Fractured Crown (Book 1: Terra)

Fractured Crown (Book 1: Terra)

114 0 41

In a war-ridden world where power and love drive people to kill and betray one another, simple orphan girl Iris must learn to suddenly navigate a life of responsibility while quickly learning the dirty secrets of war. The seventeen-year-old must learn to grow up fast as the lives of her people are placed in her hands, a prophecy pushing her towards reconciling with her sisters. 'Only once the four royal sisters reunite, will the Kingdom of Caedus overcome this blight', yet ceasing the war isn't as easy as she suspects. She must first find her youngest sibling, Raena, princess of Lympha and a remarkable huntress who has been hiding deep in the Dark Forest. However, Raena has her own nightmarish demon chasing her. All the while, Iris faces another dilemma: Caedus's most lethal assassin has arrived to claim her head as prize, and worse - the assassin, is her elder sister.…



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"Let's face it, Joker. Before you came, Gotham was a wreck. Not even Batman could stop all that corruption. But suddenly you come along, and criminals don't dare cross your path. Makes you wonder who the real Dark Knight is in Gotham."When Lex Luther threatens the Joker, things start to get a little... heated. How much does Lex know about the Joker? And who is the Joker really?Batman vs. Superman. Joker vs. Lex Luther. Discover the truth about the Joker in just 800 words.* Credit for book cover goes to @LlynWildr *…



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DECEPTION"Audrey... soon everything will change."Audrey Litt was an average teenage girl. That is until new-boy Mark arrived. Then everything changed, just like the mysterious hooded man said it would.With assassins in hot pursuit, Audrey must now accept her new life as a thief. Her mission? Locate the crates of missing gold worth millions.As if that weren't enough, Audrey soon finds herself stuck in a love triangle. Will she pick the protective new-boy, Mark or the devilish and mysterious Kol, who knows more than he lets on? And where is this gold the assassins are so eager to get their hands on? Why are they after it? But most importantly, can she get there fast enough?So many questions, so little time. Audrey races against the clock as little-by-little she uncovers lie after lie, each worse than the last, and Audrey soon realises that some secrets, are better left buried.TRAILER:!CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING!-started 27 November 2015-…