722 59 7

Come join us this December to earn prizes and have fun with your friends at our ADVENT CALEDAR EVENT!…

Revenge of the White Wolves || OPEN Wolf RP ||

Revenge of the White Wolves || OPEN Wolf RP ||

1,744 83 10

Long ago, the five wolf packs of the Crucible Valley lived together as one. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Lightning lived together as equals. Unfortunately, this was not meant to last. The Pack of Water tried to make itself supreme amongst the packs, claiming that the Gods had given divine right to rule. An alliance of all four packs pushed them back... but at a cost.The Pack of Lightning has made itself the leaders of the valley. They claimed this was to unite and defend the packs in case the Pack of Water ever returned, but 100 cycles(years) later, it's clear this was just an excuse to rule over all other packs. Now the Pack of Lightning has grown complacent as a sinister plot is spreading in the High Alpha's court. Meanwhile, the other packs fight over the scraps of territory and prey that remain. Worse yet, a new danger arises in the far north. The Pack of Water, reborn as the Pack of Ice, seeks to return to Crucible valley. Hardened by the severe cold, their wolves are stronger than ever. Their mysterious leader, a white wolf with blue eyes, is on the march to conquer what he sees as rightfully his. Will you guide your pack to glory, or will succumb to the revenge of the white wolves?The content and main ideas of this roleplay belong to @SecretsoftheStarz. They gave us permission to revamp the roleplay again so more people can enjoy it.…