

4 0 1

This is just a journal of mine that I made/am currently making at the moment (for my creative writing class).…

Max Went Missing

Max Went Missing

190 24 9

During the summer of 1985, in the town of Checkerberry, Maryland, Maxine Anderson is an eleven-year-old girl spending the summer with her uncle. Her boring visit begins to look up when she meets her first friend in the town: the popular Max Partridge. He goes missing a month later.As the world forgets Max, coming up with excuses that range from kidnappings to murders, a group of four children realizes that something still doesn't add up...And that's when they figure out the truth.They must convince the world that there's such a thing as monsters.***Follow a total of six summers with Maxine and her friends, and watch them grow up during the summertime of the 1980's.***[UNEDTIED!! Get it? Because... irony? Sorry- that was dry]…



68 34 15

The wrong place.The wrong time.The wrong way to die.***Population control has become a tradition in the small town of Ahern, California- a horrible one, but a tradition nonetheless. Anyone over the age of 80 disappears. The disabled and handicapped cease to exist. The number of people ages 18 and under decreases by ten each year. In a sort of game called "The Competition," ten kids, typically thought to be delinquents, are chosen to be shot on sight. It has transformed from an essential element for survival into a sadistic game, in which children are chased down like they're wild animals. They have all but ten minutes to pack and run... as for curfew, anyone found outside the borders after 7:30 pm are to be shot at will. They lose each right as a human once their names are announced on the news.The game is normally over within the matter of seconds...But what happens when these ten kids find out about their draft before they're supposed to? When the children thought to be "delinquents" happen to be the smartest kids in the town?When, for the first time in years, there's hope?***A work in progress.…

Writing Tips From a High Schooler

Writing Tips From a High Schooler

44 15 5

Hello, there! That entrance was a little cliche, but that's alright. This book is a collection of tips that I have in order to keep writing throughout high school. Of course, while the content focuses on high school, I suppose that it can be applied in a variety of ways throughout life... so what are you waiting for? Go ahead and open this up!…

Religious Help - In the Eyes of an Awkward Teen

Religious Help - In the Eyes of an Awkward Teen

404 62 22

Hey! This book is full of some advice for some teens (like myself) who are aspiring to become a better Catholic/Christian and stuff. Or if you're thinking of coming into the Church. Feel free to ask any questions, and I'm also here to talk with you guys! Fire away!This also has some daily devotions and stuff, so if you're into that stuffs... well, yeah!Highest Ranking : #308 in Spiritual (7/22/17)Other Rankings : - #634 (7/21/17)- #694 (7/20/17)…

Try Me

Try Me

41 6 1

Emma Price is what you'd call a late bloomer. Take her during her senior year of high school; an awkward, education-driven teenager with no social life whatsoever. School and work has prevented her from letting herself out into the world, and when a twinge of audaciousness runs through her, she is shot to death on Christmas Eve. Upon her deathbed, her final wish is to know who had killed her.Fast-forward to six years later. Her murder case goes cold. However, when a new rehabilitation center- the R.O.M.- opens, she is granted a second chance at life... but for only three days. Within this amount of time, she's granted her final opportunity to solve her case, make amends, and tell her story.…

Random Graphics!

Random Graphics!

594 64 19

Haha, when I get bored I work on random books (that I never get inspired to finish anymore D:) and make random covers. The collection of mwah's graphics is all in here!…

The Treehouse Series : Book One

The Treehouse Series : Book One

52 10 1

Avalon Winters is living an exceptionally perplexed life- at least, much more convoluted than what meets the human eye. To the world, she is an angelic and naïve adolescent, constantly hidden from society because she's simply 'too fragile' for it. However, for those wise enough to crack through her timid façade, can see how much of truly peculiar life she's leading... And the few who have solved her life's puzzle aren't quite as regular as they say.***(Description still in editing; beautiful graphic by @Aphrodite270.)…

The Dragon in My Attic {ON HOLD}

The Dragon in My Attic {ON HOLD}

220 41 9

Mildred is your 'normal' teen. A handful of friends, good grades, and attending a good school, and a dragon living in her attic... Wait, what?…

My Life!

My Life!

995 106 42

If you wanna know everything about me, be my guest! Someone has to know at some point!With love, ~.3. Howard…

Mortem Academy : Mercy Period

Mortem Academy : Mercy Period

40 6 1

(In progress)…

The Dream Walker

The Dream Walker

11 4 1

"Please, wake up before you hit the ground!"<><><>Meet Ambrosia Atwood- a kind, intelligent little girl who lives in the quiet town of Quinn Bay.However, even at only ten years old, her life has unpredictably spun off-road and taken a turn for the worse. A missing stepsister-to-be, hatred toward what's left of her family, and a dying cat all in one day would make it an obvious living nightmare. And unfortunately, a frail little girl like her has to face that nightmare all by herself.Eventually, in a fit of tears and sobs, she finds herself wandering into a forest, in hopes she can find a way to cope with her emotions... But she definitely grabs more than she bargains for.…

Winter Storm

Winter Storm

46 10 3

"Where I'm from, being average is, by itself, a tragedy."<><><>Meet Winter-- your blatantly normal teenager. Hating school and loving Netflix, she's so ordinary that her biggest talent is making a taco shape with her tongue.Unfortunately, everyone else around her is extraordinary; amazing. At ten years old a mark appears on their wrist, normally a simple word or a word phrase. Some people had things as cliché as "love" and others random like "bouncy ball." Whatever it was, whether or not it made sense, an ability related to it was assigned to the person...But not Winter. At sixteen her mark still hasn't appeared yet, and suspicions of being a 'regular' soars sky high.So what exactly is a 'regular?' It's all in the name. A regular person with no mark, no ability, no nothing. If she is one, it means that Winter's just there without a literal purpose or meaning...Or so she thought.One day she realizes how important of a role she plays in the game of life, and how the fragile fabric of reality rests at her hands. One tiny little tear, one frayed end, one removed thread-- everything as we know it collapses in on itself.In fact, her entire purpose is to mend the few broken shards of life and to return the evil that seeps through the tiny cracks.The funny thing is, if she weren't created the way she was, it would be impossible for her to stand a chance in winning the game of life.…

Being Lucky : Book One (#OnceUponNow)

Being Lucky : Book One (#OnceUponNow)

133 38 7

A girl named Lucky Everette is thirteen years old and is living a pretty normal life... At least, by her own standards. She's in a quiet home, nearly friendless, and, ironic to her name, the most unlucky person you'll ever meet. For example-- at the beach? You end up with a bit of sand in your lungs. New school? You accidentally get whacked in the face by a four-pound textbook. Away from home? Someone broke in, stole mom, and held her hostage until you reverse some kind of spell thingy. Unfortunately, all three of the above has happened to Lucky. On an extremely odd day, she realized that she had been cursed as a child and she must reverse the spell before something unknown and terrible happens. The problem is, it's the 21st century-- and Lucky has to get her hands on all the help she can get before it's too late. As you most likely guessed, nearly impossible. However, if she manages to do whatever she can and complete the prophecy in time, she just might be able to change her life-- for good.A/N : Thanks for reading through the description (a lot of people skip it, lol) If you like my book (which I know you will-- jk) make sure to vote from June 14th to June 21st!…

My Mind + My Dreams = This Book

My Mind + My Dreams = This Book

318 57 21

Here's a fun fact: You're reading this text right now. So you're also reading that, if your wondering, I have a mind and dreams. THUS THIS BOOK HAS COME INTO EXISTENCE…