It's Only What You Make It, A Country Command Game

It's Only What You Make It, A Country Command Game

74 3 5

So, a lot of people might think I have lost my mind for making this. In this command game you make your own country and can do anything a normal country can do. You get to choose everything about the country. The countries also have human versions of themselves like Country Humans. Basically your country will also have to take care of itself well the human version at least.…

Command Game Ideas

Command Game Ideas

36 2 2

This is a book where I will put all of my command game ideas that I don't feel like making or feel I have to many on my account and I already have as many command games as I can on joint accounts. I will add more when I get more so be patient its not like I can make 100 command game idea's at once.…

Corrupted Royals, A Warriors Command Game

Corrupted Royals, A Warriors Command Game

145 20 10

The clan of Goldclan has always had an issue with its royals. I'm fact its always had a problem with most of its high ranks. Now days they worship more than just there ancestors due to high ranks bad decisions so far. They always have to be pleasing something in order to survive. Some cats have tried to make rebellions but they have always failed at bringing the high ranks down. No matter how many cats are in them or how carful the cats were.Now days all of the low ranks are viewed as useless for much by the high ranks and are treated terribly. A low rank can be killed and then not even have it investigated. Maybe one day it will get better is what they have always said. But its only gotten worse and worse. The low ranks are losing hope that it will get better and the high ranks are oblivious. Maybe one day it will get better than it is now. But, no cat knows for sure.I do not own warrior cats. That belongs to Erin Hunter.…

Is This An Illusion? Or Real Life, A Warriors Command Game

Is This An Illusion? Or Real Life, A Warriors Command Game

44 4 7

What happened last night. None of us know. But, since we woke up all creatures but us seem to be growing. One frog can feed the whole clan. Though it does make it harder to hunt. We have to hunt in groups now to get any prey.Let's hope that this is temporary. Or just an illusion. We haven't been attacked by anything yet which is good. We can barely get are prey. Yet alone defend ourselves against a group of giant birds.Image is not mine and I do not own Warrior Cats.…

Lost Connection

Lost Connection

14 2 2

Never lose your focus. We all learned to never do that on that terrible day. Where still trying to fix everything after what happened. Some of us are still gone Though I should probably tell you about that day before I get to far ahead of myself. If you are willing to listen to me. You'll understand why everyone says to you never lose your focus. Though I must tell you now that it might sound crazy to you it did happen.Cover not made by me. Info on the cover info page.…

Don't Make A Move, A Warriors Command Game

Don't Make A Move, A Warriors Command Game

89 23 8

The clan of Stoneclan has always preferred more rocky territory. Though this time they have gotten more with the rocks that fill the territory then they can chew. From rocks that change cats to stone to rocks that make cats burn from the inside out. Stoneclan has to find a way to survive while every time they take a step they risk stepping on a bad rock that kills them. Will they find out a way to survive? Or will they all perish one by one?I do not own warrior cats or the image used aboveNow I am going to add random things cause Wattpad isn't considering this a description.Ham shamans BSkyB's I and I SNCB DNC and kV SNCB SNCB cm cf NDBs BNSF VfB…

Warriors Alligence Maker

Warriors Alligence Maker

12 0 2

So, I'll probably do this when I'm bored. I don't really know how good I will be at this as I don't make alligences often. But, I still will try my best and try to get it to you in a decent amount of time.I do not own warrior cats or the image used for the cover.…

Don't Touch The Floor, A Warriors Command Game

Don't Touch The Floor, A Warriors Command Game

179 26 8

The clan of Treeclan has lived in the trees for a long time. Not due to them wanting to but because the forest floor in there territory is not safe to be on. On the floor there are a lot of dogs and badgers. Not only that but there is also a creature down there that they call the creature of the ground. When a cat falls and the creature of the ground is nearby they will be dragged away by it and no cat sees them ever after that. When there isn't any of those the floor tends to leave burns on the cat that touches it.(So basically this clan has to go through an extreme game of the floor is lava.)I don't own the pictures used for the cover or Warrior cats.…

Bloody Fight, A Warriors Command Game

Bloody Fight, A Warriors Command Game

60 8 9

The clan of Mossclan has always struggled with not having enough prey for its cats. But then Patchstar became leader. He proposed that every 5 moons the clan has half of its cats fight to the death. When counting the total every 5 moons they do not count Kits, Queens, Elders, Medicine Cats or Medicine Cat Apprentices as those are the only ranks that can have multiple cats that don't participate in the fight. The clan calls it the Deadly Battle. Since this started the clan has had less starving cats. But at what cost?Image is not mine. I also do not own warrior cats.…

The Fallen, An Original Command Game

The Fallen, An Original Command Game

55 7 8

Please tell me if this isn't original calmly if it isn't. Also the wings are not done by me.Most people remember it like it was yesterday. The day were creatures that were thought to be just myths or legends starting to come down to where we all lived and killing us all one by one. There are now days very few humans left. Most of them traveled into space to other planets we guess. The few of us that are alive hide in the shadows but even some of those aren't safe for us.We creatures got tired of humans thinking we weren't real. So we started to come down some of us harming them others not and some even helping them escape. Angels have been humans main helpers while a lot have been their main attackers. We try to hide humans from these ones and don't tell them when we find some.…

Lost Hope, A Warriors Command Game

Lost Hope, A Warriors Command Game

80 14 10

The Tribe Of Running Wind had to get a new territory after there old one was destroyed by twolegs. They chose a mountain that tends to have fog. What they didn't know when they went onto the territory was that they would never manage to leave it and would get attacked by creatures at least every 5 moons. There ancestors seem to have abandoned them when they entered the territory. What will they do now?I do not own Warriors it belongs to Erin Hunter.…

Warriors Command Game Generator

Warriors Command Game Generator

105 8 7

Read the title. If you end up using what gets generated or anything from this than please credit me. Also I know the cover has nothing to do with this. I don't care.…

Radiation, A Warriors Command Game

Radiation, A Warriors Command Game

9 0 6

Most of the cats in Cloudclan remember this day well. They all woke up and some kinda dust was in the air. There territory destroyed as if s fire had happened only worse. Some woke up with new features. They all ended up having to leave and go to another clan nearby until they could go back to there old home. Now the forest is in good enough shape for them to go back. They have to rebuild there camp. They have decided to change the rank system. Each rank is full of cats with the same features. They all live and hope that they can become as great as they once were.…

The Shadows

The Shadows

4 0 3

We live in your shadows. But, you still don't notice us. You don't notice how much we suffer because of you. Yet, for some reason we still live like this. We live like we don't exist at all. Or at least most of us, some of us are lucky and become the leader, a part of the council, a hunter or a guard. That's why most children hope that they become there apprentices. Though it is rare. It's even rarer that it isn't just some messed up joke. Seeing children's happy faces when they become students for those ranks and there upset when they don't become what they we're trained to be. That's probably the worse thing to watch. Sometimes they publicly kill some of us just for us to remember what we did. But, maybe one day it will get better for us.…

Jumping Dimensions, A Warriors Command Game

Jumping Dimensions, A Warriors Command Game

90 12 7

what's this? Another command game? At this point if your surprised I would be concerned.Dimensionclan is a clan full of cats who can travel to other dimensions. They are often times building up camp again when they travel to another dimension to help it out. Some of the dimensions are more violent then others. When you travel to a new dimension and you have a new territory I will randomize it to see if anything unique can happen in that dimension. Have fun!…

Bloody Ripple, A Warriors Command Game

Bloody Ripple, A Warriors Command Game

98 15 7

Fishclan has recently escaped there old clan Rippleclan. Little did they know that they had chosen a dangerous territory to live in. It seems fine until you get into the water. Will Fishclan find a way to survive without leaving the territory?…

Murderous Moors, A Warriors Command Game

Murderous Moors, A Warriors Command Game

51 8 7

We left are old home to find something better....... but this place doesn't seem to he any better than are old home......... maybe its just are imagination........ or maybe the moors seem to have some life to it........ that make cats on it go insane in many different ways....let's hope its just are imagination.…

Curse Of The Growing Forest, A Warriors Command Game

Curse Of The Growing Forest, A Warriors Command Game

14 0 7

We thought we could destroy it.......We didn't get the chance to...and now it has cursed us and all of are kits......maybe one day in the far future this curse will end.…

There Is No Escape, A Warriors Command Game

There Is No Escape, A Warriors Command Game

29 4 7

This is a command game about a clan called Frogclan which was formed by cats who escaped Swampclan.What the clan didn't know when they went into a new territory, was that the creatures followed them there.The territory was also worse than there old home. There are the creatures that followed them into the forest, whispers and voices tempting cats to kill others, stones and rocks that take over the cats and possibly more.Will cats with Swampclan blood ever be at peace? Will Frogclan ever be at peace? What will happen to the clan? Is there even more dangerous that the cats don't know about?You will just have to find out.…

Foggy Moors, A Warriors Command Game

Foggy Moors, A Warriors Command Game

10 0 7

This is a command game about Moorclan.The moor looks normal until you enter it then it is all the sudden really foggy. The clan chose third for territories but is constantly scared. Some cats have said that they see creatures in the fog. Most cats travel in groups due to the fog. Some cats travel in groups due the creature sightings. Some she-cats are scared to have kits. While others don't worry about it.Will you survive? Or will you get lost in the fog.…