From Among the Stars [A Plant Boy! and Space Boy! AU]

From Among the Stars [A Plant Boy! and Space Boy! AU]

1,645 122 15

"Are you... human?" Philip Lester is a sprite, living in the heart of a dense forest in England. His ability to connect with the Earth through plants sets him apart from humans, so he remains in solitude for the majority of his days despite his human appearance and mostly human lifestyle. He takes care of the forest around him, perfectly content with his quiet, unassuming life. A spaceship crashing into his forest is unexpected. The man crawling from the burning wreck is even more so. The mysterious boy from a mysterious, far-off planet gives Phil the perfect opportunity to learn what it truly means to be human. Together, they learn how to co-exist and love in a world that never intended to collide with space. "Not exactly. Some call me a faerie, others call me a sprite. I'm more of a guardian of the forest that doesn't exactly fit into any of those labels."…

Kings [A Medieval AU]

Kings [A Medieval AU]

14,553 1,114 37

[Based on the universe from "The Gifts We Share"]"You're making everything more complicated." Tenebris is a kingdom with no allies and no known enemies. Due to their ability to completely sustain themselves, they've never had a need for allies. The king of said kingdom, Daniel Howell, has never had a need for either. He may be lonely at times, but he's never needed anyone before, so why would he need someone now? Nestled among the mountainous regions of the north lies Divum, a kingdom known for its superstition and love of magic. Its king, Phillip Lester, rules with a gentle hand. After a particularly difficult growing season, the kingdom faces the threat of food shortage and starvation. Without a drastic action, Divum will perish. Tenebris becomes the main target, King Daniel the subject of suspicion. Desperation settles in, and before he knows it Phil is heading out to Tenebris. "You're making things complicated because you're taking everything I thought I knew and turning it upside-down."…

Yin and Yang [A Superhero AU] - Book Three

Yin and Yang [A Superhero AU] - Book Three

21,480 1,562 45

{Companion Story to Different and United}"In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complimentary, interconnected, or interdependent in the natural world." [Wikipedia] Dan Howell never really got the chance to grow up. At nine years old, he was kidnapped from his home in Wokingham, England, and carted off to San Francisco. He was mutated and trained to become a super villain for a man known only as "the Boss". Between being forced to kill, being beaten down by his boss, and being separated from his family for the next fifteen years, contentedness feels like something completely out of his grasp. --When Phil Lester was born with superpowers, he knew what he was supposed to do. The moment he was old enough, he moved to San Francisco to join Curatrix, the largest superhero headquarters in the world. He became the healer for a squad of other natural-born heroes in order to make a difference in the world, but something was missing. He's lonely. He tries to ignore his disconnect with the other heroes, but he can't shake the feeling that he's got nobody else except a family that's an ocean away. He's not a great fighter due to his healing abilities, so time and time again he's placed on the sidelines and forced to watch while the others fight. Then he meets Dan, and his entire world changes. Sworn enemy becomes closest companion, and Phil realizes that maybe, just maybe, he doesn't have to be alone.…

The Geeky Life of Annalise [Boredom Book #2]

The Geeky Life of Annalise [Boredom Book #2]

2,451 674 88

I'm back and I'm still bored. Updates on my life, snippets of stories, and other random things.Just... read it and you'll understand.…

United [A Superhero AU] - Book Two

United [A Superhero AU] - Book Two

125,693 6,955 67

[Sequel to Different]Three months ago, a battle that would determine the fate of San Francisco was fought in the streets. Three months ago, the heroes were defeated and forced into hiding. Three months ago, Jack killed Mark. At least, that's what he thought. After fighting the urge to end it all and attempting to grapple with the deaths of some of his closest friends, Jack discovers that the man he thought he lost is alive. For once, he feels like he might get through this awful time. However, not everything is okay. The leader of the N.A.I., simply referred to as "The Boss," is dying. Mark and the rest of the heroes are working diligently to find a way of freeing the city and shutting down the villain's schemes. Jack is caught in the middle.…

The Gifts We Share [A Medieval AU]

The Gifts We Share [A Medieval AU]

118,260 6,641 59

Mark has always been a peasant. He was born in a thatch-roofed house to two farmers who work the field every single day, making just enough to get by. Nothing was special about the Fischbach family. Despite the lack of money in his family, he had never wanted to turn to stealing. But when a bad growing season turns a poor situation into a dire one, there's only so much you can do before you have to turn against the law. Getting caught wasn't part of the plan. Getting thrown in the king's dungeon for multiple accounts of theft to save his family from starvation was not part of the plan.Out of all things, Mark had never expected to be brought in by King Seán himself and told that he has a secret that even HE didn't know about. Things will be brought to light, and Mark is positive that he'll never be the same.(Cover Art - Drawing by @CrimsonCanadianMC)…

Different [A Superhero AU] - Book One

Different [A Superhero AU] - Book One

220,263 10,532 58

"You're evil. You've killed people."Seán "Jack" McLoughlin thought that he would always be "that kid from Ireland." He didn't ask to be torn away from his home, his family, and everything he ever loved only to get mutated into a monster. Today, he fights for an underground society that uses powerful, mutated people for a dark cause that none of them, except the boss, is aware of. Mark Fischbach was always a special child. His parents had been so proud to discover that he had been born with powers, unlike so many other children. As soon as he turned eighteen, he joined Curatrix, a company devoted to protecting the world, stopping everything from bank robberies to mass invasions. Yes, this is what Mark is meant to be. "Everyone has a little evil in them, don't they?"[All artwork done by CrimsonCanadianMC and Curious_Moose24]…

The Angels' Illusion

The Angels' Illusion

3,011 203 52

The kingdom of Vendaviel has been around for years. Centuries, even. The people have always been the same. The merchants go to work every morning as the sun peeks over the horizon, the children do their morning chores before heading off to the local school. Many things about this kingdom never change. Sure, the people grow old and die and the new ones are born, but that's all part of the circle of life. One thing that has never changed about this city is its protectors. Lord Notch, the immortal, has watched over the city since its very beginning. At first, he was alone. Eventually, he adopted angels. They grew up and started to protect the city. Seven angels, one kingdom to keep safe. Lord Herobrine, the other immortal ruler in the city, is the dark side that every kingdom has, whether they want it or not. He has demons that live to cause havoc. Six demons, one kingdom to strike fear into. As the people of the land started to learn that the night was not safe, Notch continued to observe the every looming problem of Lord Herobrine. Abusive and bent on power, Herobrine would do everything in his power to make the city as dark as his soul. Lord Notch could not let this happen. So he recruited his angels to take down his demons. Mortal enemies clashing, both determined to complete their missions: Wipe the other side out. Good against evil, evil against good. But not everything goes according to plan. What happens when angels start to care about the demons on the dark side? What happens when the demons realize that death and destruction isn't all life has to offer? Friendships will be formed and hearts will be broken in a scenario where only one side can truly win.…

Together as One: The Story of the Teams

Together as One: The Story of the Teams

9,718 297 48

Everyone has lost something. A toy, a family member, maybe a home. For these kids, it's no different. They lost their homes. They've dealt with the pain of losing their families or identities. Now they must team up in order to survive and stay strong. When a kingdom is put on the line, the stakes only become higher. Behind every legend, tale, and storybook, there's a team. This is one of those stories.(UNDER EDITING)…

Blasted to the Past: Sequel to Ripped from our Time

Blasted to the Past: Sequel to Ripped from our Time

23,534 1,233 27

The assassins have gone back to their time. Desmond Miles believes everything is over and that all will go back to normal. But when the Animus has a serious jinx for the second time, things are put in reverse.…

What They Don't Know: A Short Story

What They Don't Know: A Short Story

248 30 5

Willow Claire is a normal teenage girl living in the heart of London, England. She believes everything is alright until a news report on television tells the fateful news of an apocalypse that is overtaking the earth. Will she survive, or will the newly revived dead make her one of them?…

Freedom's Blade

Freedom's Blade

10,619 584 33

Desiree Miglia is an assassin living in 15th century Italy. She loves freedom and what she does for a living, which is killing templars. But what happens when she meets some other assassins that change her view on everything and makes her feel something she's never felt before?*All the assassins (Altaïr, Ezio, Edward, Connor, and Arno) are in this book, despite the fact that it is the 15th century. Don't hate, appreciate)…

Ripped from our Time

Ripped from our Time

51,829 2,069 32

Desmond is a teenager with Assassin ancestors. On a regular basis, he uses a machine called the Animus to relive his ancestors lives. But what happens when a massive jinx causes the assassins to be brought into his time? And when they have to endure high school as an Assassin?…

Crafted Family: Sequel to Crafted Siblings

Crafted Family: Sequel to Crafted Siblings

3,150 157 29

Josie was an orphan who thought her life would never get any better until she was told she had siblings. Her siblings happened to be Team Crafted, some of her favourite youtubers. After defeating Herobrine 1 year ago, they're back with a new adventure, but it's not the kind you would think...…

This is my Fate: Minecraft Hunger Games

This is my Fate: Minecraft Hunger Games

7,498 355 18

The games had been happening for years. Players were teleported into an arena and forced to fight to the death while people all around the world watched. At first, they thought they would respawn, like they had when they had played Survival Games in different hubs. But this hub was different. They soon realized that this was no game. Skyler never thought that she would be the one picked for the games. Of course, nobody thinks that they're going to be the one. But that's never the case. Each year, a boy and a girl from each district are going to be sent to their death. It's rare that a tribute from District 10 actually comes out alive, which is why Skyler isn't hopeful. That's when she meets Mitch, from District 11, and Jerome, from District 7. They teach her things about survival and fighting that she never knew before, and they stay with her as her allies throughout the entire game. They fight together, they protect each other, and they care about each other. The crushing truth, however, is that only one tribute can win. Sacrifices will be made and tears will be shed in a place where even the strongest friendship can't keep you alive. So what will happen to this dynamic trio?"Nobody ever wins the games. Period. There are survivors. There's no winners." -Haymitch Abernathy, The Hunger Games: Catching FireInspired by The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins…

Return of the Platinum Warrior: Sequel to It's a Blocky World

Return of the Platinum Warrior: Sequel to It's a Blocky World

1,609 105 30

It's been 100 years since Austin and Team Crafted fulfilled the prophecy. Now, a mysterious and deadly plague is spreading through Minecraft and it's source is unknown. When a tragedy strikes a group of friends, they are determined to end the plague, and to do so, they need to bring back Team Crafted and the Platinum Warrior.…

I'm Staying With You (A Hobbit Fanfiction)

I'm Staying With You (A Hobbit Fanfiction)

60,190 1,633 58

"Amrâlimê."The Lonely Mountain sits silently as the sun sets behind it, creating a canvas of brilliant reds and oranges. Nobody has dared go near that mountain for sixty years for one reason alone. Smaug the Terrible, a mighty dragon with a deep and dangerous love for gold. One day, Thorin Oakenshield decides to take back his homeland. With him, he takes his best warriors to help fight the beast inside the rock. Nossa Stonehelm is one of those dwarves. She has never known a life other than the one on the road, so when her two best friends, Fili and Kili, are called to join their uncle on this daring quest, Nossa decides that it's about time for her to have an adventure. Little does she know that she's in for way more than expected.…

Crafted Siblings

Crafted Siblings

6,150 307 22

Josie Wonders is an orphan under the care of a cruel guardian. She believes that her life is never going to get any better until one day she finds out that she has brothers. They call themselves Team Crafted.All Rights Reserved…

It's a Blocky World

It's a Blocky World

1,610 59 21

What would you do if you were suddenly taken from your normal life and put into a game? This is exactly what happened to Austin, who was teleported from his normal life into Minecraft. Will he survive, or will his inexperience kill him in the end?…