The Shikon Princess

The Shikon Princess

1,702 48 23

An AU InuYasha FanfictionMarriage is sacred. It is meant to be between two people who held love for one another. Meant to start a happy and joyous life together. That is, unless you're royalty. Then, you don't have much choice in the matter. Kagome had just reached her 15th birthday when the Shikon Jewel was sent to her, an act of proposal on behalf of the Inu-Yokai clan, asking her hand in marriage to their Hanyo prince, Son of the late, great Lord Toga, as an act to secure his half of the western lands, Musachi. Now, 3 years later, Kagome is finally to be delivered to her husband, a far less than willing participant in his father's affairs that lead to a mortal woman being laid on the doorstep of his palace wrapped in silks like a present. ~Once the red strings of fate become tangled, it cannot be unraveled~…

Careless Whispers

Careless Whispers

2,511 74 24

~Written in the fever dream of the new obsession I've found in my lonely days of office work, the Vampire Diaries~I've lived through times of joy, of war, of so very many things. Loved ones have long been lost and I can only find comfort it seems, in the one who made me. We are the only true companions, the only ones who can ever be kept within arms reach who don't end up under the soil, withered and decayed. In my 250 years walking this absence of live, I must say, I regret what allowed to happen. Having to move every five, ten years and sometimes even change my name for a while, is exhausting, even for someone who doesn't easily get tired. The lives I take, they weigh on me constantly. I can only hope that the attachment of others, doesn't make an endless life worse than it already is.…

Forest of Broken Trees

Forest of Broken Trees

4,576 318 25

Katniss Everdeen is a simple girl of the Hestian Clan, known for their trade in fireworks and the coal they are able to create. She works hard and rides up the ranks, slowly but surely, but she sometimes doesn't fit in. She knows that times are changing, that she is coming to the age where she needs to begin to look at making an advantageous marriage.But she doesn't want that. She dreams of a day when she can break free of the mold, become more than someone who turns the gnarled trees of the broken forest into hard, broken pieces of Carbon and ash. She loves to hear the sounds of the Musians floating across the river, the carefree life of the Sidans who work to gather fish, even the hard working Phestians seem happy in their work guilding and creating new technologies. She finds her fire destructive and dangerous, longing for a chance to be more than a fire bringer.Until she meets a young Demet on one of her missions to the village, a young man who is working on the grains in the field for his parent's bakery, does she realized that there us more to life, to fire, than destruction.…

The Snowing Embers

The Snowing Embers

6,900 275 26

A victorian era AU of the Hunger Games. under construction…

Vivid Dreams

Vivid Dreams

8,776 101 6

She loves to put on a show. She's become numb to the acts she does and doesn't see how she could find anything worth the same as the money she makes. Sex, its just a job like any other to her at this point. She doesn't feel any real connection with her costars after a high school boyfriend showed her that love wasn't worth it. That is until she starts shooting scenes with an up and coming star in her world. But Catching feelings is dangerous in their line of work. Too bad he caught his.…

Never Leave Me Alone

Never Leave Me Alone

11,259 458 30

Two hearts of different proportions, dispissinging of one another from the moment they met rejoin in their maturity to unite their worlds.…



5,641 191 14

She's a bird, locked in a cage, waiting to be set free. Her unbreakable spirt dims by the day and her true love is nearly as restricted as she to save her. Katniss is under control of the Capital, facing intense tourture every day and not being able to say anything to stop it. She's never felt more crippled than she does now, despizing the way that President Snow brags that he "clipped her wings." She prays everyday that somehow, someway, Peeta will make his way back to her like he promised what seems like years before.Peeta sits in District 13 with the rest of the Refugees, fighting through the red tape and diplomacy that surrounds the the battle ready district. He can't understand why no one has concerns about a pregnant woman being held in the way she is. The videos appearing from the Capital show something's wrong. Katniss would never say those things unless under duress. Othing will stand in his way of Katniss and his daughter.The final book of the Under The Stars Role reversed story.…

But He Chose Me

But He Chose Me

15,420 574 20

I was born to a family of many talents but little money. After our provider died, we were put to the streets. But at 18, my opportunity came when the queen became in need of a maid. I was greeted in strict guidlines and made instantly wealthy enough to support my family. The work is hard, but I expected that. What I hadn't expected was catching her son's eye. I know not what he sees, for of all the beautiful ladies at court he chooses to set his sights on a simple peasent girl like I.…

The Chosen Path

The Chosen Path

16,023 460 13

I was chosen for him and him for me. It was required of every 19 year old to be paired this way. Our population as in decline. Young people in the prim of their lives were meant to save the country from extinction. But I dont want this I dont want any of this. I'm not the mothering type. But they need proof that their system works so I'm watched everywhere.Its not that he isnt nice and sweet. I just don't know how I could love someone who I'm force to be with.…

The Killer Queen

The Killer Queen

7,937 278 11

It's the 1980's. She makes her money singing in bars, trying to pave her way to LA and a recording contract. He's just a troubled boy going wherever the trains will take him. In reality, their paths would only cross if he stopped to get a drink at a rock and roll bar, but sometimes, fate has other things in mind. (I'm back, It's been a while and I've been busy reading and enjoying my summer. But this needed to be written before it escapes my mind)…

Imprisoned By Love

Imprisoned By Love

11,667 544 18

"What do you mean you aren't like other guys? Every guy says that. That makes you exactly like all other guys.""I mean I am literally not like other guys. I can never love anyone but you. If I even tried, I would die."Katniss was just a normal girl. A singer in a small, high class club, no where to go but up. She didn't have many friends, though there were quite a few that admired her from her pedestal. One admirer in particular seems exceedingly determined as she catches his eye one night. After, she feels self conscious, his predator eyes watching her every move as though she were his prey. When this killer strikes, what will Katniss have to face in those tantalizing blue eyes.…

Rising Storm

Rising Storm

18,767 710 29

She has a heart of stone, hardened by everything that happened to her in the past. The only hope of survival is the love she rejected. But will that love find her in time.Katniss Everdeen is preparing for the Victory Tour, the two week long celebration of her and Peeta Mellark's escape from the 74th Hunger Games. Two weeks of being trapped in a love story with the one who broke her heart. Threats from the President hang over both their heads should it not be believable. And when the tide turns, and Katniss finds herself in a situation she never wanted for herself, it's up to her when the truth is revealed.(The second book of the Under The Stars series)…

Made To Be His

Made To Be His

2,457 89 5

I'm not really sure what I am. Spirt is too broad. Shifter or Elementist is too specific. No one alive remembers what I am. If I had to describe what I am, I'd say I'm am the very essence of everything that is wild and uncontrollable. I can walk the footsteps of every creature and know all their languages. I can control fire and water and the others. I am untamed, unnamed, and unknown. Legend tells that the one who tames me, who gives me my name, is the one who I was made for. He is my soul mate. I am the one who will serve him the rest of my life. I will cease to be immortal and become his faithful wife. But after three millennia, I've given up all hope of him existing. That is, until he saved me. I was no longer nameless in man's eyes that day. I was his Katniss.…

Love On A Record

Love On A Record

5,359 353 11

Two starving young music artists find themselves in a pickle. He needs someone to help with harmonies, a sweet alto voice that will blend with his. Her, well, she is the complete opposite of a people person. When their agents decide to join them together in a new group, how will the two complete opposites survive? Will the new duet, named Starcrossed, sweep the nation or will their careers go up in smoke?…

In Another's Eyes

In Another's Eyes

52,464 1,640 16

Their eyes met from across the room. Him, a successful baker with a hard life at home. Her, a music teacher who sang on the weekends. Both had just turned 25. They both felt like they were drowning in the life they were living. Both felt something was missing.He buys her a drink. She gives him a smile. They start talking and as the night goes on, they feel the light that they had been missing. They go to a motel and get a room under false names, sharing a night that finally makes each feel whole. But there is a fatal flaw to this fairy tale.For both were already married. These two were star crossed lovers who were never meant to be.But it's funny how fate changes that.(This book is going to be really racy. It's very mature and took me a long time to work up the courage to write it. Read at your own risk.)…

The Rebel Queen

The Rebel Queen

2,770 92 25

It is a time of darkness in Panem. President Snow and his army of slaves and minions rules with an iron fist, putting the lives of villagers in jeopardy. Many try to escape, though few make it to my ranks. I know the struggle to escape the cages called districts. I am one of those few, escaping when a mine explosion destroyed an area of fence and left defenses down. And though it cost my father's life, I gladly took the opportunity to leave and aid the others, who lay disorganized in the uncharted forests. That was five years ago. Since then, I have become their very symbol of existence and the one they look to for guidance. I did not ask this, but for the honor of the rebellion, I stand at the helm of their war with Snow.My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am sixteen years old and have seen more than I should at my age. To them I am the Mockingjay. I am their Rebel Queen.…

I'm Already There

I'm Already There

10,698 484 8

~ "But why?" I ask Peeta as I hand him back the recruiting letter. "I thought we were going to get married and start a family?" Peeta gently takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles."And we will," he says. "As soon as I come home, we'll start our family." ~Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark are high school sweethearts strait out of a romantic novel. Perfect relationship and hopes for the future. But when Peeta gets the letter he was waiting for but dreading to tell Katniss about, how will their future really unfold.…

Bought Love

Bought Love

15,344 688 10

Bought from her mother to be the bride of the son of a very rich family, Katniss Everdeen has never felt more alone. Before her wedding, she had barely had more than a glimpse of her future husband. She had no say in any of this. She wishes her father were still alive. He would never have let their family become so poor that they had to sell off the eldest daughter to the highest bidder. As their lives together progress, how could she possibly learn to love the boy so desperately in love with her that his family bought her to be his faithful wife? Can she get past the fact that he is considered to be her master and that every command he gives her is to be followed under threat of flogging or worse? Or will the youngest Mellark free her from her torments once and for all?…

Under The Stars

Under The Stars

14,544 645 12

What if Katniss was the one who was hopelessly in love with Peeta and he had no idea? What if Katniss was the one Cato attacked before they were reunited and Peeta had to nurse the stubborn huntress back to health? Taking place just after the announcement that two victors can win if they originate from the same district, Under The Stars sheds some light on how the Star Crossed Lovers would have come to be had Katniss been the one hopelessly in love. *This is just the author's opinion, not to be taken to seriously. I mean no harm in writing this story*…



16,199 607 12

When people see me walking down the street, they call me names. Whore, Slut, you name it. It's not my fault I was thrown out at eighteen by my mother and the only person kind enough to take me in was Cashmere Brooks, the owner of the ever popular Trackerjacker Gentlemen's Club. Being a dancer wasn't my first plan. But the money made waitressing just isn't worth the constant fondling from the patrons. So I was forced to dance. I will admit that the money is good. But what good is money when you're dead inside. But then I just remind myself that it's not me on that stage, but a person I don't even know. On that stage I'm no longer Katniss Everdeen, the scared eighteen year old who just last month didn't have enough money to feed myself.On that stage I'm an unknown face.On that stage, they call me Fancy.…