Ask or Dare Mabel Pines!

Ask or Dare Mabel Pines!

483 57 11

I guess this is like an ask or Dare thing for me! This should be fun! : D…

Kind of my life/stuff

Kind of my life/stuff

80 11 6

Um this is about me and what my life is kind of like. I guess? Read if you want I don't exactly care.…

Questions For You

Questions For You

25 5 3

It's just questions and would you rather's…

My idea scrapbook and other random stuff

My idea scrapbook and other random stuff

144 27 9

This is a scrapbook of my ideas. If someone else has a similar story idea then sorry I don't try to copy or anything and if I mention characters from books, movies, video games, tv shows, or any comics they are not mine. If you have recommendations or like one of my ideas please tell me! It's just fun to do this so, here we go!--------Please tell me if you want to see an idea again or a continuation of something, or if you just have recommendations for something!!!---------I found the picture for my cover online. This is also for if I'm tagged.…

Edited drawings

Edited drawings

22 3 1

The title explains itself. The cover is mine.…

The Oak Wood Door #OnceUponNow

The Oak Wood Door #OnceUponNow

26 8 6

Have you ever wondered what was in the old oak wood door on London street? Well I have. My name is Amelia Smith and I had a very curious mind. So one day I went into the oak wood door and took the risk of going somewhere that you couldn't imagine. Follow me if you dare. THIS IS MY ONCE UPON NOW CONTEST ENTRY GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!…



36 3 2

This is a book of art.You can request art.I took the picture of the delicious hamburger myself. That was a really good hamburger.I wish I could have one now.Back to the book!I hope you like this book of art!…



175 11 6

In this story I will show you the back story's of the villains in story's. Including: Lady Trimane( Cinderella), Curella Di Vil, Maleficent, and The Evil Queen.…

Church notes

Church notes

30 6 5

Church notes from my church.…