new new rp book

new new rp book

399 15 11

again my book was deleated…

Dog/ Now animalish Rp :)

Dog/ Now animalish Rp :)

2,393 20 36

What it says…

Pokemon RP (Chain & Individual)

Pokemon RP (Chain & Individual)

3,941 48 32

as it says. I'll make a section for individual rps and a chain rp, the 2 people rp will be first below them will be the chain n new chapters added 4 it…

How... some one feels about things

How... some one feels about things

69 4 12

Basically ill right thingd about randing things on how i think about it and you can Ask quesions and I'll answer them apond how i really think... don't judge to much youll probly want to kill me after but what eves.…

Art Book

Art Book

849 165 24

Just my art. Its all by hand some old some new, I take request…

Hell is not a place. Hell is people.

Hell is not a place. Hell is people.

128 6 5

Here comes a story of a speshal being. He was born of two halfs which means two lives, but because of what he is he gets treated for one half. Now its apond him self to change that, so which will he feed? His bad, or his good.......…