Dark Merlin: The Man Called Emrys

Dark Merlin: The Man Called Emrys

888 60 21

What would you do if you were trapped inside your mind? That every time you slept, the beast came out to terrorize the people you loved. After escaping Morgana's never ending torture, a series of killings breaks out in Camelot. At first, the only victims are servants, but Uther's fear leads him to believe the attacks are magical and will soon result in the death of his son. Trying to hide his trauma, Merlin will stop at nothing to ensure the safety of Camelot, but as the killing continues, he will soon learn that he is behind them only he has no memory of ever attacking. Going by the name Emrys, Merlin's double half has teamed up with his lover Morgana, and as a war brews between the sorcerers and the Pendragon's, Emrys is working as an inside man under Merlin's cover, killing off anyone who stands in his way. As he fulfills his role with Morgana in seeking Camelot's destruction, his destiny edges closer, and the prophecy of him being Prince Arthur's bane is nigh. After the death of Uther and his son, Emrys and Morgana will be able to claim the throne for themselves and welcome in a new era. One where magic is welcomed.After discovering he has a dark half, Merlin sets out to find a way to stop the upcoming war and free himself from his inner monster, but the way doesn't seem easy. With the help of a letter from his father, he must learn to overcome Emrys before Emrys takes full control.Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Merlin-----------------#1 in DarkMerlin in June of 2023…

Not Just Another Hunt

Not Just Another Hunt

275 14 10

Sam's heart beat rapidly as he continued struggling against the ropes. He flipped his hair out of his eyes as Benjamin continued, "I told you that I wanted Jack... and I intend to get him." "That's never going to happen!" Sam argued. Benjamin shrugged. "We shall see." He glanced down at a watch on his wrist. "In about two minutes, you're going to pass out and forget all about this conversation happening. In about twelve hours, you're going to start to feel the affects of the poison kick in." Sam's eyes widened at Benjamin's words as fear arose. "But you won't know what is happening," Benjamin went on. "After twenty-two hours, you will fall ill, in which, you--or rather-- your brother, will have two hours remaining to bring me Jack." He paused. "Or else you die." Sam cleared his throat. "And how is he supposed to do that if I don't even remember I've been poisoned?" Benjamin shot a finger into the air. "Ah, yes! I almost forgot. When you reach twenty-two hours, you will start to remember our meeting. Only by then, you will be too sick to do anything about it." As Sam stared at Benjamin, his head began to feel heavy as his vision blurred. His eyelids slowly began to close as his head bobbed. "Tick-tock," came Benjamin's distant voice. "Your timer has started."DISCLAIMER: I don't own the supernatural characters! Just the game mentioned and a few characters!…

The Dragon King

The Dragon King

5,283 33 31

What if all those fairy tales you read about were true? Only, they weren't your typical happily ever after. Levi awakes to find himself in a hospital bed after being in a coma for two weeks in a small town called Riverton with no memories of who he is. With the help of a newfound friend, Levi struggles to regain his memories of his life before the hospital. As he retraces his steps, he runs into a familiar girl named Elyssa, but he had no idea she would turn out to be so crazy. Blabbering that fairy tales were real, going on and on about some mythical land where everyone in the town was from the world of storytelling. She didn't actually expect him to believe that he, an orphan of all people, was supposed to be some prince destined to break a curse? To save their kingdom from Snow White and the Dragon Rokoda? He wasn't some prince, and he most certainly was no dragon slayer.In a world called Meadowpeak, the Dragon King is presumed dead, left this world behind years ago and abandoned his people to suffer under the hands of Snow White's ancestors. Now, after centuries, dragons were scarce. Most of them were hunted and killed by Snow White, fearing that the Dragon King would one day return to take his throne. As Levi journey's through Riverton to discover who he is, join his story in Meadowpeak as he trains with Rumplestiltskin to stop Snow White from casting her curse to keep the next Dragon King from ever being born. What happens when the hero's become the villain's? Take the next step, open the first page, and see what happens once upon a time ...…

Into the Unknown (A Frozen Fanfic)

Into the Unknown (A Frozen Fanfic)

12,284 130 33

What if King Agnarr and Queen Iduna were still alive? And what is Elsa and Anna went with their parents on their voyage? Agnarr and Iduna tried to hide where they were really headed, leading Elsa and Anna to stow away onboard. After a raging storm capsizes their boat, the family becomes shipped wrecked in the Enchanted Forest. Elsa has been seeing things, hearing things. A voice that beckons her. In the Enchanted Forest, she discovers that the current fifth spirit is luring her into a trap; desperate for all the power. Separated on their journey, Elsa finds time to bond with her mother, learning that Iduna was a previous fifth spirit. Now, they set out to find Ahtohallan and the secrets it holds while fighting off the fifth spirit that threatens them and holds a grudge against Iduna. Anna is left behind with her father and the Northuldra who have thankfully rescued them. She learns from their leader, Yelena, about the dam that is suppressing the four spirits power and Agnarr is more than eager to destroy it and free them. Anna, on the other hand, isn't so willing to let Arendelle be wiped off the map. But after a mysterious power takes ahold of Anna and turns her wicked, Arendelle is the last thing on her mind. Will Elsa and Iduna succeed in freeing the vengeful fifth spirit, and can Anna hold back Agnarr from destroying the dam or will they all dive too deep?…

Lord of the Rings Meme's/ Book 2

Lord of the Rings Meme's/ Book 2

1,213 61 15

This is my second Lord of the Ring's meme book! Hope you enjoy!…

Lost {Ongoing:In Editing}

Lost {Ongoing:In Editing}

2,978 194 41

The world was ending. A virus swept through the land devouring everything in its path--plants, animals, even humans. The earth was dead. Everything was chaos until a corporation called Agcorp arose. Cities were built for the Pure Ones--those left untouched by the virus, Ignisha. The only choice left to saving the dying world? Find a cure, but in order to do that, those with special abilities would have to be placed inside the Domes, and in these Domes were a set of three trials. Trials that would test those with special abilities to their limits in order to produce enough Toxicoma needed for the cure to save the world. Most never made it through the first Dome, but those who succeeded were never heard from again. {Word Count Goal: 150,000-175,000}Please ... Vote & Comment ... Thanks!Book 1 of 5 {Currently being rewritten and edited}…

Challenges With My Sister

Challenges With My Sister

66 7 4

This is just writing challenges I've played with my sis!…

Saving Arthur

Saving Arthur

6,262 169 9

This is a bunch of one shots about Arthur saving Merlin. You know how Merlin saves Arthur all the time, well... what would happen if Merlin saved Arthur but nearly died in the process every time? That is where Arthur saving Merlin comes in to view. THEY ARE JUST BROS!!!! THIS IS NO MERTHUR!!! This is my first time trying something like this. It may be crap, but I still hope you enjoy it!…

The Tale of Claire Lewis {Slow Updates}

The Tale of Claire Lewis {Slow Updates}

79 12 4

What would you do with no memory? Would you seek out who you once were? Or would you run from your past? A young girl named Claire is abducted by her loved ones. She was adopted at the age of eight, but knew that her Mum would never love her like her own. In fact, sometimes she thought that her Mum could kill her if she had the chance. After being servilely wounded, tortured, and her memory being wiped clean, she escapes from her captives. With only her cell phone in hand, she remembers the number of a close friend... but only his number. Who is he? She has no clue. All she knew was that someone was after her and she would die unless someone helped her. What would you do if you had amnesia?…

One Upon A Time... They Knelt in Prayer

One Upon A Time... They Knelt in Prayer

91 21 5

I don't know if anyone has ever done this before, but I have been really touched by a few peoples problems that they have in life. When the whole world feels to be crashing down on you, and you don't know what to do, remember that there is always some one praying. And that someone can be me!This is a book just for y'all to write down something that you would like prayer for. Whether it's for yourself or someone else, I promise you that I will always be praying.…

My Big Book Of Disney and Dreamworks Songs

My Big Book Of Disney and Dreamworks Songs

130 17 6

This is a book of Disney and Dreamworks music. Some songs will be instrumental, but not all. I do also take requests. :) Hope you enjoy it!!…

The Run Away {Updated ever so often}

The Run Away {Updated ever so often}

62 14 2

What would you do if there was a voice inside your head telling you to run away? Would you listen? Unfortunately, some of us do. Noel Patterson is a young girl who chooses to listen to the voice in her head. She believes God is the one telling her flee, but she keeps getting convicted about what she is doing is wrong. What if Satan was behind it all? But how could she tell? How would she ever learn if it's God or Satan telling her what to do? Noel is a missionary's daughter who's family is carrying out God's plan for them in Spain. One morning, she runs from her family. Her mother was cooking, her twin sister was in the bathroom, her father was studying for a sermon to preach. It seemed like the perfect moment! But now... she's alone. She has no money, no jacket for the cold nights. What is she going to do? Then she meets a certain boy who claims to be a run away himself. Who says he's survived for the past few years out on his own. But Noel isn't like him. She's not strong willed like him. She doesn't know the city as well as he does. Not only that, there are men out to get this boy. And it appears that Noel has just gotten in the middle of it all. I know many people don't believe in God or Satan, but please read this story. It will help you, I know it will. It is so sad what is going on in our county (America) today. Many people try to run away from their problems when really, it's the Devil trying to lead them away from God... and many people follow the wrong one.…

Book Club

Book Club

61 7 2

Tired of being criticized for your work? Do you want people to vote and comment, but you don't want to hear them telling you you need to fix it to a certain liking? It's your book!! Write it how you want it!! Join my Camelot Knights Book Club! It's is critical free!…

Lost: Enter The Second Dome

Lost: Enter The Second Dome

1,242 16 5

This is the second book in my Lost series. It is currently being edited from changes made in the 1st book. Joey and her friends, Thomas and David, are the first to arrive in the second Dome. Injured, Joey faces new struggles as she tries to hold on in the middle of a vast wasteland. With no signs of water, it takes both her friends, along with the help of an unseen ally, to keep her alive. But will the two boys who both have a thing for Joey put their differences aside? Thomas is far from willing after David tried to kill Joey in the first Dome. Michelle's team discovers that their boss, Claire, never really wanted any of them to survive. They were played the whole time. Michelle won't accept losing anymore of her friends. Deciding maybe it's best to team up with Joey and her friends, something within Michelle begins to change... and not for the better. After a dreadful night of battling her inner self, she and her friends begin to hunt Joey and the others using them as a game, picking them off one by one. Michelle no longer cares what Claire could do to her or her team. Here, in the second Dome, Claire isn't who Joey needs to be afraid of. Michelle won't rest until Joey and the others are dead making sure that Claire never gets the cure she needs.A dark storm is brewing inside Michelle. It's been years since her last encounter with the beast hidden within, but now, her demons are coming back out to play, and she no longer tries to stop them. Book 2 of 5…

Portal Jumper {Coming Soon}

Portal Jumper {Coming Soon}

31 3 1

This is Sage Jackson. She's a portal Jumper. Hopping from realm to realm, thinking nothing is ever going to go wrong, but what if one day something does happen? Her parents were murdered when she was only a few months old. Friends of her parents took her in as their own till she turned seven and escaped by the use of a portal jumper. Now she's been jumping for to long that she can't remember which was her true reality. Will she ever make it back to the place she belongs? What happens when she makes friends- close friends- in different realms, but she can't choose to stay with them all? A mad man is after her. Trying to get her Jumper. If he can get ahold of just one, he could use it to control every realm out there, and Sage is determined not to let that happen. But what will happen when her best friend discovers her secret? Will he be willing to forgive her of this lie, or will he see her as a threat to his realm? Read to find out!…

Two Souls, One heart {Coming Soon}

Two Souls, One heart {Coming Soon}

27 3 1

This is the story about a young princess. She fell in love with a commoner from her village and intended to one day marry him. Her mother disapproved greatly and tricked her daughter. Now, with her heart crushed, she closed her heart out to the world and will never love again. Raising an army of her own to take over every kingdom, the one rule she gives her soldiers is to never love! She would never forgive them for loving one another and they would be killed. What will happen when a certain someone begins to develop feelings for his queen? Can he look past all the evil in her life and love the very woman who swore to never love again? Or will his queen end his life for allowing love to enter into his heart? Read to find out! Please comment and vote! Thanks!I just watched The Huntsman: Winters War. While watching it, I got this crazy idea for a book similar to it. So I hope you like it!…

Lost: Role Play

Lost: Role Play

109 8 4

My sister really wanted to do a rp with this book. So I thought, "Eh, why not." No cursing or smut please.…

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

45 3 1

In loving memory of my best friend!…

Sweet Music

Sweet Music

2,677 176 67

Just a book full of wonderful, encouraging music about our Lord Jesus Christ! I really hope you enjoy it and that these songs can uplift your broken day!…

Cover Shop

Cover Shop

30 6 2

Have a story, but not a cover? What's up with that? If you need help, you've come to the right gal. ;)…