Advent Calendar 2023 アドベント・カレンダー 2023

Advent Calendar 2023 アドベント・カレンダー 2023

106 15 7

It's that time of the year again! Advent Calendar 2023 is back with a 3rd edition! With a collaboration between 20 profiles, we bring you a calendar that counts down to Christmas with various activities and challenges that keep you in the mood! Join us in the fun right here!…

Profile Guide プロフィールガイド

Profile Guide プロフィールガイド

129 11 7

This guide explains all the features you will find on the AmbassadorsJP profile. You can also consult our FAQs about Wattpad and links to helpful Wattpad resources. Thank you for stopping by!…

アンバサダー プログラム (The Ambassador Program)

アンバサダー プログラム (The Ambassador Program)

938 64 6

The Ambassador Program is a global team of Wattpadders who are strongly passionate about connecting readers & writers through storytelling. They live, breathe, and share Wattpad with the world, one step at a time. If you want to learn more about the program, and how to apply, this is the story to check out!アンバサダー プログラムは、強く情熱の物語を通じて読者・ ライターの接続が Wattpadders のグローバル チームで構成されます。彼らは生きている、呼吸と世界では、一度に 1 つのステップで Wattpad を共有します。 プログラム、および適用する方法の詳細についてはする場合は、これはチェック アウトする話です!…

Contests & Challenges コンテストとチャレンジ

Contests & Challenges コンテストとチャレンジ

2,150 105 13

Add to reading list for updates on contest hosted by Ambassador Japan.アンバサダージャパン主催コンテストの更新情報を読むリストに追加…

AmbassadorsJP: Anthology

AmbassadorsJP: Anthology

185 37 15

The AmbassadorsJP Anthology features the winning entries from our contests. Find all the amazing stories written by our contest winners here.…

Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Contest

Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Contest

132 4 9

Happy Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month!AAPI is observed from May 1st to May 31st every year, but can, and should, be recognized past the month of May. To help bring attention to this important time, we have created a fun contest with activities for you to work on throughout the month to learn more about these cultures, but to also highlight Asian and Pacific Islander voices on Wattpad.…

New Year Cultural Contest 2022

New Year Cultural Contest 2022

92 8 9

Ambassadors have created a special collaboration contest for this New Year! It's a brand new year, and with it comes a brand new special contest!We bring you a diverse and cultural collaboration contest with various amazing cultures inside. It's massive, vast that includes diverse and cultural prompts to choose from and that includes fun activities along the way. The duration of the contest is from 10th Jan to Feb 10th. Yes, you got a month's time for this contest as you will have your freedom to create unique, fabulous, extraordinary stories.…

Shiver Me Timbers!

Shiver Me Timbers!

36 12 7

Open your sails and search the seas for untold treasures and ancient artefacts with @WattpadAsianFantasy and @talesofthedeep's thrilling treasure map adventure, Shiver Me Timbers, this fall.Shiver Me Timbers is a choose your own adventure contest where we bring you a wealth of prompts to choose from. Your task? To navigate the treacherous waters by following our map where you will be expected to write your way out of each stop until you make it to the very end.…

Halloween Vault 2021

Halloween Vault 2021

77 14 9


Open Novella Contest 2021 オぺ ンノウェラコンテスト2021

Open Novella Contest 2021 オぺ ンノウェラコンテスト2021

941 42 10

It's official, the Open Novella Contest is back again for a fourth edition! それは公式です、オープンノヴェッラコンテストは第4版のために再び戻ってきました!13 weeks for 2OK words minimum, ready for the challenge?最小2OKワードで13週間、チャレンジの準備はできていますか?…