Sugar Sugar Rune 2 : The Return of The Orges

Sugar Sugar Rune 2 : The Return of The Orges

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Far away, through the moon door which no one knew about except for the witches and orges, there lived a kingdom. The Magical World. Where witches and orges lived despising each other. 2 years ago, Vanilla Mieux was chosen to be the new queen of the Magical World instead of her best friend, Chocolat Meilluere. Thinking Chocolat would be a better queen, she passed her throne on to her. Chocolat would have been a better queen if she wasn't so lazy. So Queen Candy, Vanilla's mother, suggested for Vanilla and her to go back to the Human World to learn more and earn hearts. She has been improving a lot with a bit of help from Vanilla and Pierre, her boyfriend. Yes, he is a witch too. Suddenly, something broke them away. Two transfer students. Mint and Berry. Twins. Berry has been trying to steal Chocolat away from Pierre. Whereas Mint is flirting away with Pierre. They suspect that they're orges who were sent to spy on them. Or worse, Glacé had returned. Glacé is the leader of the orges. Very powerful. Soon, Chocolat and Pierre start to argue. They switched their hearts back. Black hearts appear more and more around the school. Noir power has become stronger. Although none of the orges has bothered their kingdom, they knew..... Glacé is back. You might not know what some of the things mean. But you will understand later on in the story.…