Picture perfect

Picture perfect

178 7 1

The marauders, four boys known for their mischief and good looks. Always there when needed, the marauders are the people you go to when you need a laugh. They are what you may call privileged. Who wouldn't want to be them? After all they did had perfect lives. Lily evans knows that's not the truth and she's determined to find out what is.…

Until the very end - Jily oneshots

Until the very end - Jily oneshots

483 3 1

🥀 She hated him! 🥀 ~ ⚠️ CAUTION ⚠️ ~ Jily fluff that can cause you to die from cuteness. Lmao you can see I'm not to good at descriptions. Anyway this is basically the jily one shots that I've written. Enjoy!🌹 Nah she didn't 🌹…