My kinda best friend

My kinda best friend

75 9 5

The title says it all and I'm too lazy to make a description.TW: A whole lot of swearing and depressed ranting…

Oc book for rps

Oc book for rps

451 5 29

The title says it all. Mah self inserts are first cause duh.…

Elementa (An element RP)

Elementa (An element RP)

510 22 9

In the world of Elementa, six elements reside: Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Life, and Death. Previously they lived in harmony, but now ties have broken, and opposite elements are now colliding. Fire with water, air with earth, and life with death. Choose your story in this element rp and possibly play a role in restoring harmony in Elementa.…

Memorials: Messages To Those I've Lost

Memorials: Messages To Those I've Lost

89 7 8

The title says it all.…

I got tagged. WoNdErFuL.

I got tagged. WoNdErFuL.

53 4 1

Thanks a lot, Orchid.…

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

123 5 7

The title says eVeRyThInG you need to know.…