Life and Legacy of Richelle Grayson

Life and Legacy of Richelle Grayson

5,982 212 23

Richelle Grayson is Robin the girl wonder. And has been ever since she has been considered a girl. She now is almost done with her mtf transition and has a crush on a cute and smart boy. She won't say who but let's see if they get together in this story.…

Can't Fly on Broken Wings Birdflash (Update Even Days)

Can't Fly on Broken Wings Birdflash (Update Even Days)

6,585 228 12

Years ago Robin went missing. When Wally was least expecting it he showed back up again but as Renegade apprentice to Deathstroke. How will Wally cope? Can he save his young bird or will his wings be forever clipped.…

Birdflash Doll House

Birdflash Doll House

3,161 109 21

Dick Grayson is an average kid... Well an average son of a billionaire kid at least. Until one day his crush Wally West, adoptive son of Oliver Queen kidnaps him and he wakes up in what appears to be a life size doll house.…

When Angels Fall(Update Odd Days)

When Angels Fall(Update Odd Days)

2,809 114 13

Robin and Kid Flash were Angels in heaven. Till they commit the one sin God can never forgive. They love each other. Angels aren't allowed to love so they are cast from heaven. Where you might thought they are saddened by this they are over joyed. Turns out heaven isn't that great and being able to spend an eternity on earth is what most angels think of as paradise.…

30 day challenge #1 Birdflash EXTREME!!!

30 day challenge #1 Birdflash EXTREME!!!

2,441 189 22

I'm doing the thirty day challenge where you have to write 10,000 words in thirty days. I'm doing an extreme version so I'll be doing this in a week. These are one shots that will be 1000 words so there will be ten of them. I'll see you soon.…

Renegade on the Loose(Update Odd Days)

Renegade on the Loose(Update Odd Days)

1,869 155 20

Art is not mine. I do not own Young Justice otherwise it would not have been canceledMy name is Renegade. I have lived my whole life on a planet ruled by the Justice Lords. My parents were acrobats working for Haliey's Circus. One day an order came from King Batman that anyone unnecessary is to be put down. At the age of four I watched my parents die at the hands of the soldiers of the world I live on. But I was rescued by my Master before I could be killed. My life from there became insane. This is my story. Will you listen?…

Art Book

Art Book

108 13 3

This is my Art Book I'm an artist as well as a Writer I wanted to put some of it here for you guys to see. This book cover isn't my best art but I want to save the best for the inside.…

Birdflash One-Shots

Birdflash One-Shots

4,140 167 13

Hey I'm taking requests for one shots of Birdflash I already have one but I could use others. Some chpaters have mature content read at your own risk…

Response/Question Book

Response/Question Book

41 6 3

Hey guys this is a new book where my readers can message me asking questions and I will answer them in this book. Ask anything you want but no spoilers or if you ask for something that is a spoiler I will give you a bit of a teaser about it but not a straight out answer.…

How Different Planet Birdflash began

How Different Planet Birdflash began

5,054 338 29

Cover by norapanda6 at check out their work they do a great jobThis is how Robin and Kid Flash meet and the backstory as to hoe their relationship starts in my book Different Planet Birdy. Robin is eight Kid Flash is 10 and they both have started the hero life already. There will be more one shots like this explaining the backstory of birdflash on every 100 views or fifty likes (I'll up the number later if Different Planet birdy gets more than 100 views or fifty likes per two weeks I'll put that here then)I don't own DC young justice or it's characters The relationship known as spitfire would not exist if I did only Birdflash and zeetemis(Personal ship name for ZatanaXArtemis…

My poems book

My poems book

185 19 27

I'm doing poetry about daily life. About things we can all relate to and things you find in your daily life. They are from writing prompts that I take a bit of liberty with to create something unique. I'll be updating more regularly than before so be sure to check me out.…

Not She Not He... They

Not She Not He... They

91 8 2

A new website is sweeping the internet it features six models and is growing quickly. Rin and Nellie two shy cute girls with silky hair and sweet smiles. Len and Nal no one knows whether they are boys or girls but no one complains Hot is Hot. And Rob and Neil striking young men with a tendency to steal girls hearts in the blink of an eye. But one big reveal changes everything leads the site up for controversy, hate mail and parents calling them all monsters. How will the site survive and how will they deal with it and their new found fame through angry parents and excited teens.I'm trying a bit of experimental fiction where you never know much about the main characters. You see how they interact with the world and get descriptions of clothes and movement. Biut never a description of who THEY are. Nothing, no gender, No physical description, No age, No nothing beyond movement and clothes. I won't even tell you hair or give you internal thought.It's gonna be a challenge but I will do it…

The journal of an autistic college student

The journal of an autistic college student

39 2 3

Hey guys this is my personal journal about how my day to day life goes dealing with autism. I'll be doing about a thousand words a day or so. I'll still be updating my other works weeklyPS Haruhi is there because I've always pictured her as being autistic because of her straightforward personality, tomboy behavior(Common among autistic girls), her general lack of social understanding, incredible intellectual skills, brutal honesty and ignorance of emotional expression. It's never been confirmed but it's never been shot down either.…

Bats on the spectrum

Bats on the spectrum

1,740 42 7

This is a story about Batman, Robin and Batgirl. Vaguely following the story line of the early 2000's The Batman show. Except the entire Bat-family minus Alfred has Autism and some other disability to go with. Batman aka Bruce Wane has Asperger Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder causing him to obsessively fight crime, do poorly in social situations, have incredible memory and avoid touching people. Robin aka Dick Grayson has high functioning P.D.D., low key dyslexia and anxiety issues, with slight sensory issues however is amazing with computers as code is easier to read than English, speaks, but can't read, multiple languages fluently and has a 174 I.Q. Batgirl aka Barbara Gordon is slightly lower functioning that the rest. She struggles to speak with a small vocabulary and a stutter. She has high functioning A.S.D. and A.D.H.D. she is a wiz with the ins and outs of the legal system and will tell you anything you need to know about it as long as you can speak sign language, fortunately both Batman and Robin do and can easily speak to her. She is a skilled martial artist as well, since she had to defend herself from bullies growing up. Follow them as they use both their skills and smarts to fight crime and Ableism.Warning I do don't have a degree in psychology or anything of the sort there may be some inaccuracies in here.Trigger Warning Ableism aka discrimination against people with disabilities. (The reason for the mature content warning)…

Different Planet Birdy

Different Planet Birdy

17,118 687 47

Cover by norapanda6 at I own nothingHey guys I tried to search for a story about characters with autism and found that they all had the autism at the center of the story so I figured I would make one (or two or three) where the character is autistic and it's just a part of their lives. So An Autistic Robin with all my favorite pairings this will feature following the story pretty closely with some parts even word for word. The main differences are the pairings and how Robin reacts to certain situations and how people react to him, along with certain differences in the environment. I'll also add one shots to fill in more information. Along with give me a break from watching the same episode over and over for hours on end. I'll probably be doing more stories like this so stay tuned to this blog.…

The Night Gotham Stopped

The Night Gotham Stopped

41 1 2

`The kids of famous DC superheros have gained new powers the power to leave their bodies and travel around as astral projections. One night while they are away their bodies are destroyed and now they must live as these projections. They are unable to tell their parents as they are afraid of them being sent to arkum for seeing their dead children. They are afraid to tell the public for they would in all likely hood be taken off and experimented on. Now they live together in underground catacombs.…