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"Ethan." I whisper, breathless. His lips didn't leave my neck, and his hands caressed my body. I dug my nails into his shirtless back, my legs wrapped around his waist."Yes baby, say my name. Say my name loud enough for all the stars in the sky to hear it. Let them know you're mine."Alexis Martinez has a regular life, monotonous to the last degree. Nothing interesting has ever happened in her life, except for a life threatening fall into the resort pool which scared her from ever swimming again. Enter Ethan Walker, charming with those cute dimples and suddenly Alexis' life is-, well still the same. Monotonous. She knows that her league and Ethan's league were two spheres that would never touch, so why bother? Nevertheless, a night in the school library helps her see him in a different light, the dim light of the library. Alexis finds that her worst fear, after swimming pools, of falling in love might be coming true. She tries to avoid him, but Ethan seems unbelievably stubborn on making sure her plan flops. How annoying can he get?Very, Alexis. You have barely scratched the surface.WARNING: Contains mature content (I'll put a warning before.)…