Elemental Rose

Elemental Rose

5 0 2

"Peanut I need to talk to you!!" I yelped. "You are talking to me you fish face!" Peanut said. I flared my wings and stared her in the eye. I walked up to there my claws scratching the stone floor making a screeching noise, and turned around and flapped my wings as hard as I could but in the back round I could here tiny wing beats "Wait up!" "I didn't mean it that way!" It wasn't him that made me fly off it was her…

Best friends for ever (Ella And Leora) short stories

Best friends for ever (Ella And Leora) short stories

6 0 1

One mistake and she's gone, one laugh and your smiling, one tear can make you fall and the other fights will long in your memory. She's your best friend don't loose her or you'll never have a true friend like her…

Cover Contest

Cover Contest

11 0 2

I'm going to have all these graphic contests and previews of some stories that I will write once and a while…

St. Everest

St. Everest

12 1 4

Their are two girls and they go to chillliwack and they can hear what they call the spirit of Saint Everest Mountain. Every morning they sneak out of their beds and come to see Saint Everest but one day they see a volcano erupt and its up to them to save the world from corruption and death!…

Cedar wolf pack

Cedar wolf pack

21 0 3

Where could you be killed for one wrong move? Executed? Stabbed? Where could your job be to do one thing that kills millions if you do it wrong? A place where most aren't excepted? Well, if your looking for that and the top of the charts wolf pack, come with me on an adventure to cedar wolf pack.…

Spirit Animals

Spirit Animals

3 3 2

"Kale please please don't leave me. It's dangerous!" Pastel begged. "But danger can lead to a great victory" Kale said. "you can't you'll die" I was tearing up. Kale was my best friend and I know he'd do anything for my safety but he's my only friend. And the only friend I'll ever get." You can go far if you try Pastel" He said.…

EverJade Academy (Not in use any more)

EverJade Academy (Not in use any more)

20 0 4

I know this is suppose to be a description of the story but I'm going to keep it a SECERET! Read it ur self k?…

My life

My life

32 0 4

Hey peeps/Brahs I decided to make a book about my life so yas my life isn't very existing but I will make it existing so here I go!…

The accident

The accident

21 0 5

Some one bully's Mikila and locks her in a boys locker but didn't know who's. Once someone opens it they kiss. Who is it I wonder...? Thanks PhonixRider031 for the cover its awsome! Go check her out peeps!…



33 0 4

~Marina the wolf~Marina was searching through her memories. "Look at you're face your so Adorable" *she chuckles*"I'm the best Marina you can't beat me to bad so sad." Then she remembered that one day where she got kidnapped. "Well Marina I guess you've been kidnapped... She paused. "By who you ask well that's easy because it's me!!"Said the kidnapper I will rule the world Hahaha" That was it that's what I'm looking for she raced out of the room on the journey of her life.…