Let the Distant Stars Guide You (Pokémon Xenoverse Fanfiction)

Let the Distant Stars Guide You (Pokémon Xenoverse Fanfiction)

19 0 2

I haven't seen any of these, since 'Xenoverse' tends to lead to Dragonball. So, I decided to make one. I'll update Uprising later, and some of my others, but don't expect anything quick.I don't have an actual summary yet, but I will update this once I get one. To tide you over, I'll give you the first few chapters.The Mature rating is because there is cursing later, and a lot of it. Also, a brief depiction of blood.If the Team wants me to take this down, I will. This is mostly just for my enjoyment, and I decided to share it with you all.…

Uprising (Pokémon Insurgence Fanfiction) - DISCONTINUED

Uprising (Pokémon Insurgence Fanfiction) - DISCONTINUED

848 3 6

Running...Running...Running...But... from what?A shadow... is loomingIt gets longer as I runI'm... in danger?But... from what?I'm... forgetting... something...Something... important?But... what?Who... am I?Why... can't I remember anything?...My... name?...It's ---...Who... are you?…



48 0 9

Shit that happens or crap from my brain…

Dimensional Door (Boku no Hero Academia)

Dimensional Door (Boku no Hero Academia)

29 3 1

Alanni Sinclair, Releena Sinclair, Katsuki Bakugou, and Izuku Midoriya. Four friends that were closer than anyone could ever imagine. But, like all good things, it came to an end. By the death of one Releena Sinclair.…

Misfits Come Together, Always (Young Justice)

Misfits Come Together, Always (Young Justice)

17 1 1

Heroes from multiple dimensions come together as one team, under the guidance of a figure wrapped in shadows. Their goal? Protect other versions of them, so that they don't suffer the same fate. Their executive board is filled with members like them; the people up high who decide what the team on Earth can and cannot change according to the Loom of Timelines in that dimension. How will this end for the team? What are they going to change? What will stay the same according to the Loom? Who is the figure wrapped in shadows? Read the damned story to find out!!…


9 1 1

This is a story that my younger brother wrote for an assignment. Feed back is appreciated…

Sky (KHR Fanfic)

Sky (KHR Fanfic)

432 22 15

Being re-writtenOk, I will continue this, but it will be a little hard. The rewritten version will have a different name, because it basically is different from this story. And I've forgotten the summary for this, so sorry.…

One-shots that may or may not be connected

One-shots that may or may not be connected

262 3 28

So, I've gotten into making one-shots. I've mostly done them at school, bored out of my mind and I get inspiration for writing something by looking at pics. All of the pics in here do not belong to me. If they did, which they don't, I'd have more confidence in my drawing ability. I'll also take requests. You can post a comment anywhere in the book if you've got an idea, or PM me. I'll take anything that I can get. No lemons though. I doubt that I could write a decent quality lemon. Fluff is easy though.…

Random Stuff, like tags and things in my life

Random Stuff, like tags and things in my life

875 51 71

Exactly like what the title says. I will also mainly be doing this on my phone so, typos and grammar errors may occur.I may also add little stories that I type on my phone and/or chrome book because I'm bored and need to move my fingers. They may be cannon to stories I write, so I will type them in the story.…

Shadows of Night (Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan Fanfic)

Shadows of Night (Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan Fanfic)

165 7 2

Description: Rika Nura is the twin sister of Rikuo Nura, the Third Heir of the Nura Clan. Rika is just like her brother, one-fourth yokai and three-fourths human. She also has, issues, with her Yokai side. It hasn't exactly, awakened, like Rikuo's. Instead, her blood feels like it is boiling at night and she feels hot. It's hard for her to get a good night's sleep. So, she goes out to the sakura tree outside her and her brother's room. It calms her. But, is that all that ails her?Disclaimer: I don't own Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan or the plot of the main story, I only own my character and some plot that isn't from the anime or manga. I use a wiki because of laziness, but will also use the manga and anime. I don't remember the name of the owner of this particular anime/manga. May contain some OOCness. Some colorful language may be said by Rika. You have been warned.…

Stuff based on songs

Stuff based on songs

11 0 3

This is just something that I decided to do. It will let me have a creative outlet, when not doing fanfics. I'll take requests, but if it is something that I haven't heard before, it will take a while if I choose to use it. Leave a comment on one of the parts, or just pm me.Also, may use OC's and other characters.I don't own any of these songs, only the ideas that are typed in this book.…

Poke (Pokemon Fanfic)

Poke (Pokemon Fanfic)

50 1 2

Description: Will come up with one in the futureAlso, title may be subject to change, it was all that I could come up with. You can comment in the story a different name if you'd like.Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, only my characters. I may include Ash and co., and even then I don't own them. If I did, why would I be doing this and having weird dreams from watching movies. This was all based on a dream I had when I was younger and watched Pokemon Heroes.…

Pitch and Pearl (Danny Phantom AU Fanfic)

Pitch and Pearl (Danny Phantom AU Fanfic)

438 15 2

Description: Pitch, a young merman with raven black hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin, white scales, and black fins with white edging them. Pearl, a young merman with snowy white hair, toxic green eyes, tan skin, black scales, and white fins with black edging them. They are brothers, twins in fact. They also have a problem. They are the only male sirens, and have a duty. A duty that the other mermaids and mermen scoff at. They need to protect everyone in the sea. No one knows why, but they know.The human world is a dangerous place for mermaids and mermen. The human world holds unknown terrors for the sea people. Not all humans are hostile towards the sea people, but that is a small few. The humans jump at the chance to harm the sea people. But two humans, a princess that hates the royal life and a boy who is the princess' only true friend, find the young mermen hurt one day.What is in store for these four, no one knows. But then again, why am I asking a pointless and stupid question? I don't know, but please enjoy finding out.Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom, or this alternate universe. I know that the description sucked, but I didn't know what else to do. I'll change it as time goes on, and so will the title. Please feel free to comment different ideas for the title of this book. I had trouble coming up with this small description, and even more trouble coming up with a plot for this. I got this idea after reading, like, two fanfics that had Mer-Danny. I also gained an idea from a fanfic that had a male siren in it. Please enjoy, stay creative and unique. It's what make you, you after all!P.S. If you can tell who Pitch and Pearl are without me putting up a fan art someone made, congrats!…

Dragon Princess (HTTYD Fanfic)

Dragon Princess (HTTYD Fanfic)

166 4 2

Description: Yona is a young girl with auburn hair and forest green eyes. She has lived with the dragons since she was five. She remembers her human family, but wonders if she will ever see them again. One day she gets captured by Alvin and is told to train the Outcasts Dragons, along with Hiccup. Secrets are revealed, family is found, and new friends are made. Will Yona's past be revealed? And what are the new dragons that Yona and her dragon, Phantasmia, seem to know?Disclaimer: I don't own How to Train Your Dragon or any of the characters in here, I only own Yona and Phantasmia.…

Dragon of the Leaf (Naruto Fanfic)

Dragon of the Leaf (Naruto Fanfic)

829 21 4

Description: Posiedra Fyre is an orphan, just like her 'brother'/best friends since forever, Naruto Uzumaki. She knows that Naruto had parents, and who they were. But, she doesn't remember her family, or if she even had one! She is a smart girl for her age and is probably smarter than a certain Uchiha. She has a sort of, unique, being sealed inside of her. That being is the twin of the Nine-tailed Fox, the tailed Dragon. No one quite knows how many tails the Dragon has. Most assume nine, because twin of the Nine-tails and all. But no one really knows, except the Dragon's host.Join Posiedra as she makes friends with the tailed-beasts with Naruto, is an ANBU for fun (and to protect Naruto), messes with the Chuunin exams, takes stupid missions for 'undercover' work from the Hokage, and get the f*ck away from the Akatsuki and protect the other Jinchuriki. Will she succeed? Or will she fall into the Akatsuki's hands? Read to find out!Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the plot, just my character and my form of the plot. Sorry if the description sucks. Also, colorful language will be spilled. Forewarning. I will also try to censor the words to the best of my ability. English is my first language. May use a wiki for the plot, or the anime, or both. Some OOCness may occur.…

A Sky Filled With Hope (Original Story)

A Sky Filled With Hope (Original Story)

10 1 2

Description: A normal day for Sora Hope consists of getting slapped, kicked, punched, kneed, hopefully getting food (that she makes), wishing for peace, and hiding her intelligence from her parents (because they would only get angrier if their child was smarter than them. Pfft). She has been tortured since she was five. Friggan FIVE YEARS OLD!!!!! Her parents are abusive, especially when they come home angry and drunk. She deals with it everyday, wishing for the peaceful times to return.She doesn't know the reason why her parents were so abusive, but whenever she asks, she gets the same reply: 'You aren't our child. Just a stress reviler.' She cooks everything, knows a lot for her age, gets bullied almost everyday aside from her parent's torture, doesn't have any friends, has become mute (except when spoken to by someone in public, mute with her parents and people in general), and doesn't know what to do with life.But one day, one person changes everything. Or should I say, two people changed her life. They helped her find her voice, stand up to her parents and bullies, and finally make some friends. But, there is a secret about the two that they keep from the girl until the end. What is the secret you may ask. Sorry, but it isn't my place to tell. "Hello there. I'm Ro, short for Roxas. Nice to meet you." "And I'm So, short for Sola. It's a pleasure to meet you." "I forgot to ask. What's your name?" "Oh, Sora. That means sky right?" "But it could also mean empty, can't it?"Disclaimer: My first original story on WattPad. I own the characters and plot. I may use some ideas and terms from different anime. If you can identify the anime, congrats to you! All rights for the anime go to their appropriate anime creators.…

A Second Chance to Start Anew (Danny Phantom/Young Justice Crossover Fanfic)

A Second Chance to Start Anew (Danny Phantom/Young Justice Crossover Fanfic)

3,301 83 6

Description: Danny and Sora Fenton are twins, have saved the world countless times, and what do they get for their services? Getting captured by the GIW and see their family and friends killed in front of them. They are experimented on day and night. But one day, a group of superheroes comes and saves them, but a certain birdy has a feeling that he knows the two escapees. What will they do to preserve their secret from the heroes and how will they react to see that they still have family?! Read to find out. (Sorry if the summary sucks)Disclaimer: I don't own DP or YJ, that right belongs to their respective owners. I only own my character(s) and this story. Takes place after Phantom Planet for Danny and Sora (world doesn't know the halfas secret, but parents do) and immediately after Drop-Zone for Robin and co. I changed the ages and times a bit. English is my first language. If there is any misspelled words in another language, it's because I copied and pasted from Google translate. Also, may contain some colorful language and OOCness. You've been warned.…

A New Guardian? Or an Old Friend? (Rise of the Guardians Fanfic)

A New Guardian? Or an Old Friend? (Rise of the Guardians Fanfic)

24 3 1

Description: The Guardians gets a message from Manny about how a new potential Guardian was in trouble. They didn't know where this Guardian was, but they could all feel that there was fear surrounding this Guardian. When they find this Guardian, they are all shocked. How, you may ask? That isn't for me to tell. This is the story of Guardian who is new and old. Meet Nyx Luminoso, a Spirit of many things, but the Guardian of Balance.Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, I only own my character and this story. May contain some colorful language and OOCness. I think that I may add a crossover or two towards or at the end like bonuses, because why not.…

Blue (Sonic X Fanfiction)

Blue (Sonic X Fanfiction)

113 4 2

Description: Sonic has a twin sister that he hasn't seen in a long time, and one day she comes back. But just not how the two of them thought they would meet. I know that this is bad. i'll change it later.Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic X or any of it's characters. All of that belongs to SEGA. I do own Shock or Sha.Shock a.k.a. Sha. Blue fur and peach front, arms, and muzzle like Sonic. Has similar emerald green eyes. Her spikes, or rather, quills(?) are more down, like hair. She has blue and white shoes with gold buckles and white socks. She wears dark blue shorts, a matching dark blue jacket with detachable sleeves, a white crop top, and white gloves.(Just a quick description of Shock)…

Night of a New Dawn (Tenkai Knights Fanfic)

Night of a New Dawn (Tenkai Knights Fanfic)

184 0 5

Posiedra Fyre is a unique young girl. Why you may ask? She went into a coma for a year with no known explanation. The only one who knows (partially) is Posiedra herself. After she moves to her new home in Benham City, she begins to meet new friends and tries to end the 'visions' she gets, which are actual events happening on Quarton!! Disclaimer: I don't own Tenkai Knights, I don't know who though. I DO own the characters and story line. P.S. I needed a break from one of my other stories due to writers block and I had this idea in my head for this book for a while.…