The Journey

The Journey

1,726 575 29

Ranked #1 in the Dark and Dangerous BTS awards 2018Check: is going on a journey to South Korea as a consequence of a holiday assignment. Everything was normal until she discovered who his seat-mate in the aeroplane was."Holy shit!!", she exclaimed. Just one small incident in a small journey changed the entire scenario of Y/N's life.Will she be able to cope with it? Will it all go smooth? Or will she land herself amidst troubles of various kinds, contrary to what a fangirl would expect?(Participant in COWAwards2018)…

BTS fanarts

BTS fanarts

938 68 6

Some of my bts fanarts. I'm not a very good artist. Bts means a lot to me and it just came to my mind to start making fanarts on a random note. Updates won't be fast. I draw only when I'm completely free and relaxed. But whatever I've drawn so far is right here! Hope you'll like it! And hopefully I'll get more than 10 reads? 😂😂…