

355 58 18

Random Stuff That I Feel Like Saying ... And Stuff...~ Crystal Out >.<…



138 23 7

This Is A Book Of Extremly Strange And Stupid Words That Me And Ma Friends Make Up XD…

Girl Code

Girl Code

77 8 4

Ok Peoplez, Here We Go, This Is A Book To Help Guys Understand Girls And To Help Ultra Freaky Robot Girls Stop Being So Defective, And Just So You Guys Know By Writing This I Am Disobaying The Number One Rule Of Girl Code 'Don't Tell Guys About Girl Code'Well Its A Bit Late For That, Oh Well... Never Mind.…

My World

My World

42 7 2

This Is Where I Am Goin' To Put All The Starts Of My Stories, You See... I Start A Story And Then I Never Finish It So All I'm Goin' To Do Is Put The Part Her.Also If You Want To Take Any Of These For A Story Then You Can, You Don't Have To Put Any Of That Copyrighting Crap Cuz It Doesn't Matter, But If You Do Use Any Plz Tell Me Cuz I Shall Read Them.^.^~Crystal <3…

Shipzez 2.0

Shipzez 2.0

6 2 1

This Is Going To Be My Second Ship Book, Where I Will Review And Write About Ships I Have Come Across And My Opinion On Them…



8,579 553 100

All Them Shipz >..<~ Peoplez…