A million lives - A Sirius Black Fanfiction

A million lives - A Sirius Black Fanfiction

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Some stories are better left not pondered about.Some percerptions not worthwile understanding.Darkness. That was something I found comfort in. After all for years, it was my only companion which never failed to understand me. Darkness never raged on me. It believed in my fantsasies. Life was great between darkness and me. Until he came by. He once told me that darkness had consumed me but had not killed me yet unlike my mother. He was right. If not for him I would have never found pleasure making graffitis like "Beware the wrath of the tamed roman goddess"(Pjo fans will understand that) on the walls of Professor McGonagall's office overnight.…

Thoughts of a girl who was never heard.

Thoughts of a girl who was never heard.

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Just thoughts running through my mind. Might turn mature sometimes.I miss you too Kates.…



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Poseur - A poseur may be a person who pretends to be what they are not or an insincere person; they may have a flair for drama or behave as if they are onstage in daily life.I am a poseur. I have lived a million lives all along. Sometimes it brings me down to a wreckage and sometimes Chhaya helped me keep my calm. Sweet little Chhaya. I have to attend her funeral today. Clad in black, I'm writing a letter to my mother in London where I'll also soon be.…