Words of Life

Words of Life

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This series of short stories are built over time, based on events in my life, they are true stories that mean a lot to me and they may contain sensitive topics. I will give a warning when time comes.I hope you enjoy these stories as life goes on, and If I pass please share these stories with someone you love, hold them close, and may you never leave their side. People are treasures that have been through horrible things sometimes and buried underneath, you just need to give them a tiny spark of hope to make them shine through, bright and new.This story is Not labeled as Mature is because I want young people to see this, even children, and learn. If you have any issues with my stories please tell me to my face, and do not hurt others with your words.Each Chapter is a New word that makes an impact in my Life in someway, shape, or form. I hope you enjoy! Happy reading everyone!…

Never In My Life

Never In My Life

11 0 1

"Never in my Life" Meet them, and figure it out…

WHY? : a poem by Me.

WHY? : a poem by Me.

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Original poem I created a while ago for a school English Language arts project.…