808Hawaii_girl's Little Island

808Hawaii_girl's Little Island

130 34 6

Basically a "My Life" book I've made to catch up and talk to with my friends, @Millie_Astral, @Reigning_Tears, @Crimson_Ice, and @Krysina because I miss them so much!☆彡 ★彡 ☆彡 ★彡☆彡 ★彡 ☆彡 ★彡THIS is a WARNING. Please note that there will be a LOT of explicit content in this book and if you are highly sensitive, I advise to not even add this book to your library. I will not hold anything back in this book because this is MY book and I will do and post anything I want. If you have a problem, then you can just leave because I will not deal with any sort of drama.…

My Art Book 2

My Art Book 2

5,531 617 93

My first art book was getting too long and I filled with so much negative stuff so I decided to make a new one! :DJust like my first Art Book, EVERYTHING in here belongs to ME. DO. NOT. STEAL. MY. ART. OR. ELSE. I do not like art thieves -.0WARNING: There are swears, cusses, and all kinds of bad words in here! If you don't like it, I'm sorry but please leave! There are also, rants and vents and personal opinions in here that most people won't agree with.…

Run Away With Me

Run Away With Me

61 5 2

Experiment 2460, Luna, has been living within the cave her whole life! Looking into the outside world, she yearns so much to explore the outside world and see all of its wonders! However, the Cloaked man, her father figure, doesn't want her to for the danger that the outside world holds. Luna's life hangs between this one big decision. Will she choose to stay or will she escape? That's for YOU, the reader, to decide! Join Luna in her life and explore her world in the Number Realm and make her decisions! Everything will be up to you!Note: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal or the Numbers. The only thing I own is the plot, Luna, and many other characters and Numbers that I have created.…

The Bipolar Queen's Yu-Gi-Oh! One Shots

The Bipolar Queen's Yu-Gi-Oh! One Shots

347 21 4

Basically a bunch of one shots of all the fandoms I've watched along with some rewards from the YGO Magazine!Cover was made by @CrazySwimmingIdiot! Go check out her stuff, she's amazing! :D…

The Dream Girl

The Dream Girl

6,578 276 29

After the defeat of Don Thousand, the Barian emperors are attending Heartland Academy with their friends Yuma and the rest of the gang. Everything is all fine and dandy until Vector starts to feel a bit empty inside, like something's missing. In his memory there's a huge space of blackness there; like a void. He asks the other Barian emperors if they have the same problem with their memories, but they don't. He asks Astral to help him with his mind blockage, but even he can't decipher what's wrong! Soon after he asks Astral to help with his mind blockage, he starts having strange, violent visions of his past self!It isn't until Vector meets a certain scarlet-haired girl, that the memories start filling in, but when he approaches her, she runs away or worse, she beats the living crap out of him! Will Vector find out what's blocking his mind and the source of the strange visions? And will he find out who that strange scarlet-haired girl is or will he be too late?…

Challenge Time With 808Hawaii_girl

Challenge Time With 808Hawaii_girl

107 16 3

I've been getting tagged in so many challenges and other tags so I decided to move them here! Hope you guys enjoy! :DCover was made by @Krysina! Go check out all her stuff! :D…

Depression Attacks

Depression Attacks

265 33 8

Simply a place where I write my thoughts when I'm feeling down and depressed.The book cover is made and drawn by me so DON'T steal it.…

My Art Book!

My Art Book!

8,547 845 116

Hey, guys! So I got this new sketchbook (2/1/15) and now I finally have a place where I can draw my stuff! :D I'll be posting them here for you guys to see!Please note that I'm not good at drawing . 3. I do it cuz it's fun! And I know absolutely NOTHING about art, so yeah! XD⚠ ⚠ WARNING: THERE IS SWEARING AND VENTING IN HERE!!! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, LEAVE! YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WARNED!!! ⚠ ⚠…

He Isn't The One(On Hold)

He Isn't The One(On Hold)

682 25 7

For years, Number 96: Black Mist has lived within the musical kingdom of the Number 116: Musical Enchanter, the Kingdom of Harmony, in disguise. He's a proud and strong Number who has earned the respect of everyone in the kingdom, but of course all of this is fake. On the day when the Princess must choose her spouse, Black Mist's secret is out and it sets everything to Chaos.…

The Words I Never Heard

The Words I Never Heard

1,705 131 40

Experiment 24061, Luna, has always known the cave as her home; she knows nothing beyond that other than the many stories she hears from her abusive Master, the Cloaked man. He tells her only of the dangers and horrors of the world, which makes her wary of everything outside of the cave.One day, the Cloaked man leaves the cave for some errands which leaves Luna all alone in the cave. Despite what her master has told her many times, Luna goes out and explores the world outside of the cave. She finds many things outside of the cave that amazes her and brings her to places beyond her wildest imaginations, but when she walks down a path the Cloaked man specifically told her not to go down, everything in her life changes. Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal or any of the characters from the story. The only things I do own are the characters that I made and the story plot. Note that only very few characters will be in this story as it is just a background story for one of my many OC characters.…