

13 1 3

A collection of short stories, or maybe a few longer/recurring ones, based in the established universe of RWBY, with my own headfanons when I can't find source material to explain certain things. All of these stories will centre around my suite of RWBY characters, though most will avoid interacting with the main cast of the show where possible. Honestly, I could probably make them in their own similar universe (I'm sure you can all think of your own comparisons to draw), but I choose not to.The timeline will vary and is mostly based around events (as far as I know them) from @Jordan_Haines RWBY RP, which is awesome by the way, though if I choose to do otherwise I will mark the chapter as such.…

"Passive Agressive Character reviews" and other assorted Roleplay musings

74 4 2

Essentially, sometimes I'll just reveiw characters in RPs based on how they act.A very mature book, full of very serious and mature opinions.Except, you know, it's not. It's a joke, don't sue me!Now with a special TV offer, two books for the price of one! When I don't want to passive aggressively review characters, I'll passive aggressively write about other things I've thought about/learned in my admittedly limited time in the realm of digital RP.…

Individual Roleplay

Individual Roleplay

994 17 12

I've been told by many people that I shouldn't do this and observed that these are generally a pain in the butt.So, yeah. Why not start one?! In actual information, I'd prefer it if you attempted to use proper grammar, long replies and interesting characters, as most do. If you can do that, it'll make it easier for me to respond in kind. A warning to the discerning reader, I mostly play guys, and most of THEM are straight.So, yeah. Here's hoping for some fun times, eh?Side note, guess who isn't good at making covers?…

One Shots

One Shots

84 3 5

So, I thought that I can't make books for all of my characters and there are some things I want to write that don't fit in a book.So this is my response. Have fun!…

The Birdcage

The Birdcage

745 28 19

Well, Rant books are a thing. I'm not sure this counts, considering that in the two years I've had it up I've done few, if any rants. But I'm calling it that anyways.So, come on in to the world of my imagination (which apparently is mostly tags.) and read about me being a weirdo. Also, yes, the title/theme is kinda depressing, in the right light. Dunno why, just came out that way. Don't worry, I'm stable of mind.…

You Decide!

You Decide!

4 1 1

Jax And AFI in Grand Gaia-land
One Shots

One Shots

1 1 1

My OC Book.

My OC Book.

12 0 1



130 7 13

What if gods had revealed themselves and there were some you had never even heard of in the most obscure texts or books? What happens when you add in a Panem-style God government and one idiotic writer?This book.Simple equation, see?Gods revealed + New ones + Panem + This dumbass = This book.The math checks out!…

You Decide!

You Decide!

33 2 1

This story does not have a description. You guys need to decide the genre so I can make a description! This is a book where you guys decide the majority of the characters and the genre.…

My OC Book.

My OC Book.

507 5 35

A book of my many OC's. Not all of them, but a good few. If you wanna RP with any of them, feel free to leave a comment saying so! It's what most of them were made for, after all. Otherwise, I'm always more than happy to talk fictional/authorial shop.A note: Jax from 2023 here; most of these characters were written when I was anywhere between 11 and 14, when my best writing qualities could be summarised in nice words like "enthusiastic" and "certainly has the spirit!" Sadly, I'm too sentimental to take them down for little things like embarrassment, so here they stay for posterity. I take no responsibility for them, aside from a sincere apology. If you want ones I'm reasonably proud of today, start with Tobias Helliandraham and work your way down, plus Aster, Lotus and the AA siblings; some day I'll probably go back and either remake or reorganise most of them, but as long as I'm busy with uni or work, that day is probably not today.A note and a disclaimer: Unless otherwise mentioned, I do not own, nor do I claim to own, any of the art used in this book. It is used for the immense recreational purpose of visualising made up people, and to try and make sure the reader shares the same image I do. If you own or made said art and don't want it used to prop up poor character descriptions (entirely fair, tbh) then please tell me and I'll get rid of it. Easy as!…