Been and gone ( Sequel to Leaving it all behind)

Been and gone ( Sequel to Leaving it all behind)

167 6 5

All is well when Frost returns to her friends. But disaster strikes when Glace is captured! Who is Glace's mysterious capturer and how far will he go to get Frost and Flora?…

Eevee High School

Eevee High School

920 32 10

When Frost, a glaceon goes to Eevee High School nobody likes her, and then she meets Glace. She thinks they could be best friends! But Sylver is determined to crush their friendship. Then Frost knows that her real best friend is Lyra. But will Frost and Glace make up?…

Leaving it all behind *sequel to Eevee High School*

Leaving it all behind *sequel to Eevee High School*

757 42 16

Sylver and Frost have made up and everything is perfect until.... Frost is forced to leave the region! With Lyra, Sylver and Glace in Kalos, Frost can't bear to leave them behind! How will she find a way out of this?…