[Original Series] Marshmalaw.

[Original Series] Marshmalaw.

32 3 1

"Marshmalaw's Estate".My good friend tells me while we walk through luxurious hallways. What I can recall their theme centers in Victorian Era with falling chandeliers from the ceiling. The neutral wall color they pick complements the dark wood frames covering the walls. It shows exquisitely drawn faces of people I have seen around this halls. At the bottom of each frame is the name of each creature as they aren't human. Nobody is human in Marshmalaw's Estate. No surprise there.My good fri- Best Friend of all times, Elha. She has taken into her greatest assignment yet; however, I don't think is necessary as I have made up my mind. She is trying to convince me, but my mind is secure on my target. I walk ahead not noticing Elha stops walking, "Are you sure? You want to do this?", she slowly brings out what has been in her mind. A sigh escapes my lips as she waits for my answer. A deep breath it's all it took for the thoughts to stop."Yes, I am sure. I came this far into the mouth of the lion. I am not going to back down now".Determination. That's all I register in my words. A weep from her pink lips fills the empty hallways. It was a scenery only for us to grasp, "There will be a welcome party today. It's more of a get together of all the families. They are all invited; however, only a few come each year. I am positive the Senterdal Family will attend". A smile lingers on my lips learning this. I shake my head then resume walking, "Elise! Please!". Elha's pleadings stop me in my tracks, "One kiss right?", I calmly ask her as I feel at peace with myself, "Yes, one kiss from them kills you instantly". I resume walking away from the scene while Elha cries increase. I didn't stop. I keep walking as I don't have unfinished business.I, Elise Lin, will kiss a Senterdal. The rumor is if you kiss one of them, you'll die instantly. Let's test that, shall we?…

Followers Choice on Covers.

Followers Choice on Covers.

80 19 11

Hello, guys!The title is self-explanatory. I'll be posting the covers I make here from Original Stories which I will specify to upcoming fanfictions.Under no circumstances, you are to use them. These covers are completely simple. This is a section where you can give out your opinion :). I want to improve my cover making skills :D.so be sure to let me know any opinions, thoughts, etcI'll appreciate it...P.S: Specifying that this my work. I do all these covers, so please have some shame. You can't use this or the description I made of the upcoming chapters. No, I am not giving out consent to use them. They are mine and the ideas that come with it.…

Twisted Creed - Fake Text

Twisted Creed - Fake Text

252 20 10

This is a few text I made with fake text applications.I was wondering... what would it be like if...Jacob Frye.Evie Frye.Henry Green.Rosaliana Von Shrieder.Rose.Layla.Claara, and some others.Would be like texting each other?Let's find out, shall we?P.S: I would post my own text I created. Also, I would accept others and post it here if its send to me. I would tag your name on it if not then let's proceed. You can request of the text you want to see more.…

Wolf, First Impression. [Book 1]

Wolf, First Impression. [Book 1]

1,186 174 41

(This is my Original Wolf Story)She is from a high class family, in their blood is the power of the most powerful sorcerers; however, inside her heart she doesn't want this anymore. He became a lone wolf by choice. Even though, he has a pack of his own. He rejects the idea of it. Richard Kennedy, denies the power path upon him, he searches for another path. He doesn't want to follow his ancestors path or keep his reign in the pack, college or town. He is giving it all up to be a lone wolf... but can you truly escape destiny?Karla Corestone, embraces her destiny, she knows she has no other way. She is send to a town in Portland, Oregon. The Town is control by the Kennedy family, they have control this city by generations, she was send to open the wolf to the idea of expanding to other races.... that isn't as easy as it sounds... does it?…

Tag, Now You're IT

Tag, Now You're IT

128 29 6

This is a book for tags, yeah.Basically, if I get tag. I will be posting the answers here then tag people.This one will be for fun, and it will be an everyday thing.Have a wonderful time reading through. If you want, you can do this on your own.P.S: Even if I tag you don't feel the pleasure of doing them. This is only for fun and to have a great time.…

Clear Thoughts

Clear Thoughts

490 114 44

My own thoughts, emotions and poems <3If you like to use them ask me. I'm not good at people who steal other's stuff!I have publish most of this stuff, on my tumblr or Deviant Art, or my facebook.I love you all <3P.S: If I use my own drawings, I'll let you know ,3. Plus, obviously if I use the picture/image of another creator. I will let you know too <3…

Middle Earth (R/I): Understanding You..

Middle Earth (R/I): Understanding You..

740 37 12

This is a Lord Elrond x Reader (You)Story's Summary:Long ago all the kingdoms made a treaty to stay without trouble. IF any one of the kingdom's need help the treaty propose to be there for that kingdom. The treaty explains to be redo every so many years to enrich every kingdom equally that is why the Humanoids have to be there.This treaty sign was decided to be made in King's Thranduil Elven Kingdom with the help of Lord Elrond, King Aragorn, King Thorin of the Lonely mountain and his wife Teresa (OC), Gandalf ( He is not a King, but he is present), The people of the Shrine, Humans from dale & that guy that still believes he is a King, plus other races.All the races all welcome in the Elven kingdom to the dismay of the King. End Summary <3I try my best on this one <3When I add my own drawing, I will let you know or you can see because it had my signature!Have a nice day & Thank you for your time :D -Beware-There are a few swearing & violence in this story as there are fighting scenes and so on. If you are afraid of spiders read with caution. I do not own Lord Elrond, Middle Earth or any of the LORT & The Hobbit characters use in this Reader insert.Enjoy!!…

I Can't Forget You

I Can't Forget You

101 15 5

The Plot & Tittle is mine <3The City / town use is mine. I do not own Fili or Kili lolThis is a special request from @bluelipstick12She requested for a Fili x @bluelipstick12 fan fiction.Let's see if snow really grows on trees <3Story's Summary:Sonny is a young girl (17 year's old). Let me specify, She is a young magician that happens not be like by her Mentor. Will she be able to fix things up before next few month?…