The Truth, Or Not  Book 3 (Fairy Tail Fanfic) (ON HOLD)

The Truth, Or Not Book 3 (Fairy Tail Fanfic) (ON HOLD)

22 0 5

It's been a couple years, and no one has seen or heard from Sora. It's near the time for the S-class trials, and master wanted her to participate. Galaxia, Kaen, Yuki, Kaze and Chikyu are going to participate, but don't want to feel in a higher position than their missing friend. But then, a mysterious figure appears covered in a cloak, warning them of impending danger to befall them during the trials. Who could this person be? And why do they seem to talk in three voices? Will the truth be revealed? Or will lies still be said until the time for the truth to be revealed comes?Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail (someone else does but I forget the name), only the characters that I make.…

To you after 400 years  Book 2 (Fairy Tail Fanfic) (COMPLETE)

To you after 400 years Book 2 (Fairy Tail Fanfic) (COMPLETE)

70 0 13

It has been 400 years after Sora learned of her destiny and some shocking revelations. She will soon have to find the others, but it isn't as simple as it sounds. She has to wrangle in the use of a new power, some hatch-lings who won't leave her alone, and a new discovery from her best friend. What will happen to Sora, read to find out more.Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, some one else does (Don't remember the person's name). I only own the characters I make. Meaning the main character, her dragons, and her exceed. Hope you enjoy.P.S. Read Galaxy Heart and Eclipse Soul first. Then this should make more sense.…

Galaxy Heart and Eclipse Soul Book 1 (Fairy Tail Fanfic) (COMPLETE)

Galaxy Heart and Eclipse Soul Book 1 (Fairy Tail Fanfic) (COMPLETE)

210 15 15

This is the origin story of Sora Nova. She is a Dragon Slayer that knows two different types of Dragon Slayer Magic. She has a near-death experience with a certain man who appears later in her life. She also will learn about a prophecy about herself that will change her life for good.Book 1 in this series (Don't know how many books there will be, but they will all have to do with Sora and her journey to discover her DESTINY)(I'm sorry with the description. This is my first story on here and I am sorry if the story's chapters seem long.)Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. Someone else does (don't know the name). I only own the characters that I make up.…