My peculiar sense of Humor

My peculiar sense of Humor

23 0 12

This is basically what I find funny from my own stories tap or books. I like my own sense of humor sometimes is amusing sometimes sucks. Yeah. Btw no, you cant use it. Ema's comments are my property. She is my original character. No, cant use any of her semtences or humor. Unless, I give you permission which I will never do.It is taken from all fan fictions; I have done. Tap stories and Wattpad. Read my tap stories they are funny. Well, I find them funny.…

Game of Cards [Super Hero FanFiction]

Game of Cards [Super Hero FanFiction]

1,338 130 37

Emartlot Velasquez is not your usual teenage girl. She is an Altrals. A new kind of super. She & a few others are trying to do the usual every day. Save the world.You would think it is easy as they have super powers & they are something knew from another universe; however, their enemy keeps jumping from universe to universe without stopping. They take whoever they want, and they torture them. They die in the end without being save.Altrals had a lead this time. 10 steps ahead of the enemy. They decided to start from scratch in a new universe to get the attention of this super facility -- You gotta think a little bigger.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"What am I supposed to do? How do I fill in this picture, Marry?" Ema enters the meeting room as the only person in the room is Marry, Ema's best friend. Marry sighs heavily as she is planning the news as easy as she could manage."We need a man in. A soldier. We need somebody inside, Ema" Ema nods her head planning her allias name. She is planning her back up story as much as she could. Until Marry stares at her tears falling down her eyes.Ema looks to the side then stares at Marry once more "It's me, isn't it?" Marry nods unable to get the words out of her system "I understand. I have to localize everyone then get them out? As before or are we going to try and safe this universe? You know what happen before.." Marry gets up putting away her papers without looking up at Ema."It's a daily habit. We haven't pick a side; however, it's wouldn't be fair to let them die. We have to save them at all cost" Marry tells Ema as calm as she could manage as Ema shakes her head."Then it's settle -- We are going to save the world" Ema whispers as she walks out of the room.It wasn't as easy as it sound. We have a short amount of time to get everything work out. I didn't want to be the one getting capture. We all have a job, and I got to fulfill mine.Please Check the Introduction.…

Race Against Time [Ema x Pietro's Fanfiction]

Race Against Time [Ema x Pietro's Fanfiction]

14 3 2

You think you know pain?You haven't learn pain..Until you lose your sanity.You haven't learn pain -- until you are unable to safe the love of your life. I, Emartlot Velasquez was very naive once. I let my walls down then involve Pietro with me. I wish we never got out of Hydra. I wish he didn't die like that. I don't regret our love. I just hate to lose him. I am more empty now than I started.I have so much power, but I couldn't save him on time.[Avenger's Fan Fiction -- Race Against Time]I do not own the Avengers or Pietro even if I want too!or Deadpool.My Co-Writers friends will appear in this one way or another like a cameo.Enjoy!…

Never Ending Avengers: Short Shots

Never Ending Avengers: Short Shots

219 28 17

You guys know how this goes :) I will be posting Request or my own creation. Reader or OC. I will do a combination of Reder and OC sometimes or just Readers or OC. It all how it goes :). I will be longer than the other two Never Ending. They stop because there weren't any more request.P.S: Yes, I did the covers. I got the image from Pinterest.Link: as well put it.I know, I love it. Btw, Request are open!…

My Little Angel [Fan Fiction: BB/CV CrossOver]

My Little Angel [Fan Fiction: BB/CV CrossOver]

156 5 5

[This idea has just come to me. A Black Butler & Castlevania crossover].The sun shines down upon us many would say; a house, mansion.. a stay? filled from inside out with abnormal beings. An angel, demons, servants, and ofc the deal makers.What could possibly go wrong when 3 musketeers decided to make dinner under a winter night? A tiny sprinkle of luck, all our hopes and dreams drags us to the past.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Oh MY GOD!!!". Grell shouts out loud without a second thought, "Oh my god! Lil Angel. I don't think we are anywhere close to sebby".I clean up my dress at the best of my ability looking far over in the distance. Empty streets or so I wish to believe Grell's favorite color drops in torrence from the skies before it can reach me Grell moves us away from the trouble, "That's beautiful". He exclaims loving every minute of it."You are right, Grell". Tears fall from my eyes watching unable to speak a single word as people get massacre in front of me, "This doesn't looks like Ciel's home... this is not even his home... wh-". It came through like wrecking ball the screams of every single civilian in a 500 mile radius. A whimper, a tear, a helpless being then everything was blank."Oh, dear... where the hell does assholes send us too??". Grell sighs heavily picking up the fainted Angel. A red lock push back from his face disappearing into the mist of the night…

Expectations [Heroes & Villains AU]

Expectations [Heroes & Villains AU]

266 35 9

[This my own plot and a fan fiction] Expectations.Everyone expects something from you. You can't be both. You either have to be a Hero or a Villain. There is not an in between. The lucky ones get to leave this behind them; however, some aren't so lucky. Some are lost. The moment they leave the reality of your surrounding means nothing. It's the moment that you learn... you have no voice... Life as you knew crash into nothing more than a fucking nightmare.…

London's Mysteries: Twisted Creed - Season 2

London's Mysteries: Twisted Creed - Season 2

86 6 3

A Woman from High Class, Rosaliana Von Shrieder. A Gang Leader, Jacob Frye.Fate decided that they both crossed paths. Is it for Love? Or for War?.How can they come together when there is so much against them.Time will only tell if it's not too late.~~~~~~~Please have in mind the following:This is a mature Assassin's Creed series. This book will be mainly in Jacob's POV. Rarely will there be a Rosaliana's pov.Thank you for your understand! Enjoy.P.S: I am not to blame for any train derails that happen while reading this book. Also, I am not saying any casualties will happen. Please read at your own risk.…

Never Ending Middle Earth: Short Shots

Never Ending Middle Earth: Short Shots

450 61 16

Lord of the Rings Character's with my Original's Character'sShort or long Shots!~They are all at RandomRequest are open <3 If you request I'll dedicate a chapters for you or two. If you would like a second~I do not Own LOTR :)This is short stories of Middle Earth characters with my OC's.It have no actual order remember to request, comments, reviews.P.S. Cover was made by @__lyly__She is pretty amazing <3Check her out if you have time <3…

Never Ending Supernatural: Short Shots

Never Ending Supernatural: Short Shots

1,123 96 25

Supernatural character's with my own OC.Long or short shots!If requested, I can dedicate you a chapter with you an a SPN character.If requested, I can do reader x various characters <3I do not own Supernatural or its characters.It similar to Never Ending Middle Earth: Short Stories. Enjoy!…

I Fall for a Pirate (On Hold)

I Fall for a Pirate (On Hold)

556 41 17

I am not good for summaries but chapter one has a summary xD okey first all characters had their own way of speaking :3 !!! so it will be funner <3 okey next It's my story own creation plz respect others creativity :3 Comments and reviews are allowed: 3 by my guest. :) concern errors you saw? go ahead let me know <3 mmmmmm...:P anything other I miss? Hope chu like it ty: 3…

The Serial Killers Blogs [Original text story]

The Serial Killers Blogs [Original text story]

80 51 16

A/N: I am still unable to log into my Tap Account, so I took the liberty to brings the stories to my Wattpad Account. This is from Prince Charming Tap story. It's my original story which I dearly enjoy doing. ~~~~~~~~~~Long after now the world went deeper into disaster. What may seem terribly for you in 2017 is a normal day to day in this time of year. The government has no control on the people. The police tries to stay in charge but with 'good men' bodies appearing everywhere they look. All their options are running out.It's 4025. Their first and most important priority it's to catch, Prince Charming. World still looks exactly the same just a tiny bit more fucked up than usual. Are you sure you want to come in?~~~~~~~~~~P.S: This is mostly sick humor in a way and some serious things that shouldn't be taken as a joke. If you are not ready for any of it, please do not read. You need to be 18+ at least. This is a mature book. I change the name Prince Charming to The Serial Killers Blogs. This is my original work.…

Want To See My Drawings?

Want To See My Drawings?

283 37 26

Hello!So. I will drawing Oc. Outfits and all fun stuff that come to me :).P.S: This is my own original work and under no circumstances are you allowed to copy or use it. No!. You can't. That's why I am posting it in Wattpad is has author's right :).:).…

Underground (Original Short Story)

Underground (Original Short Story)

152 22 13

Have you ever felt like you mean to be doing something else? like your life means something more than what everybody else says it is?It's like a beacon of light that never dies out. A pull guiding you the way you are supposed to go. All this years I thought I was crazy. Alliances created with races no one thought existed. Silly humans still making movies of us hating each other. Now times are different Vampires and Werewolf don't hate each other anymore. There is no hidden lie or uncover secret below the surface. Only the truth of two united races, and the love story that can move cities.This is the story of us.…



114 17 6

Want to know who I am Co-Writing with? Who will be next? You will find them here. Each Chapter will be specify who they are, so you can check them out if you want! I would suggest to check all of them out. They are wonderful and amazing writer's. These makes it a tons more perfect.:).Co-Writing books with other writer's will be here. It will be specify in.Book Tittle. Writer's name in Wattpad.(if not their name, who they are).Character.A bit about them (Similar to old GoC book).The introduction will be pass here.Everything more organized in one place.:).If you wish to be part of any Co-Writing book, please enter in this book too. It will keep things more organized.(P.S: The picture is from Recolor app)…

How To Become A Heartbreaker

How To Become A Heartbreaker

115 18 7

[This is my Original Story] Anaret Pride hasn't asked for much in her life. She only wanted friends to be by her side and a family. Everything an Orphan girl in 1934 would wish for. Happiness, love, and destiny await her. Would fate give her what she asks for? or will Anaret's innocence be her undoing?…

Kiwi (Original Work)

Kiwi (Original Work)

66 13 3

Joe McCain is not a normal Junior at Gathical High School. He is not looking for a normal life either. He takes living 'on the edge' by the collar like nothing. He is the son of Greyson McCain, The Alpha of Townsend. The only rule on Townsend "Humans don't know about magical creatures or our existence Let's keep it that way" Let's recap,Joe is 17.He is a Trouble Maker. He is Impatient, cocky, a bit too smart for anyone's safety and sarcastic.Who could crash Joe's perfect fantasy land?Every girl would die for Joe. He is the Alpha's kid. Every werewolf respects him no matter how many times he is irresponsible or late. Let's see how long these can last.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A sound clicks a few steps behind the young girl. A hoodie covers her face, what feels like hundreds of footsteps is only one and the usual security. A dark room with only a tiny shades of the sun. She is used to this treatment. It is a normal Tuesday "Ms. Kiwi, is it?", asks Loel, a four eyed dumbass. She rolls her eyes without responding. They couldn't see her face because she is covered from head to toes. "I'll take your silence as a yes," he starts speaking once again. She looks back to notice that officer she dislikes, Joel. He is that kind of man - you wish to torture and kill. He comes into defenseless girl's rooms. He is disgusting. He made a mistake coming to her room. "Layla Kiwi. 15 years old. You are considered deemed by the government." Loel looks up to notice Layla glaring at Joel. He walks up to a seat in front of Layla, "Anything you have to say?"Layla looks at Loel. She clears her throat. "You are the one with the folder, smartass. You should know", she smiles before Joel pushes her on the table."Not so tough now, Layla." "If you let go, I'll be sure to break something." were the only words out of Layla's lips.…

Should We Tell You a Fable, Wolf? [Book 2]

Should We Tell You a Fable, Wolf? [Book 2]

327 30 11

(This is my Original Wolf Story) - Sequel to Wolf, First Impression [Book 1].I thought it would be easy. I thought that nothing bad would happen. Every story has its lies just told exactly like a fable for your own entertainment. 19-year-old, Karla Corestone will realize the price to get what you are searching for. Life as Miss Corestone knows it is about to change dramatically. She has seen the true color of her former boyfriend, Clifford Gunsolus. Will she be ready to give up on everything or fight to protect does that can't?P.S: It's the exact same cast of Book 1. I'll say the book has mature content, in insults throw between races, and etc.Cover made by @Aphrodite270. Thank you so much for it!…

Twisted Creed

Twisted Creed

3,276 186 34

This is my Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (Personal Fanfiction) I do not own the Assassin's Creed character's "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" - Assassin's Creed. 100 years have the Templar's keep their domain in London. It is time to bring Crawford & his Templar's down, that was the idea, the Frye twins had. Will their plan be interrupted by the new twist of fate? Rosaliana Von Shrieder has returned to London. After a long time of being gone, she has been called to the House of Templars. Will she betray her own beliefs? This is my original fan fiction crossover. I do own my own original characters :D…

Quotes Land

Quotes Land

196 98 60

This is for all my original Quotes use in social media.(If you'll use it, you have to give me credit by either placing my link, asking me or placing my name. Thank you).Asking me would be nice.Social Media:Twitter.Facebook.DeviantArt.Pinterest.These are the social media I am on. I'll be putting links to my profiles.…

Give Them A Chance [Horror Stories]

Give Them A Chance [Horror Stories]

129 17 11

[Original Set of horror stories].This is a set of horror stories with their own small chapters.They don't connect to each other.This is a change for what I usually write. It will have some short shots from OC from other books as some new characters made for this book. I am sure it will be to your liking.…