Champions War

Champions War

23 1 1

In a world opposite of our own called Sourn. There exists wonders and magic unlike any that have been seen in our world with war looming there it's rulers gathered twenty of its most dangerous champions for a tournament to defy all expectations a battle of wit and skill, of blood and guts, and of might and magic. This is a Champions War…

Record of Ragnarok: Havoc

Record of Ragnarok: Havoc

132 1 2

1000 years it's been since the last Ragnarok the death tournament that determined where humans were given a chance to exist for another thousand years and now the time has come again for a new Ragnarok to be decided 13 gods and 13 mortals fight to death to determine whether man lives or is eradicated once and for all So who's side do you choose the almighty gods of the heavens or the lowly mortals of the earth for havoc is about to be unleashed among the heavens as these beings clash once again because This Is RAGNAROK!…

Fate/𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓓𝓾𝓼𝓴

Fate/𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓓𝓾𝓼𝓴

18 2 1

A war is brewing a war of mages and gods so may fate give you mercy…

A Grimm Rose (rwby fanfic)

A Grimm Rose (rwby fanfic)

158 3 4

A heart is something every tries to protect be it their own their lovers or their child's heart but sometimes ones heart can be tainted by forces beyond their control a heart of suffering is one no person wishes to experience but for one young girl she must experience this suffering of a Grimm heart…

☆Star crew Kings gamble☆

☆Star crew Kings gamble☆

485 13 14

Hello my lovable psychopaths now some of you will know what this is some of you won't but for those who don't star crew is a series I've written for myself and friends for the past well 10 years and now I'm making a special story for star crew on here so I hope you enjoy-------------------------A gamble is all it takes we gamble everyday for what we believe in for what we do because in truth it's human nature but that doesn't mean someone like a king doesn't gamble some gamble for power some gamble for money some even gamble for love but here gambling is where the fun begins so who wants to take a gamble?…

Seven Deadly Virtues -a seven deadly sins story-

Seven Deadly Virtues -a seven deadly sins story-

26 2 1

14 years have passed since the defeat of the demon king by the hands of the seven deadly sins at the cost of one of their own as the land of Britannia recovered from this event the various members of the seven deadly sins went their separate ways of life but now it was time for seven new sins to take up their mantlesA chimera of wrath who's anger is only rivaled by their speedA shark of gluttony who hungers for the knowledge of his kinds history A peacock sin of lust who craves to be idolized for his deeds as a heroA turtle sin of sloth who is of two worlds but holds unknown power at his fingertipsA bull sin of pride who refuses to accept her fate as someone's playthingA spider sin of greed who will do anything to obtain his desiresA crow sin of envy who dares to defy the rules of the worldThese seven different as they may be will come together to form a new band of sins as they roam the lands in search of adventure and to vanquish their foes down but new threats appear beyond the horizon scene virtues to rival seven sins what will be in store only the goddess may know…

"ℑ𝔰 𝔦𝔱 𝔴𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔞 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯?"

9 0 1

Imagine a world where beasts of legend live among humans and some were blessed with gifts of being part beast a man with the wings of a griffin a woman with the arms of a kraken these beings were known as half beasts but their human brothers and sisters lived in fear of their abilities Wars were waged hopes were lit and snuffed til an uneasy peace arose with a cardinal law was passed "No beast or human shall harm another out of malice from now to the end of time itself"Many accepted this law as fact and truth but others ignored it keeping to the ways of wars and tactics used to hunt the others kind so a a group was made the hunters humans and half beasts who keep the cardinal law upheld but this isn't a story of war this isn't a story of malice this is a story of two half beasts proving they earned a spot in their world One broken and torn between what lies inside herOne unbreakable and scared of what he represents Will these two blossom into heroes or will the world drag them down as monsters butIs it wrong to be a monster?…

Ironhearts forever -a onepiece story-

Ironhearts forever -a onepiece story-

13 2 1

It's been ten years since the straw hat pirates found one piece and monkey D. Luffy became king of the pirates the world had been set ablaze a new pirate era began with pirates now trying to beat the pirate king himself by trying to find even more legendary treasures but now talk of a new treasure even more powerful and legendary then one piece known has the devils island where all devil fruits are made and born but what lies in the island is what people are after the first devil fruit soon every person out there began to sail the seas to find this so called devils island but little did the world know deep in the south blue a crew of pirates would be made that would be the straws hats of their generation A captain who's heart is hotter then any forge and will do anything for his crewA navigator who's might is like that of the seas and hides a past that would make an enemy of everyoneA botanist who hides behind a cloud of spores and Longs to be a mother A mink who is wanted for his name but his rage will never restA cook whos sight may be lost but their aim is trueA shipwright who can build anything he wishes but is trying to find his one true creation A doctor who's a sadist at heart but wishes for nothing more then to be at peaceA young girl thrown to the sea not knowing who her family is but will find one that she can never forget A scientist thought to be the devil himself but wishing to see the worlds best partyThese nine will become the most powerful crew the world has seen for their hearts are stronger then iron and they will find this treasure meant to be greater then one piece itself for they areTHE IRONHEART PIRATES!…

Flames always burn mha fanfic by blackcrimson453

Flames always burn mha fanfic by blackcrimson453

3,303 166 51

Romansu toga is well by his name implies is the son of himiko toga and dabi he was taken from them at a very young age though not because they were abusing him or neglecting him they did none of those things he was taken because they hero's who supposedly "rescued"him thought the two villains were going to kill him which was not true both his parents loved him dearly but since he was taken away he had been bullied abused by classmates foster families just because he was the son of two villains being called a bastard child a boy who's gonna turn out like his parents but what really got to him was the fact they think he's going to let them talk shit about him so one day as the ua entrance exams were coming up he got ready to become take his luck and enter it because he wanted to prove"Just because my parents are Villains doesn't mean I can't become a hero!"This is where are story begins the path that lies ahead of him will be hard tough and most importantly define who he is Enjoy!…



210 18 8

Fun quotes…

ʕFive Sinsʔ

ʕFive Sinsʔ

11 0 1

Sins can be many things and can take many forms but 15 years after the fourth great shinobi war four young shinobi born after the war were labeled for life A boy born of kaguya and hyuga a bastard child who will prove he's not what others say he isA boy of hyuga born to be monster he wishes to not become A girl born of inuzuka will a soul of the wolf wanting to prove that the wolf can be just as deadly as manA boy born of uchiha will redeem the mistakes his family as caused over the years A man born of hebi just a boy when the war began and ended but is determined he isn't the drunk everyone sees him asThese five deemed sins to either the world their clans or even themselves will begin to show what happens when you leave small sparks alone to ignite a even bigger fire…

My art book

My art book

2,717 207 47

Here's my trashy art…

Adventure of five lifetimes(danplan rpg au fanfic)

Adventure of five lifetimes(danplan rpg au fanfic)

23 0 1

In a world where magic and shadows dwell five children live in a village each born of a different path two of the slums two of the common folk and one of the noblemen these five children will face threats beyond their imagination together for the adventure of five lifetimes…

Runaway spirts book 1-chess and death

Runaway spirts book 1-chess and death

794 38 18

Heyo guys this is a original book of mine and kinda where the character version of me comes from well anyway here ya go and enjoy also expect slow updates-------------------------In this world there are two beings the beings of life and the beings of death the beings of life flourish and live where the light is and sustain the earth and heavens while the beings of death sustain the souls of the sinned and damned both beings used to live in harmony but one day war struck causing the beings of death know as spirits aka reapers to hide in plain sight and be at constant arms with the beings of life who shun them for their presence of sins and death while the spirits hid beings of life known as humans began to flourish destroying any trance of the spirits but one day both beings came to an agreement following seven rules for each sin Rule of wrath"both sides will only harm each other if need be or war breaks out"Rule of pride"both sides shall never boast about their power or rule of the world"Rule of greed"no side shall take the lives of each side for no reason"Rule of envy"no side shall mourn the lose of either side"Rule of sloth"those of either side who refuses to follow law shall be imprisoned"Rule of gluttony" each side will never take more then needed from the other"Rule of lust the most important of the rules"Neither side shall never engage or marry the other and if that couple dare to bare fruit it will be labeled as a death omen and the couple and bastard child shall be hung until death"The rules have been forgotten over time but the rule of lust shall never be forgotten for those born of death and life are considered spawns of the damned and will be slain all expect for one who shall show the world that even the damned will not be silent not without a fight at least…

Fairy tail-freaks wonderland~

Fairy tail-freaks wonderland~

47 3 3

man once said that we only define fear for what we don't understand some though believe fear to be the source of danger and some people will go to great lengths to make sure they don't suffer through this fear but in fiore fear can lead to many things pain,sadness,loss,loneliness,and hatred but there is one guild that no matter who you are or what you are you'll be welcomed in where they say "come a land of freaks where we're the kings and queens of tragedy where we're all one big family"These people are the rainbow leviathan guild where the freaks rain supreme…

Big book of beasts and buddies

Big book of beasts and buddies

66 6 2

This will be a fun book combination of art and creatures I've come up with or have made my own versions of expect some weird creatures my friends…

We are the freaks (a mha fanfic by blackcrimson453)

We are the freaks (a mha fanfic by blackcrimson453)

324 5 5

Ok before we start this off I wanna let everyone know this story takes place in America within the my hero academia universe a few characters will be from my other my hero story because I want to expand upon them in a few ways but know they will not be related to their flames always burn counterparts but enjoy the story's description!+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xIn America they tell you lots of things and call it lots of things the land of the free and right but when quirks began to arrive some things took a turn for the worse some were driven from their homes burned at the stake but then professional hero's came along with quirks that were considered "normal" quirks that to most are what can be considered a normal superpower controlling fire super strength that sorta deal but then came quirks deemed "abnormal" things like a pair of wings or the ability to transform Soon it became the way people became friends or even had a chance to become a pro hero but that's was until a group of students from America's best hero training school quirkton high where their motto is "no matter the quirk they can be a hero" and their newest students will change how America views their society for the rest of history…

∇☆Blessed Hunters☆∇

∇☆Blessed Hunters☆∇

36 2 1

Imagine a world where technology is so advanced that everyday devices almost seem like magic where some born are "blessed" with powers dive in dear readers for these blessed hunters are the ones who will give the story you so desire…

Hellsgate-ruin of Gehenna

Hellsgate-ruin of Gehenna

12 1 1

Long ago there was a world called Gehenna a some called it a hellhole but others called it home beings known as the ruiners made technological marvels beyond belief but one day they brought destruction to their own world leaving what was left of it to fix itself soon it regrew bigger stronger meaner with beasts called devil spirits haunting the land and a strange substance known as core littered the land outlaws and bandits plagued the land so a system known as the bounty hunter system was put into place to maintain order this story will revolve around a group of bounty hunters finding out what's happening to their world after ruiner sites begin to act up and a group calling themselves the company come to the planet will these bounty hunters win or will they become footnotes in their planets history there's only one way to tell "Time to sling some hell"…

Dragon Warriors of new berk(httyd) by blackcrimson453

Dragon Warriors of new berk(httyd) by blackcrimson453

19 1 1

This is a next generation book for httyd/how to traintrain your dragon but with a slight twist that will be explained in the first chapter of the book itself but for you httyd fans bare with me here/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/This is new berk just your average village in the archipelago well if you count normal as some people having the ability to shoot fire from their hands with magic runes These are the dragon warriors of berk who saved the world multiple times but this isn't about them this is about a new generation of a brand new batch of warriorsA boy who was broken by birthA warrior trying to prove her worthA chiefs daughter wanting to make her markA mischievous scholar who wants every ounce of knowledge he can get These four will be the newest dragon warriors to defend new berk from threats that have been brewing without the current dragon warriors knowing so "Who wants to take the plunge?"…