

221 8 2

COVER IS NOT MINE!! I found it off of Google. But I will be making one sometime soon once I find a name for the book.I'll add more to this part soon, but I hope you enjoy the FivexReader I made!…

A Newsie Fanfic

A Newsie Fanfic

1,025 16 15

Spot Conlon is the King of Brooklyn, feared by all Newsies in New York. But what the other newsboys don't know until the strike, is that tough Spot Conlon has a little sister, Stella Conlon. Stella is to be feared just like Spot, but with her sweet heart, she starts to fall for a certain Manhattan newsboy: Jack Kelly. Her heart is shattered when she finds out that he loves the news reporter, Katherine Plumber, the daughter of Joe Pulitzer. But what happens when she confesses her love to Jack days after the strike has been won? What happens when Jack starts to go after Stella, but she won't listen?I don't own Newsies, or the characters! The only think I own is my OC Stella Conlon, and the changes of the story!…

My Random Book

My Random Book

22 1 2

Just something for you guys to get to know me.…



473 13 6

Poe Dameron is the Resistance's head pilot. He's very daring and sarcastic. But what is he going to do while Poe and Rose are off finding a master code breaker half way across the galaxy, and Rey is trying to get Luke come back? And what about Leia, as she is unconscious and some purple haired lady is in charge, making decisions Poe would never agree with? But then we have General Hux in the First Order. He's constantly with Kylo Ren, his leader, following his orders, always seeming stuck up and harsh with everyone. He isn't one to joke around or soften up with anyone. If anything, he's the one to capture people from the Resistance.What will happen when the two meet face to face? Who will turn? Or will they keep everything a secret?…