Let's Talk

Let's Talk

18 1 3

This is pretty much a book about updates and info of my life, pretty much anything I or you wanna talk about. Also we will be developing books together! Adding your own characters into my book! And talk about what you guys want to see and expect from my books.…

Fire & Ice - Earth & Air

Fire & Ice - Earth & Air

273 20 18

This is a Jackunzel and mericup book. Four people meet at a magic school (Casivia) And are put on a team. They must go through a series of challenges to control there power, And will be competing with other teams (characters may be familiar) (SPOILER ALERT) All is good. All is happy. There is even beginnings of love. Until Rapunzel can't fight her any longer. Until SHE finally takes control of Rapunzel. Destroying Everything. Note: I am not very good with punctuation so please feel free to correct my mistakes I want to improve as a writer as much as I can.…

My Own Angel

My Own Angel

185 10 4

What if you where 18 and watching tv when a doorbell rang?? You would answer the door right!But what would you do if you saw nothing, and then looked down....to see a new born baby huddled up in a blanket with a note on top!We would all probably freak out!! And then we would read the note. But what's on the note?? You can't read it, its wet from the rain. You are trying to understand the words when a small cry comes from the dirty bruised baby.Then comes the question,"What do I do now??!!"Find out on "My Own Angel!"…

On Our Own.

On Our Own.

26 2 5

This is a story about four Best friends who have moved out and are living in a house. They will be challenged toLive on there own! This story MOSTLY fallows Tia, Tia is one of the four friends. (also the main character)her other three friends are Rea, Emily and Megan!I know the description doesn't sound very interesting, but I promise, if you like drama you like this story!…

The No Players!

The No Players!

13 1 1

Hey! So I am starting an "RPG"! You guys can make characters in the comments. You need to put info, looks, etc. If you don't want to make a character you can vote on someone else's! (By liking their comment) I am totally open to suggestions you guys might have about the story line. (I have a story line prepared but I'm still open to ideas)I will pick like five of my favorite or the most voted on characters in the comments and have them be the main characters! There will be like 5 MAIN people, and the rest of the characters in the comments will be like friends family, or enemies. You can basically make anyone you want! -angel-fairy-God-elf-Human- psychopathBasically anything you can think of! Anybody can work in the storyline!…