I have Only One Question (bxb)

I have Only One Question (bxb)

169 19 3

Tony didn't know what was going on when his parents got split up. He was only three, and before that he thought everything was going fine. His parents traveled a lot because of his mother's love for new scenery but that's what brought her and her husband apart. Tony's father anchored him down when all his mother did was want to travel around the world. At ten Tony's father gained custody over him. His mother had been staying with her abusive boyfriend and had been constantly on drugs, so Tony didn't miss her all that much. But Tony figures out he's gay, and so his father - his only known family member - kicks him out when he's sixteen. //Cover by @Horizoners//Inspired by @HiNiceToMeetYouImGay…

Winter Nights (mxm) [Completed]

Winter Nights (mxm) [Completed]

2,006 138 5

❝It's cold,❞❝Then let me hold you, my model,❞❝Alright, my handsome photographer,❞❄️ ❄️ ❄️ Eric and Tanner have been dating for exactly five months and Eric is accepting himself with the help of Tanner.//Word count of 1,324////Sequel to "Summer Festivals"////Book two of the Seasons duology////Cover by @HorizonersCopyright of @Burrito_Nemo (Burr!to_Ñemo)…

Summer Festivals (mxm) [Completed]

Summer Festivals (mxm) [Completed]

10,615 516 6

❝If you're willing to model for me, I'd like to be your photographer,❞❝I'm willing,❞🌴🌴🌴Tanner, a twenty-two year old photographer, and Eric, a nineteen year old model, meet at a summer festival, first at the cancellation of a concert then at a modeling event. //Word count of 2,188////written for the LGBTQ+ Sun-Kissed contest////Book One in the Seasons duology////Cover by @HorizonersCopyright of @Burrito_Nemo (Burr!to_Ñemo)…