMAZING cover bu AnnamitaMuscaria…