If Her Majesty Pleases

If Her Majesty Pleases

8 1 1

Alsparex has always been peacefully ruled by a Flaen who was protected and guided by their wolf-borne companions. This relationship was no different with Kara Manacelle who took pride as she protected her Princess Eileen. But when feathery beasts attacked Alsparex and killed the king, Kara realizes that she has to do more than just protect her princess, she needs to reclaim their kingdom.__________________________________________________Thanks to @WishingStar01 for help with the description!Cover by me.…



38 4 2

They may try to say we are wrong, to crush our spirits. But it will take more than that to break us. We will rise from the ashes, stronger than before. Because we are human, and we deserve respect.We deserve to live.___________________________LGBT+ Positive poemsCover by @ALLCAPSFELIX…

Baby, Come Home

Baby, Come Home

120 7 4

Lyra Scott is counting down the days until her high-school graduation. She has plans for the future, big plans. And all of them include her girlfriend Becca Mason. They have been together since freshman year and didn't plan for their relationship to end anytime soon. They were going to move in together, they were already looking at apartments in Boston.And then Becca goes missing. Not only does she go missing, every record of her existence disappears as well. Even memories. Except Lyra's. No one remembers Becca, even her own parents. The police find no record of Becca's existence so they tell Lyra to stop making a nuisance of herself. Becca's parents tell Lyra she's crazy. She knows Becca wasn't a figment of her imagination. She just has to find her.Cover by @leichter…

Me To You

Me To You

183 13 6

Sometimes a story just has to be told, even if it's not very long. This is a book for my short stories (which one day may be turned into a full length novel) I hope you enjoy the things my brain spew through the keyboard! ~Copyright 2015~…



114 11 3

This is my book of short stories that are written for the contests written on the Wattpad Romance profile (in there story titled Contests) and I hope you all enjoy!…